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Do you plan to release final version of Soldat 1.6.7 before May?
Now, when you click any server in the lobby ist it refresh Ping tab. It would be possible to refresh also number of players on this server? So you don't need to refresh all lobby to check it?
- Added InheritedVelocity WM attribute which controls how much of the player's velocity the projectile inherits
It was made moddable in 1.6.4. Prior to that the values were hard coded into the game.
- Modified all weapons bullets (except Barret, M79 and LAW) lose power after long distance (1 or more screens, to prevent blind spraying)
- Modified bullets (except Barret, M79, LAW, Knife) lose 50% of power after screen distance and another 50% after 2 screens
So my question: it would be possible to work on it so Soldat/PW would have better support for png format in textures?
Still, why does some gun have slightly longer range than the other anyway? And for soldat sakes, how the hell did ruger ended up being one of, if not the shortest, effective range among all the non 1-shot gun? ... Out of spite?
Ruger wasn't meant to be effective at ranges over a screen away. Neither were the other weapons. Ruger has also been meticulously balanced to ensure a rough split between 2-hit- and 3-hit kills, so that 2-hit kills would almost require the shooter to either be shooting from at most mid-range, hitting the head, or imparting a lot of extra speed into the bullet through inheriting the player's velocity.