Author Topic: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!  (Read 33079 times)

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Offline homerofgods

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1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:22:47 am »
Test each of the changes in the changelog. Comment below how the testing went. I will color them green when they are done.
Remember to test EVERYTHING about the bug, if it isn't perfect you have to tell us. Sometimes you even have to try both offline and online

Soldat 1.6.9b1 changelog:
1- Added allow camera switching in demos while paused #274
2- Option Survival_Clear_Weapons added in GAME section of soldat.ini
3- Added Numpad Taunts #515
4- Modified changed update button to yellow
5- Fixed Spiderman bug
6- Fixed Starting single player game a few times causes hight cpu usage (#160 #323 #333 #520)
7- Fixed Alt and AltGr don't work for assigned keys and supress input like shooting (#309, #530)
8- Fixed Soldat (not responding) when trying to find servers without having internet #463
9- Fixed Star and Flag icon in the scoreboard are scaled down #601
10- Fixed SetWeaponActive bugs weapons of a player on spawn #603 <-- TheOne had some issues

11- Fixed wrong window height on startup
12- Fixed having 24 chars in name results in HWID fail
<--Partially fixed
13- Fixed survival capping when everybody is alive results in a not ending round
14- Fixed survival flag grabbing in multiplayer should not work after round end
15- Fixed invisible shield where a player died
16- Fixed survival mode respawning if out of map after round end results in a never ending round <--Partially fixed
17- Fixed survival mode dead body outside map respawn bug

18- Fixed survival mode team switch respawn bug

Soldatserver 2.7.9b1 changelog:
19- Option Survival_Clear_Weapons added in GAME section of soldat.ini
20- Added SC3 property TActivePlayer.IsProne (read only - boolean)
21- Added SC3 property TActivePlayer.MouseAimX (read write - SmallInt) (write only works on bots)
22- Added SC3 property TActivePlayer.MouseAimY (read write - SmallInt) (write only works on bots)
23- Added SC3 Game.AdminPassword property (string - read write)
24- Added SC3 object constants:

25- Added SC3 weapon constants:
26- Added SC3 function MD5(A: string): string;
27- Added SC3 type TBannedHW = record HW: string; Time: Integer; Reason: string; end;
28- Added SC3 type TBannedIP = record IP: ShortString; Time: Integer; Reason: string; end;
29- Added SC3 class TBanLists (accessible over global variable "Game.BanLists")
30- Added SC3 procedure TBanLists.AddHWBan(HW, Reason: string; Duration: Integer);
31- Added SC3 procedure TBanLists.AddIPBan(IP: ShortString; Reason: string; Duration: Integer);
32- Added SC3 function TBanLists.DelHWBan(HW: string): Boolean;
33- Added SC3 function TBanLists.DelIPBan(IP: ShortString): Boolean;
34- Added SC3 function TBanLists.IsBannedHW(HW: string): Boolean;
35- Added SC3 function TBanLists.IsBannedIP(IP: ShortString): Boolean;
36- Added SC3 function TBanLists.GetHWBanId(HW: string): Integer;
37- Added SC3 function TBanLists.GetIPBanId(IP: ShortString): Integer;
38- Added SC3 property TBanLists.HW (read only - array of TBannedHW)
39- Added SC3 property TBanLists.IP (read only - array of TBannedIP)
40- Added SC3 property TBanLists.BannedHWCount: (read only - Integer)
41- Added SC3 property TBanLists.BannedIPCount (read only - Integer)
42- Modified modifying velocity of bots to be less laggy
43- Modified MovePlayer function to be less laggy on bots
44- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyUp access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
45- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyLeft access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
46- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyRight access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
47- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyShoot access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
48- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyJetpack access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
49- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyGrenade access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
50- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyChangeWeap access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
51- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyThrow access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
52- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyReload access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
53- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyCrouch access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
54- Modified SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyProne access mode to read write (write only works on bots)
55- Fixed ambiguous admin protocol with REFRESH and REFRESHX packet #61

56- Fixed Grenade packs and medkits spawns in wrong places #404
57- Fixed disconnecting player on map change (when changed the team) #488
58- Fixed players could sometimes touch special polygons (deadly, hurt, regeneration) without being affected #484
59- Fixed addmap command checked for uppercase map extension

