Author Topic: Viewing last rounds player-stats in-game  (Read 1939 times)

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Offline Dr.Penicz

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Viewing last rounds player-stats in-game
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:54:24 am »
it's me once more..
Maybe it will be like the "change volume in-game"-thread, but anyways:

It would be nice to be able to view the last rounds stats without taking a screenshot, leaving the game, opening the folder, etc... <-There's no time for that anyways!
These 3 seconds one has left to view the stats at the end of a round never suffice to view all the peoples stats. In CTF for example it's just enough time to view my own and maybe one player of the other team..

Soooo, to cut it short:
What about adding a key-combo like  "Shift + F1"  to show the last rounds stats?! I'd say that would be handy, cause it's not a game, it's war ..errr... E-Sports...

In case it already exists, can someone tell me how that works?!

PS. Can it be, that eating is very player-dependend?!?!?! I think, I noticed that some constantly eat more than ohers. Same goes for me.

Offline Shoozza

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Re: Viewing last rounds player-stats in-game
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 03:44:00 am »
Please don't mix in unrelated PS questions (make a new topic about them instead or use the irc chat if it isn't really worth a topic)

I'm not aware of such a feature.

Not sure if or under what conditions it would be necessary.
Do you even have time to look at it more carefully while playing the next map?
A possible issue would be that Players keep looking at the stats while the next map already started (kinda afk players after each map change)

To sum up how I think this feature would work if we decide to have it:
No stats when the player just joined (empty window)
Stats disappear when the map changes twice (get replaced by the previous map stats) - possible issue map changes twice
Key to open the previous map stats window is shift+f1
(optional idea) While the next map started the F1 menu changes into the Shift+F1 menu (stays open)
Player IDs in that menu will only show up for player who are still ingame (when entering commands)
Similar support for Weapon stats would be a logical follow up feature
Rejoining will clear the stats (prevent wrong stats because joined other server or joined at a later time)
Nickname completion support for player nicks how left the game but are in the last map stats (follow up feature)
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Offline Dr.Penicz

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Re: Viewing last rounds player-stats in-game
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 02:26:36 pm »
As far as I understood, eating even is kind of mystical for the devs, so not really worth an extra topic.. It just came to my mind, and I'm relatively sure about it being player-dependend, but it's hard to prove..

No stats when the player just joined (empty window)
Sounds like extra-work. I don't care much, if new players can see the old rounds stats..

Stats disappear when the map changes twice (get replaced by the previous map stats) - possible issue map changes twice
Maybe add a timer (eg. 10 secs.) that tells you if a round is valid. And only override stats of valid rounds.

(optional idea) While the next map started the F1 menu changes into the Shift+F1 menu (stays open)
Esp. in DM having them stay open would disturb the game.. It should just be for interested people. Noone needs to be forced.

Player IDs in that menu will only show up for player who are still ingame (when entering commands)
By this a 2nd or 3rd or nth player can become the 1st one, if all players better than him leave.. ..when viewing last rounds stats..

Rejoining will clear the stats (prevent wrong stats because joined other server or joined at a later time)
Can't the newly joined player get a valid stat-list from somewhere (maybe from the server)? Again it sounds like extra-work.. But again I'd be okay with both cases..

Those stats should mostly be for the players, who took part in the last round. But I wouldn't bother if freshly joined players can view it.

Offline Shoozza

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Re: Viewing last rounds player-stats in-game
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2014, 03:14:57 am »
1) simple solution is no old round stats + no old stats from another older map (not previous one) or another server on join
2) that would be one possible solution
4) i didnt say players get removed from the list, this is an admin feature for banning/kicking by id.
5) if you didnt play you dont need the stats to compare people to yourself (else you would ask for support to browse even older stats)
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Offline Dr.Penicz

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Re: Viewing last rounds player-stats in-game
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 10:20:34 am »
1) Doing nothing?! That's not a solution but a work-around .. or rather a "no-work-around" ...harharhar...

4) Ah now I get you: You want to just remove the name (maybe add some "player left"-notice), but leave the score etc, right?! But what, if the player comes back shortly after leaving?? Or what about a "wrong mapversion-bug", or any other case when the player is forced to re-connect?
I don't see how just leaving the names there could be any harm!?

5) Idk. Again I'd say this feature would mainly be for playing people, who want to have a look (longer than 3 secs) on how they (and others) did last round, and not for google/nsa... ;)