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Rzal [Quake 3 mod] Server

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Just gets better and better.

Cool idea but I'll stick to Quake, actually it's open source version called Open Arena. I kinda miss the 3rd dimension in this.

Dude the teleport functionality is fucking cool.

So here's some feedback on balancing:

Rocket Launcher basically is overpowered; everyone knows it, everyone wants it, everyone runs for it. Who has it has free reign for 5 shots until he drops it for another weapon since reload is really long. The concept is cool, but the way it is distributed to players is a little off, as spawning position determines what weapon players can reach.

I liked the concept at first that every weapon has a fixed position, but it'd be more fair if the current spawning points would spawn random weapons instead.

Gauntlet is cool as-is, but the standard-issue rifle has such a high push-back that it hardly finds use in close combat, because it gets you fully stopped.

How about adding more positions that teleporters can get you to?

We want to present short video about Quake 3 arena mod, how it looks and sounds in game.

DarkCrusade.. Did you ever played real q3? I conclude from your questions about random weapons and teleports, that no. we're making accurate reflection of real quake 3 maps (structure, weapons and players respawn, entry/exit teleports etc.) About rocket launcher op... yep you're right. I'm working on weapon balance.


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