I am running a server for custom soldat maps here now. (
currently offline)
There are currently
no scripts installed on that server and I guess I will not add any scripts to it in the future.
I also wanted to add the remake of ctf_Ash by Akinaro but there were no scenerie files in his download zip.
IP: (na.dar-Dar.de)
Port: 32074gamestyle: CTF
Password: no pass
Server Location: U.S.A - Chicago
Server_Name=#CUSTOM CTF maps
current maplist:ctf_Voland2
Any map
suggestions ?
I will obviously change some settings in the next days , but that's for it now!
Clicker:soldat://na.dar-Dar.de:32074 *EDIT*
I want to create a Server where everyone has the chance to test his CTF maps with unique players.
Map requirements:
- no XXL maps, it should be playable in 3on3 - 5on5 (same goes for XXS maps)
- max map size: ***
- no work in progress maps
- polybugs and other bugs should be polished out
- ...
Just reply with your map attached in here and I will see if the map fits to the criteria.
Usually players start joining the Server, you might have to wait a while but that was the way I made my CTF Public Server to the most activest Server in the lobby earlier.
I'm not sure if anyone is going to use this for his maps , but you have the chance here. (soon)
*soon = in the next 2 weeks (-09.05.14)