60- Fixed ForceWeapon falsifies GetPlayerStat(Ammo) #310
<-- See sidenotes from deguix
61- Fixed SpawnObject function had swapped knife and saw <-- TheOne found some ID switchups?
62- Fixed votes started via script didn't work properly
63- Fixed SC3 property TActivePlayer.KeyProne returns position instead pressed key
64- Fixed SC3 Game.Password shows admin password instead of game password #604
65- Fixed SC3 Game.Password property was read only
66- Fixed SC3 joining the game increases sometimes team count by 2 instead of 1
67- Fixed SC3 Game.Teams Player property returned nil or an error
68- Fixed survival capping when everybody is alive results in a not ending round
69- Fixed survival flag grabbing in multiplayer should not work after round end
70- Fixed invisible shield where a player died
71- Fixed survival mode respawning if out of map after round end results in a never ending round <-- Partially fixed
72- Fixed survival mode dead body outside map respawn bug

73- Fixed survival mode team switch respawn bug

Other notes:
*We need to fix the sctfl banner
*Test barret bink, several people has commented on it
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 12:59:31 pm by homerofgods »

Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2015, 11:31:32 am »
1- Added allow camera switching in demos while paused #274
Tested. It works perfectly (asuming you use F10 and not ESC to pause)

2- Option Survival_Clear_Weapons added in GAME section of soldat.ini

Confirmed to work by Realman

3- Added Numpad Taunts #515

Tested. Works nicely

6- Fixed Starting single player game a few times causes high cpu usage (#160 #323 # 333 #520)
Tested. Stresstest was passed with excellence

7- Fixed Alt and AltGr don't work for assigned keys and surpress input like shooting (#309, #530)
Tested. Works nicely

8- Fixed Soldat (not responding) when trying to find servers without having internet #463
Tested. Works nicely

9- Fixed Star and Flag icon in the scoreboard are scaled down #601
Fixed. L[one]R made new images with correct scaling

12- Fixed having 24 chars in game results in HWID fail
Fixed, but not for all servers apparently. I get ''you are banned on this server'' message when trying to join runmode server with 24 chars in my name (soldat://

15- Fixed invisible shield were a player died
Fixed, but a feature was also suggested.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 03:17:07 pm by homerofgods »

Offline Viral

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2015, 11:35:34 am »
5- Fixed Spiderman bug

From what I know - Peter Parker ded, wall catches work as they should, corners aswell so I can confirm the success of the operation. Cancer cured!

Offline TheOne

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2015, 05:04:26 pm »
There's still something wrong concerning number 10:
Fixed SetWeaponActive bugs weapons of a player on spawn #603

 I noticed that when I take 2 different weapons on a respawn, it will call OnWeaponChange with the old primary weapon as now-secondary.
Example: I take Minimi(9) and Law(16), kill myself, and take Spas(5) and Combat Knife(14). At spawn, OnWeaponChange(ID, 5, 9) will be called. Perhaps this is still caused by SetWeaponActive, as I tested with the original script that uses those calls. If you require so, I can do tests without SetWeaponActive.

Offline ExHunter

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2015, 05:11:56 pm »
There's still something wrong concerning number 10:
Fixed SetWeaponActive bugs weapons of a player on spawn #603

 I noticed that when I take 2 different weapons on a respawn, it will call OnWeaponChange with the old primary weapon as now-secondary.
Example: I take Minimi(9) and Law(16), kill myself, and take Spas(5) and Combat Knife(14). At spawn, OnWeaponChange(ID, 5, 9) will be called. Perhaps this is still caused by SetWeaponActive, as I tested with the original script that uses those calls. If you require so, I can do tests without SetWeaponActive.

If I am not wrong, that behaviour is not related to SetWeaponActive and has been since ever present (I remember such behaviour in the past in on of my old scripts). But correct me if I am wrong and I will have a further look into that.

Offline TheOne

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2015, 05:30:28 pm »
I haven't coded in some time, but if I recall correctly, the first OnWeaponChange call after the respawn would be (PrimaryID, Fists), then immediately a second call with (PrimaryID, SecondaryID) followed. We're using "Weapon-Spawnshields" in our scripts that prevent players from taking weapons they're not supposed to take (in case SetWeaponActive-update was not successfully received, the player could still pick it). That's why it's a problem, if the secondary weapon ID is of a weapon he's not allowed to take.

On a further test, #60 appears to be fixed - Good Job!
Fixed ForceWeapon falsifies GetPlayerStat(Ammo) #310

Not sure anymore about #61
61- Fixed SpawnObject function had swapped knife and saw
just tested, ID 12 spawns a Chainsaw, 13 a Combat knife - according to the wiki it should be the other way round, but is it up-to-date? I forgot which ID was supposed to be which before the last version
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 05:44:48 pm by TheOne »

Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2015, 06:01:45 am »
17- Fixed survival mode dead body outside map respawn bug

16- Fixed survival mode respawning if out of map after round end results in a never ending round
Not fixed. Attatching demo.

