Author Topic: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server  (Read 18047 times)

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Offline Puure

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Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« on: November 01, 2015, 03:29:20 pm »
[NEW] Server Name: #Rzal [Quake 3 mod]
[NEW] Server IP:

Join: soldat://

Quake 3 mod is a fresh modification for Soldat 1.6.9. Remember such game as Quake III Arena? Now you can play this classic and awesome FPS on your soldat! Give it a shot! Experience intensive and fast paced gameplay of Q3A in 2D! For now you can play FFA (free for all) better known as deathmatch on 4 different maps. Our work is still in progress. Commands are not finished yet. PROPER GAMING ON OUR SERVER IS ONLY POSSIBLE WITH MOD PACK . (It contains sounds and graphics). If You enjoyed our modification and you want to help us (making maps etc.) contact us.
Mod installation: Download, unpack, make backup original files if you want, overwrite all folders.

Status : 24/24hrs - 7/7 days
GameType : DM
MaxPlayers : 10
Timelimit : 20 minutes
Maplist : The current number of maps - 8 (q3dm0, q3dm4, q3dm13, q3dm16, q3dm17, q3dm19, q3tourney3, q3tourney6)

Special thanks for Savage,kicikici,Akinaro,Requim!


« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 09:47:29 am by Puure »

Offline jrgp

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 06:10:25 pm »
Looks awesome. Question for you: how many players do you have playing and how often? Do you regularly max out the 10 player slots or is it mostly dead?
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Offline Puure

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2015, 10:23:54 am »
It's variously. Not empty and not full. Today was 10/10. More screens added.

Offline Savage

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2015, 10:37:50 am »
12 xD


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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2015, 04:15:50 pm »
Awesome game mode! Needs more in game documentation definitely, but I really enjoy playing it so far. :)

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 11:38:54 am »
Just gets better and better.

Offline Moroes

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2015, 03:53:16 am »
Cool idea but I'll stick to Quake, actually it's open source version called Open Arena. I kinda miss the 3rd dimension in this.

Offline jrgp

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2015, 04:55:17 am »
Dude the teleport functionality is fucking cool.
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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2015, 10:35:19 am »
So here's some feedback on balancing:

Rocket Launcher basically is overpowered; everyone knows it, everyone wants it, everyone runs for it. Who has it has free reign for 5 shots until he drops it for another weapon since reload is really long. The concept is cool, but the way it is distributed to players is a little off, as spawning position determines what weapon players can reach.

I liked the concept at first that every weapon has a fixed position, but it'd be more fair if the current spawning points would spawn random weapons instead.

Gauntlet is cool as-is, but the standard-issue rifle has such a high push-back that it hardly finds use in close combat, because it gets you fully stopped.

How about adding more positions that teleporters can get you to?

Offline Puure

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2015, 02:56:52 pm »
We want to present short video about Quake 3 arena mod, how it looks and sounds in game.

DarkCrusade.. Did you ever played real q3? I conclude from your questions about random weapons and teleports, that no. we're making accurate reflection of real quake 3 maps (structure, weapons and players respawn, entry/exit teleports etc.) About rocket launcher op... yep you're right. I'm working on weapon balance.


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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2015, 03:45:20 pm »
I have, but still this is Soldat and not Q3.. ;) There's a difference between 2d and 3d

Offline homerofgods

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« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 08:15:07 am by homerofgods »

Offline Puure

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2015, 04:29:47 am »
Thx. Quake 2 theme

Offline smiluu

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2015, 05:49:35 am »
DarkCrusade.. Did you ever played real q3? I conclude from your questions about random weapons and teleports, that no. we're making accurate reflection of real quake 3 maps (structure, weapons and players respawn, entry/exit teleports etc.) About rocket launcher op... yep you're right. I'm working on weapon balance.
It's a fantastic display of effort, but I'm not quite sure you understand Quake3 yourself either.

