Author Topic: Posthumous Detonation  (Read 1697 times)

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Offline dominikkk26

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Posthumous Detonation
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:35:52 pm »
Script Name: Posthumous Detonation
Script Description: Player after death can throw a grenade.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: dominikkk26
Compile Test: Passed
Core Version:2.7.6
Download: Attachment! Click here to download the latest version.
Full Description:
Code: ( To Edit) [Select]
color = $FFF8F35A;
GroundStand = false; // Czy gracz musi stać na ziemi? [True|False]
Messages1 = true;    // Turns messages: Were you able to throw away a grenade just before his death.
Messages2 = true;    // Turns messages: Do not managed to throw a grenade.

When a player dies can throw a grenade after death. The probability of a grenade thrown is dependent on the amount of kills.
1 kills = 10%
2 kills = 20%
3 kills = 30%
4 kills = 40%
5 kills = 50%
6 kills = 60%
7 kills = 70%
8 kills = 80%
9 kills = 90%
10+ kills = 100%

Offline PMG| DonEvolarao

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Re: Posthumous Detonation
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 12:06:57 pm »
Script Name: Posthumous Detonation
Script Description: Player after death can throw a grenade.
Version: 1.0.1
Author: dominikkk26 new version PMG| DonEvolarao
Compile Test: Passed
Core Version: 2.7.7
Download: Attachment! Click here to download the latest version.
Full Description:
Code: (In Script Edit) [Select]
color = $FFF8F35A;
GroundStand = false; // Does the player must stand on the ground? [True|False]
Messages1 = true;  // Were you able to throw away a grenade just before his death.
Messages2 = false; // Do not managed to throw a grenade.

ProbabilityFactor = 20; // Probability factor - The bigger the smaller the probability of throwing grenade.
// By setting 1, player has a 100% chance of throwing grenade

When a player dies can throw a grenade after death. The probability of a grenade thrown is dependent on the amount of kills.

Posthumous Detonation 1.0.1:
- Fixed: The new system of probability:
Code: (Passcal) [Select]
function LosujTF(ID: byte): boolean;
var losuj, cd: integer;
cd := (ProbabilityFactor-GetPlayerStat(ID,'kills'));
losuj:=random(1,iif(cd > 0,cd,1));
if (losuj = 1) then Result:=true else Result:=false;

Probability can edit in script: ProbabilityFactor.