In the demo you see the bots that die by falling down to suicide comes to life after the round ends. They are automatically killed after their spawn protection ends (Sometimes they are not automatically killed.)
[EDIT] See my latest post

Also, the player left count will repeat itself when a player suicides:

Also stationary guns spawning at player spawns, while in the demo you see them as parachutes. You can even hear me picking up a stationery gun @13:44 in the demo. I was able to shoot it even though you don't see any of that in the demo.
@13:12 another parachute spawning, but all I saw was a stationary gun wich I was unable to shoot.

[edit] I am not able to reproduce the stationary gun and other random stuff now, I bet something was wrong after some previous stresstests.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 02:05:26 pm by homerofgods »

Offline ExHunter

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2015, 06:06:44 pm »
I haven't coded in some time, but if I recall correctly, the first OnWeaponChange call after the respawn would be (PrimaryID, Fists), then immediately a second call with (PrimaryID, SecondaryID) followed. We're using "Weapon-Spawnshields" in our scripts that prevent players from taking weapons they're not supposed to take (in case SetWeaponActive-update was not successfully received, the player could still pick it). That's why it's a problem, if the secondary weapon ID is of a weapon he's not allowed to take.

I will look into that.

Not sure anymore about #61
61- Fixed SpawnObject function had swapped knife and saw
just tested, ID 12 spawns a Chainsaw, 13 a Combat knife - according to the wiki it should be the other way round, but is it up-to-date? I forgot which ID was supposed to be which before the last version

There was somewhere, somewhen a discussion, that saw and knife is now swapped, so we swapped it again back (for old scripts compatibility)... So anybody does know what is right now?

Offline Savage

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2015, 08:58:01 am »
Hi, I was testing MouseAim and i think it's working bad...

When I'm moving around, X and Y positions of the mouse are updating fine with precision to 1unit (btw TickThreshold is set to 1).
When I'm staying and moving cursor , X and Y positions of mouse are updating with precision 40-60units...

Just look at this gif:
I used sine and cosine to aim the cursor

Check it at ur own:
Code: [Select]
procedure Clock(Ticks: Integer);
for i := 1 to 32 do begin

« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 09:35:10 am by Savage »

Offline ExHunter

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2015, 10:17:16 am »
It is exactly working as it is supposed to be.

Server receives information of clients only, when it is game-relevant .

I don't think I will be able to alter that behaviour for 1.6.9, because this would require me messing around with some parts, that needs quite an amount of time to figure out how it works.

Offline BaneOfDeath

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2015, 10:42:18 am »
Soldat sometimes stops working when you click on "download server list".
Occur huge lag when use scriptcore 3 - Apponidle(TickThreshold:=1), and use in it elements scripts core 2.
But using CPU is negligible and ping 800-1600...
Occur huge lag when bullet flying long distance. Onerous in my weapons mods.

Offline Savage

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2015, 07:49:43 am »
I made code to show me bullet style on damage event and I got an error when i'm hitting some1 with clusters:

Code: [Select]
function OnDamage(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Integer; BulletId: Byte): Integer;

Code: [Select]
15-05-09 14:28:36 Savage has joined alpha team.
15-05-09 14:28:42 [Savage] !cluster
15-05-09 14:28:55 [Savage] now im gonna hit the bot
15-05-09 14:29:05 /addbot2 Boogie Man([Savage])
15-05-09 14:29:21 [Savage] !cluster
15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> ErrorCode: ErNoError
15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> Message: ID must be from 1 to 254
15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> UnitName:
15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> FunctionName: ONDAMAGE
15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> Row: 0
15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> Col: 0

And bullets styles are different on wiki:
Spas: Wiki=5|Script=3 (3-shotgun pellets, weapons.ini...)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 08:30:44 am by Savage »

Offline ExHunter

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2015, 11:04:12 am »
Probably cluster shells doesn't register as bullets. But not sure about that.

non-bullets damage/kills have ID 255: e.g. commiting suicide with deadly polygons.


weapons.ini and scriptcore are not related to each other. Wiki should be right about scriptcore stuff. weapons.ini is a complete other thing. :)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 11:06:37 am by ExHunter »

Offline Savage

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2015, 11:37:00 am »
I've just compared bullets styles from weapons.ini to styles from script core and script is giving me the same id as in weapons.ini (when it shouldn't?) and it means that almost all ids from that site are wrong

Map.Bullets[BulletID].Style is giving me 6 for punch, 3 for spas, 12 for law it's the same in weapons.ini then why the hell on wiki punch is 255, spas is 5 , law is 13. Please update wiki, thx for response.

I have hope that was constructive criticism.

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2015, 12:50:05 pm »
I must apologize for spam but i think IDs from bullet style should be in GetOwnerWeaponId because that function is giving me IDs from bullet style page.

