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Quote from: Akinaro on February 27, 2014, 02:53:55 amjust save it as a "Pascal Source file" or select from the list "All type" and after name of your script put .pasI put pas and and it just saved as normal notepad file .txt and when I run it it opens in notepad ;/when I save it with name.bath it runs but closes although it shouldnt, should wait for click, right?:Uses CRT;Const haslo='Pascal';Var wprowadz:String; petla:byte;Begin REPEAT ClrScr; GotoXY(31,12); Write('Podaj haslo : '); ReadLn(wprowadz); IF petla=4 THEN REPEAT ClrScr; GotoXY(31,12); Write('Access Denied !'); Sound(3160); Delay(500); Sound(3190); Delay(500); UNTIL 1=2; petla:=petla+1; UNTIL wprowadz=haslo; { Haslo poprawne, dalsza część programu }End.
just save it as a "Pascal Source file" or select from the list "All type" and after name of your script put .pas