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$if($isequal(%text%,!commands), $send(/say !version displays version) $send(/say !caps displays player cap count on ctf and inf) $send(/say !avkills displays average kills excluding spectators) $send(/say !avdeaths displays average deaths excluding spectators) $send(/say !avping displays average ping including spectators) $send(/say !kickme kicks player) $send(/say !killme kills player) $send(/say !pingme displays player ping) $send(/say !whoisme displays player ip) $send(/say !whois x displays ip of player x) $send(/say !banme ;d) $send(/say !kd displays player k:d ratio excluding cap count) $send(/say !time la hora actual) $send(/say !teams checks that teams are fair ot not (displays message)) $send(/say !team1 sets player team to alpha) $send(/say !team2 sets player team to bravo) $send(/say !team3 sets player team to charlie) $send(/say !team4 sets player team to delta) $send(/say !team5 moves player to spectators) $send(/say !admin llama a un admin actualmente conectado) $send(/say !info muestra la info del server) ,)
command to list maps in server$if($isequal(%line%,/maplist), $set(maplist,$lowercase($append_file(C:\Games\My Soldat Server\mapslist.txt,))) $set(loop,0) $set(string,/say Map list:) $while($isless($intval(%loop%),$intval($substr_count(%maplist%,%nl%))), $if($or($isequal($intval($mod(%loop%,5)),$intval(0)),$isequal($intval(%loop%),$intval($sub($substr_count(%maplist%,%nl%), 1)))), $if($isnotequal(%string%,/say),$send(%string%),) $set(string,/say) ,) $if($isnotequal($exploded(%maplist%,%newline%,%loop%),), $set(string,%string% $exploded(%maplist%,%newline%,%loop%)) ,) $set(loop,$add(%loop%,1)) ),)