Author Topic: Realistic Soldat Scene Announcement!  (Read 5754 times)

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Realistic Soldat Scene Announcement!
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:16:58 pm », the new home of Realistic Soldat!figures...

Realistic scene had several twists recently, so i feel like we need to sort a few things out. We had started RealisticUnited initiative few months ago, but due to various factors it was difficult to mantain it with the proper spirit (sudden forced inactivity, technical difficulties, bad timing etc.). As some of you know Leo is back along with his LRS servers. This gives us the perfect opportunity to combine our powers and create the community that has it all.
Welcome to LRS 2.0 - now known as RealisticSoldat! Has it all, as in what exactly? Obviously all the goodies that LRS provided throughout the years - good quality servers, statistics, community page, IRC channel(#lrs) with its gather bot (soon to come). The addition to all that will be various Events (Leagues, Cups, Mini-Cups etc.) to spice things up a bit and convince you to get into the community as actively as possible! Also this community will, hopefully, be now home to all realistic-related gamemodes, and that means the popular R/S CS as well!

Talking about Events - we don't approach you with empty hands, we want to start off with a proper tournament! And so, we'd like to invite you to...

DeathMatch Champions League!

This tournament is something you've never seen in Soldat before! Participants will firstly play in Group Stage, divided into Groups to play all-vs-all matches, followed by Playoffs stage for the top players from each Group. What's new is that you will not have to attend every match to win! There will be a number of matches during the Group Stage, but only 3 of your best performances will be taken into account when the Group Stage ends! For more details read the Rules (Click It!), and to participate (no way back after reading all this!) read How to Sign Up (Click It!). Sign Ups are open and will close at the end of Sunday (9.02.2014). The group stage will last 1 week.

Also, feel free to PM me if you are willing to be an admin of the tournament or future projects.
We are also looking for someone good at coding to help us with the technicalities of running a webpage, servers and/or a gather bot, and someone with graphic skills to create logos and images for forum.

Register, play, PARTICIPATE all of you realistic soldat junkiesenthusiasts!

Link to original post by Mittsu: CLICK!
"My senses are so powerful that I can hear the blood pumping through your veins."

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Re: Realistic Soldat Scene Announcement!
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 02:06:23 pm »
Go go, register to play a DM cup!
<+elerok> soldat is dead
<+AThousandD> shit happens

Offline Irlandec

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Re: Realistic Soldat Scene Announcement!
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 02:21:02 am »
Guess I should take a look as well as try to participate, but I don't expect much from my side :D