It's pretty hard to fit Q3 balance into a game that doesn't have proper support for item pickups including armors, ammo and mega health. This quickly turns weapons like rocket and rail OP, because Q3 is not really just about shooting, it's also about timing and controlling item spawns which give you a world of choices between attack/defend and run/hide. This is why Quake3 is considered the most competitive game for 1v1/duel in eSports of all time. It's not just about shooting so even as a commentator or spectator you have more tactical elements to comment about.

Quake 3 has an equilibrium between decision making and execution. It's not just about shooting and accuracy, but also making decisions on item routes in order to survive your opponent's damage output. Meaning even if your opponent has superior accuracy in every which way, you'd still have chance to outsmart him with map control and win even if your aim isn't as good. Execution at the moment is mostly what this mod seems to offer for choices (accuracy, movement skills), that's all that matters when you don't have health/armor/ammo pickups that spawn in predictable and constant manner. That being said, it's not that Rocket is op, it's just that you don't have armor to survive them.

This video defines Quake pretty well:
As for gameplay reference, DHW13 QL grand final commentary:
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 05:59:06 am by smiluu »

Offline Akinaro

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2015, 06:02:20 am »
People played this server and everyone liked it.
None of player laments about what you two write. They just have fun.
Quake 3 is not metaphysics, You enter game and... play... amazing huh?

Whole point of Mod is to make original game look and feel like Q3... Taking in to the account limitation of Soldat this mod is almost perfect.

Everyone are free to make better version OR better, write exactly what you would change and putt in this mod, that IS POSSIBLE. Because for now its look like its gonna be another discussion about "how I see it, and you are wrong"...

Well, I thing that would be better taking in to the account what is currently possible IN SOLDAT, not in Quake3. You NEVER gonna get original game via mod.

Only reason why Mod servers arent popular is because there is probably 50 active players, and 99% of them stick to classic ctf or Oneshoot server.

If this mod would be active few years ago, I would ensure you that people would play on it 24h, and no one of them would lament about "its not original Quake3"

Offline smiluu

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2015, 07:24:44 am »
We want to present short video about Quake 3 arena mod, how it looks and sounds in game.
Whole point of Mod is to make original game look and feel like Q3... Taking in to the account limitation of Soldat this mod is almost perfect.
For the goal of looking and sounding like Q3, it's without a doubt "Almost perfect". However it feels nothing like Quake3 when it's missing half of the gameplay dynamics.. And I don't mean because it's not 3D, but because there's no item control whatsoever to compensate high aim players on high damage weapons. Quake weapon balance is based on brain vs aim logic, whereas soldat is based on only aim logic. I know it's hard to grasp what that means, that's why I posted a video that defines what Quake gameplay is like. I recommend watching it.

Considering the limitations of Soldat, it's impossible to make Soldat feel like Quake3, I know that, and I said that. However when you tell someone "have you ever played real Q3" under the pretense that you are making an accurate reflection of real Quake3 in your mod, the burden of knowing what Q3 is like is on you. And as someone who's played Quake1,2,3 and 4 both competitively and casually for the past 17 years, I noticed the obvious conflict in product and description. What I said was not meant to criticize the mod, it was meant to criticize the argument of Puure.

People played this server and everyone liked it.
None of player laments about what you two write. They just have fun.
Quake 3 is not metaphysics, You enter game and... play... amazing huh?
It can without a doubt be a fun mod, but then again my post is not about the mod not being fun so I don't see the point of bringing that up. It can be fun, but it doesn't feel like Quake 3 because Soldat is lacking support for the key features to make that happen. That is a hard fact, deal with it.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2015, 08:05:11 am »
So whole point of your post is to make point that... Soldat cant be Quake3... Nice...

And Instead of pointing what and how something in this mod could be better(AND POSSIBLE because of soldat limitation) you write about how original quake game is complex and mod is lame because its not Quake 3... Nice again...

I checked most of mods made for Soldat, and I never saw someone complaining that mod is not like original game... And I think I know why... Because other people KNOW THAT MOD CANT BE LIKE ORIGINAL GAME :D How amazing?

And again:
Everyone are free to make better version OR better, write exactly what you would change and putt in this mod, that IS POSSIBLE. Because for now its look like its gonna be another discussion about "how I see it, and you are wrong"...

Feel free to help making this mode better instead of talking about something that cant be made.

Offline smiluu

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2015, 08:43:36 am »
So whole point of your post is to make point that... Soldat cant be Quake3... Nice...
Sigh, try to read what others write once in a while will you. My point was that the conflict in weapon balance is due to there not being essential Q3 elements in the mod to compensate that. Those elements are (not sure, but based on where this mod is) impossible and that's why there's going to be issues in weapon balance. The problem is not rockets being too strong, the problem is there's no armor to survive them. And that's why its dishonest or ignorant of Puure to say that they're making an accurate reflection of real Quake3, because it's impossible to the begin with.
I checked most of mods made for Soldat, and I never saw someone complaining that mod is not like original game... And I think I know why... Because other people KNOW THAT MOD CANT BE LIKE ORIGINAL GAME :D How amazing?
Well that's odd, because Puure was clearly in the delusion that his mod was indeed an "accurate reflection of real Quake3". I have simply corrected him in that delusion and provided him info what is lacking to make it more accurate. If you're going to investigate something then do it properly.

Here he says it clearly:
DarkCrusade.. Did you ever played real q3? I conclude from your questions about random weapons and teleports, that no. we're making accurate reflection of real quake 3 maps (structure, weapons and players respawn, entry/exit teleports etc.)
Remember such game as Quake III Arena? Now you can play this classic and awesome FPS on your soldat! Give it a shot! Experience intensive and fast paced gameplay of Q3A in 2D!
And this is simply not true and I have told in my previous posts why.

you write about how original quake game is complex and mod is lame because its not Quake 3... Nice again...
That's not what I said at all. I layed out the differences and required dynamics to make the mod play like Quake3. If it's not possible, then... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ..but at least you know what's missing and you can adjust your balance based on that knowledge, instead of making an identical clone of the weapon damage output and missing the half of the mechanics to make that balanced.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 08:49:11 am by smiluu »

Offline Akinaro

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2015, 09:11:25 am »
""Sigh"" Maybe one day instead of useless discussion of "why my point is better than yours because  its my point" You would spend that time in, AGAIN:
Everyone are free to make better version OR better, write exactly what you would change and putt in this mod, that IS POSSIBLE

Because like always its looooooots of talking but no real help in work or at least specific suggestion/ideas that can be made.

For now what you suggest is just... nothing really. Hard to even get from it help to adjust anything. And changing eg weapon just because ONE person doesnt like it is just hilarious.

But oh... I forget for you it need to be original Quake3 from the start, screw that for other people its fun and they get even small feel of Q3...
Because why made it and play? To get some fun in atmosphere of Quake(yes, hard to believe for you some people get that feel).
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 09:14:22 am by Akinaro »

Offline smiluu

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2015, 09:27:17 am »
My point is not better than yours, yours is just irrelevant. Your main focus seems to be about me talking while I should be spending that time scripting instead? Give me a break.

Because like always its looooooots of talking but no real help in work or at least specific suggestion/ideas that can be made.
You still don't get it. I spotlighted things that were missing what made original Q3 weapon balance balanced, which will not be balanced in Soldat if those things are missing. Knowing this helps you to realize why they were balanced in the first place and maybe there's another way to balance the weapons than just blindly copying bits of it in hopes that it works. Puure didn't seem to know that so I pointed it out. Maybe now he has a better idea what he can and have to do with the restrictions of Soldat. Seriously, stop crashing every thread that I'm in with your abysmal stupidity. I'm sick and tired of it.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 02:09:31 pm by smiluu »

Offline Ygrek Starmagedon

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2019, 06:42:35 am »
Hey could you share the mod again? Files expired, ;d and I would like to check out the sounds at least (cause graphics are LD ;/ )

Offline Puure

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Offline Ygrek Starmagedon

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Re: Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2019, 05:39:00 am »
Thanks :3