Offline ExHunter

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2015, 08:42:40 am »
Ah.. didn't understand you the first time.

I will check it. Thanks.

Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2015, 07:58:01 am »
56- Fixed Grenade packs and medkits spawns in wrong places #404

Please test more guys! I don't know how to test all of this myself
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 08:08:38 am by homerofgods »

Offline Mojonized

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2015, 01:10:14 pm »
11- Fixed wrong window height on startup

I can confirm this is fixed. Good job!

Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2015, 01:53:20 pm »

17- Fixed survival mode dead body outside map respawn bug <-- This is fixed because there are no never ending rounds anymore, but there is still a problem if a player dies outside of map and the players body/ghostek does not have enough time to fall all the way down.

I explained more in
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 02:06:42 pm by homerofgods »

Offline deguix

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2015, 03:11:31 am »
25- Added SC3 weapon constants:

Forced weapon with all of them and they worked. There are just unrelated soldat (client) access violations when aiming WTYPE_M2 and WTYPE_THROWNKNIFE to the right. That m2 looks good in a mod as a player weapon... xD

Also found another bug: TActivePlayer.OnWeaponChange TPlayerWeapon parameters WType's can't have the weapon ids of WTYPE_M2 and other new weapons, it just reverts to WTYPE_NOWEAPON. TActivePlayer.Primary.WType always shows the correct weapon (and the secondary too).

60- Fixed ForceWeapon falsifies GetPlayerStat(Ammo) #310

- Fixed, tested weapon jamming scripts in 1.6.8 and 1.6.9b1, and in 1.6.8 it doesn't work because ammo gives wrong values.

Other notes:

- TActivePlayer.ForceWeapon on TActivePlayer.OnAfterRespawn is working while in 1.6.8 it isn't - at least when all weapons in soldat.ini are disabled. There are still 2 bad things though:
-- //Bug: Player chooses a secondary that is not "No weapon" in game options. Then when the player joins a game with that weapon disabled in soldat.ini, server still forces that secondary weapon, then it forces it to WTYPE_NOWEAPON (2 OnWeaponChange are called). It should force weapons directly to WTYPE_NOWEAPON (with only 1 call to OnWeaponChange), like what happens when the secondary chosen in menu is "No weapon".
-- //Bug: I manually force weapons "OnAfterRespawn", then server forces player WTYPE_NOWEAPON for primary and secondary after the procedure, even if there's no menu (when all weapons are disabled in soldat.ini), and those are the default starting weapons.

- On 1.6.8 I need if (NewPrimary.Ammo = 0) then NewPrimary.Ammo := 255; (while forcing a new weapon) to make it reload (instead of filling the clip). Now I don't need that. I still need to do that for the secondary though. Like I said in the bug report, I prefer 255 to fill the ammo and 0 to reload, not the other way around.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 03:37:03 am by deguix »

Offline Shoozza

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2015, 05:27:17 am »
Thanks everyone who helped testing so far.
homerofgods will you keep the trello board up to date for me with the latest non fixed bugs and are you planning on testing the rest of the changelog?
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Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2015, 12:19:42 pm »
The number of issues revieled from testing indicates the need to test everything before release. However I don't know how to test everything myself so I need help.

I've updated our Trello board on what issues we need to fix, and also made clickable links after each non fixed bugs in the main post to take you directly to the description of the problem.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 12:24:55 pm by homerofgods »

Offline Shoozza

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2015, 01:28:24 pm »
We still use Mantis for bug tracking, trello is more like a nice overview for us to see which bugs we have to look for.
Maybe we should get more into mantis priority settings
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Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2015, 08:14:27 am »
Not sure anymore about #61
61- Fixed SpawnObject function had swapped knife and saw
just tested, ID 12 spawns a Chainsaw, 13 a Combat knife - according to the wiki it should be the other way round, but is it up-to-date? I forgot which ID was supposed to be which before the last version
Could that be tested by downloading an older version of soldat?

Offline homerofgods

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Re: 1.6.9b1 Beta testing!
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2015, 09:20:52 am »
There's still something wrong concerning number 10:
Fixed SetWeaponActive bugs weapons of a player on spawn #603

 I noticed that when I take 2 different weapons on a respawn, it will call OnWeaponChange with the old primary weapon as now-secondary.
Example: I take Minimi(9) and Law(16), kill myself, and take Spas(5) and Combat Knife(14). At spawn, OnWeaponChange(ID, 5, 9) will be called. Perhaps this is still caused by SetWeaponActive, as I tested with the original script that uses those calls. If you require so, I can do tests without SetWeaponActive.
Is it somehow related to any of the bugs deguix mentioned? #618 #619 #620