Author Topic: Soldat-TR @IRC GatherBot Commands  (Read 6000 times)

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Offline MrHamsTR

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Soldat-TR @IRC GatherBot Commands
« on: January 09, 2016, 07:16:15 am »
Hello There!
We've been hosting some servers for you, at gather or public. We've good scripty servers in public too but this time going to give some information about how to use gatherbot.
First of all, we hope to see you in our channel (QuakeNet as you know)

!on - 3vs3 ctf gather
!ion - 3vs3 inf gather
!don - 4 players dm gather
!hon - 2vs2 htf gather
!ton - 2vs2 tdm gather
!ron - 4 players rambo match
!don2 - VS server
!on+ - 3vs3 ctf gather (available for only voice(+) players.)
!ion+ - 3vs3 inf gather (available for only voice(+) players.)
!don+ - 4 kişilik dm gather (available for only voice(+) players.)
!hon+ - 2vs2 htf gather (available for only voice(+) players.)
!ton - 2vs2 tdm gather (available for only voice(+) players.)
!ron+ - 4 kişilik rambo match (available for only voice(+) players.)
!don2+ - VS suncusu (available for only voice(+) players.)

Nomatter how many guys you are! If you want to play with your family, we give you 8vs8 server!
You could change players limit though. For example, if you want to play 2vs2 just type !on2 or else if you want to play 4vs4, !on4 gibi. It is available for other mods too.


!add - If there is online ctf server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3 server.
!iadd - If there is online inf server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3 server.
!dadd - If there is online dm server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3 server.
!hadd - If there is online htf server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3 server.
!tadd - If there is online tdm server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3 server.
!radd - If there is online rm server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3 server.
!add+ - If there is online ctf(+) server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3(+) server. (available for only voice(+) players)
!iadd+ - If there is online inf(+) server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3(+) server. (available for only voice(+) players)
!dadd+ - If there is online dm(+) server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3(+) server. (available for only voice(+) players)
!hadd+ - If there is online htf(+) server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3(+) server. (available for only voice(+) players)
!tadd+ - If there is online tdm(+) server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3(+) server. (available for only voice(+) players)
!radd+ - If there is online rm(+) server, you will be added. If not, starts 3vs3(+) server. (available for only voice(+) players)
!del - Removes you from gather.
!status - Shows gathers on playing and waiting for players.
!players or !players [server number] - Shows players in game.
!overkill - Shows server status.
!spec [server number] - Lets you join game as spectator.
!sub [server number] [sub number] - Helps you call a sub by IRC channel.
!sub or !sub [number] - Call a sub message into IRC channel.
!sadd or !csadd - Lets you join game which needs a sub.
!stats or !stats [game mod] [your name] - Shows your stats.
!info[server number] - See information about servers.


Ingame Commands

!p - Pauses the game. (if you use it often, it can annoy the others)
!up - Unpauses the game
!r - Restarts the game
!ub - Unban last banned player. (use it unban player who got ban due to ping, flood, spam.)
!map [game mode]_[map name] (!map ctf_Ash etc..) - Opens map you want.
!ginfo - Shows teams and tiebreaker map.
!alpha - Lets you join Alpha.
!bravo - Lets you join Bravo.
!charlie - Lets you join Charlie. (Only Team Deathmatch mode.)
!delta - Lets you join Delta. (Only Team Deathmatch mode.)
!stats - Shows your stats.
!sub or !sub [number] - Call a sub for when you need. (Wait till the map ends to call a sub.)

You can see these commands by typing !help in IRC channel.

Trying to get back old Soldat times in public and gather, so voice system'll be back.
Just come with your friends and have stats in too.
PM me Albert, Albert`, NTCalbert
Good Luck & Have Fun!
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^

Offline CCalp

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Re: Soldat-TR @IRC GatherBot Commands
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2016, 09:25:12 am »
Good post.
I do miss some information, though: Do you need auth to use the gather system? Where are the servers hosted?

I hope there'll be some more activity in that channel again :> I'm idling there anyway. Good luck.

Offline MrHamsTR

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Re: Soldat-TR @IRC GatherBot Commands
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2016, 09:08:20 am »
Yes, players need to be authed to use gather system. Auth system is better.
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^