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$if($isequal(%text%,!admin),$playwav(%esadir%\esadata\rooster.wav) $send(/say Admin Requested) $log(%player%sid%name% requests you on %serveraddr%:%serverport% -- $time(h:mm:ss)) $message(%player%sid%name% requests you on %serveraddr%:%serverport% -- $time(h:mm:ss)),)
jesus, its not the system itsself that surprized the hell outta me, its the freaking post!!!!!!Iq Unlimited
autokick majors$if($isequal($strpos(Major has joined ,%line%),1),$send(/say Sorry, but nick Major is not allowed here.)$send(/kick Major),)help list with basic commands$if($isequal(%text%,!help), $send(/say !admin - calls an admin to the server) $send(/say !kd - shows your kd ratio) $send(/say !whois X - shows IP of player no. X) $send(/say !team1-5 - sets you to team 1-5) $send(/say !info - info about server),)