SoldatUnion is back and we are going to do much more than before.
We presents our 3 servers:
- S*Union *MIX* - IP:
http://Soldat:// This server is like the gather but on PUBLIC. Everyone can play there. You just have to join the server and type !2v2 or !3v3. Very often there are players who want to play. Server is not connected with mIRC or another places YET. The most important commands:
* !3v3/ !2v2 - open or add to opened signups.
* !add / !del - add or del from signups
Rules: You've to just play only ONE map per mix and ofc
don't leave from mix. Teams and map are picked randomly. You can change maps by !map NAME or swap with player from another team by !swap but there is ALWAYS voting between players. Every voting is made by F11/F12 system so it's very fast and easy. There is also accounts and ranking system where you can get 4 points by win, 2 tie, 1 loss. This 1 point is just for playing mix.
- S*Union FREE-ADMIN - IP :
http://Soldat:// This server is just free for players. If you don'y have a place where you could play with your friends mix or clanwar or something else then you can join here, take temporary admin by command !me and have fun.
You can set the password by /password TEXT and give only your friends. Also you can use commands like !2v2 or !3v3 and nobody will join to your team if it's full. Basic commands:
- !me - give you temporary admin if it's free
- !leave - you're leaving your admin
- !1v1/ 2v2/ !3v3 - set how many players can be in one team
- !cmd and !cmdadmin - you can check all commands.
- S*Union *TUTORIAL* - IP:
http://Soldat://mix.cosoldat:23073 This is not ready server. It shows only my works on tutorial in Soldat by scripts. You can join there and check how It looks

Every server is CTF but we will make DM servers too. I've got many ideas and I'll slowly create more servers.
SoldatUnion is a part of Center Of Soldat and if you can then like us here: