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Grrr, give us the real 1.6.7 release already!
ok there is major bug, when i select secondary gun(LAW) I get... flamebow... I see that mosnt often its happen after spawn, when you quickly swap weapon, need to check if its one of my script.
AK dmg -3, Barret push +20
Soldat's intro is still quite ridiculous. Isn't there a way ever to put a 'cinematic trailer', as in an actual video that'll be nice to watch? These bots don't make you wanna go hard, really. :3
Does the reload time really matter that much when you have ten shots?
procedure IncAmmo(ID: byte);var Max, aAdd: byte;begin Max:= StrToInt(ReadINI('weapons.ini',WeaponNameByNum(GetPlayerStat(ID,'Primary')),'Ammo','7')); aAdd:= Random(1,Max-GetPlayerStat(ID,'Ammo')+1); ForceWeapon(ID, GetPlayerStat(ID,'Primary'), GetPlayerStat(ID,'Secondary'), GetPlayerStat(ID,'Ammo')+aAdd); WriteConsole(ID,'+' + IntToStr(aAdd),$FFFFFF);end;
I would like to know why you make AK so strong right now? what is the point? So people would stop using Styer? :/
I'm talking about the time to reload after each shot.
I would like to know why you make AK so strong right now?
PS About that flamebow.I found part that made this mess in one of the script.
PS."- Fixed M79, Knife, LAW and Flamethrower didn't boost flags**"as far as I know and remember, flamer was very good at pushing flag, especially when you could do this through polygons xD its one of best thing for modded WM, when you could make weapon that would shoot through smaller polugons :]