Author Topic: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)  (Read 19966 times)

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Offline nosejj

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1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:19:15 am »
After quite a while playing 1.6.8, I think it's about time we put the cards on the table.
In my eyes, normal-mode's WM is almost perfect and the best that's been in years, on this version.

However, there are two tiny things that are bothering me about this WM: Ruger-77 & XM214 Minigun.

I think that Ruger-77 can probably be classified the game's coolest weapon to play (don't kill me for saying that), and is liked among many players.
However, in the last version, it took a rather drastic turn with movement accuracy, and became rather a defensive weapon. Forcing you to be more still in order to hit.
I see used it less and less in the competitive scene, and I also see some really good Ruger users sucking nowadays with it, maybe movement accuracy is too harsh on it.
Additionally, it's flag-pushing abilities should be more equal to the other weapons'.

Now, about XM214 Minigun, I know that Skoskav wanted all the weapons in the game to be viable and used.
But this weapon has become more than viable with it's current WM parameters, it is rather overpowered. I believe most of the people of the competitive scene will agree.

The changes I suggest in detail:
// Ruger -1 moveacc, +10 push
//Minigun -4 dmg, +10 spread

New parameters in weapons.ini:
[Ruger 77]

[XM214 Minigun]

PS: if by any chance a similar thread exists (which I failed to find in search), please move this message to it.

Offline Raged`

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 11:46:43 am »
and steyr +2 dmg +5 bullets pls

Offline nosejj

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 11:49:38 am »
As a Steyr-AUG user, I really don't think so... This is the game's most used weapon for a few versions now in competitive.
It is strong enough, just like the other spray guns, touching it would just get it out of balance again.

Offline Ricrylonten

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 12:28:54 pm »
Ruger is definitely underutilized this version among competitive -normalmode CTF- players. I personally don't mind the accuracy-related handling of the weapon; the damage output is what bothers me and what usually convinces me to put away the weapon during a match. It needs a more consistent 2-hit kill to compensate for the risk of playing with the weapon ("unreliable", difficult spray, can't boost flags, etc)

@ Minigun... no comment.

Offline CheeSeMan.

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 03:41:18 am »
Minigun can just ruin games at the moment... it is disabled on pretty much all public servers, I think this confirms the need for it to change.
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Offline Petterkowski

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 07:59:27 am »
Minigun is a joke. Previous nerf didn't change anything. It's still the same. It ruined the competitive play. Tactics are not that important anymore because you can just take minigun and go crazy.

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Offline BKT

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 11:10:26 am »
If you ask me...

- Minigun need to have considerably more start-up and reload time; how the heck does it reload almost as fast as a minimi anyway?
- The dmg reduction bug need to be fix so shooting people from far away (and guns like ruger and minimi) ain't pointless.
Owned by player with high ping = Blame the ping.
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Make sense...

Offline verbeia

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 02:08:54 pm »
Actually AK is very powerful weapon in every game but you cant find AK users in soldat because of this weapon mod i think AK can get some improvements like accuracy or something like that also can be like +1dmg i really want to see AK's in this game and OFC people are right about MINIGUN ...
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 02:20:09 pm by verbeia »

Offline Ussocom

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2015, 03:24:39 pm »
Coming from a once avid Ruger user, I have to say it really lacks in the current version.  Like the things previously mentioned, I think it has too much movement acc- as well as its inconsistency on how many hits to kill (obviously different parts of the body do different damage) but anyway overall the damage does seem a little too low.

@minigun, no comment.

I agree with Verb.  The Ak is a strong weapon, but you don't see almost any use in the competitive scene.  I think the Ak should go back to having a faster fire rate, like it once was.

I would like to see the mp5 go back to the 'no spread when prone'

Barret with a little less delay, would be interesting as well

just my $.02

Offline jrgp

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2015, 11:11:25 pm »
Minigun has always been a joke that no one really takes seriously. It does a shit ton of ineffective spray, runs out of ammo quickly, takes ass long to reload during which you're killed. It also pisses off everyone on your team because they'll be boosted if they get in front of the spray, and it attracts metric fuck tons of attention from the opposite team which destroys any aspect of stealth you may have.

It serves its purpose as the one bullshit weapon on the stack. There's always one gun in every game that sucks, right?

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Offline nosejj

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 04:47:50 am »
@jrgp: people actually pick it now, and it's quite ridiculous with it's current killing abilities. :|

Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2015, 04:51:34 am »
I agree with Nosejj

Minigun is OP.
Ruger is too inaccurate
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 04:55:12 am by homerofgods »

Offline DutchFlame

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2015, 06:40:25 am »
Agreed with most of the comments here

minigun has become a joke
ruger is useless
ak needs a buff

rest of the guns are perfect

Offline nosejj

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2015, 06:16:44 am »
Skoskav, o brother, where art thou?
Answer our prayers.

Offline CheeSeMan.

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2015, 06:25:45 am »
Skoskav still rolling his dice to make WMs? :/

It is time for a change! jrgp you have not been playing much Soldat this version then if you believe minigun is still a "useless" weapon... to be honest for competitive Soldat I have come to the conclusion that minigun may need to be fixed by server side scripts for example you pick minigun and then you can't pick it for 2-3 spawns. For public... just keep it disabled or your server is ruined.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 06:28:02 am by CheeSeMan. »
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Offline Ussocom

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2015, 07:17:03 pm »
Skoskav still rolling his dice to make WMs? :/

It is time for a change! jrgp you have not been playing much Soldat this version then if you believe minigun is still a "useless" weapon... to be honest for competitive Soldat I have come to the conclusion that minigun may need to be fixed by server side scripts for example you pick minigun and then you can't pick it for 2-3 spawns. For public... just keep it disabled or your server is ruined.



Offline Name

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2015, 12:48:52 am »
I would suggest replacing the minigun with something which makes more sense. What about an M16 Assault Rifle? It could remind a bit of AK and Steyr, but with slightly different settings to make it stand out as a specific weapon.

That and get the MP5 back to how it used to function, by changing back how bullet spread works.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 12:51:43 am by Name »

Offline Ussocom

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2015, 12:25:59 pm »
I would suggest replacing the minigun with something which makes more sense. What about an M16 Assault Rifle? It could remind a bit of AK and Steyr, but with slightly different settings to make it stand out as a specific weapon.

That and get the MP5 back to how it used to function, by changing back how bullet spread works.

Adding a weapon isn't a horrible idea as long as it makes sense.  M16a4 is a pretty cool idea thought offering 3rd burst, something totally different- and opening up some unique aim styles rather than just another pray and spray :).

Offline Mittsu

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2015, 02:04:00 pm »
minigun should be a bonus weapon, like flamethrower or bow, used for specific gamemodes

it's own mechanics are horrible for a standard soldat gameplay
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Offline jrgp

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Re: 1.6.8 WM Balance (Normal Mode)
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2015, 08:14:09 pm »
minigun should be a bonus weapon, like flamethrower or bow, used for specific gamemodes

it's own mechanics are horrible for a standard soldat gameplay

Bonuses are supposed to provide brief aid or fun, not kill everyone's experience.
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