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constCOLOR = $FFFFFF;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin if (LowerCase(Text) = '/pre') then begin GiveBonus(ID,1); WriteConsole(ID,'You got predator',COLOR); end; Result := false;end;
function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin if (LowerCase(Text) = '/pre') then begin GiveBonus(ID,1); end; Result := false;end;this is simplified command, this is what you should have write for me instead of confusing(cuz I am noob) adds, but thanks I a lot.but tell me what is this LowerCase for?? because if I delete this from the above cod I will get error "THEN" expected...
why it's not working with "LowerCase" if everything is written with small letters?
if (LowerCase(Text) = '/pre') then begin
if Text = '/pre' then begin