Author Topic: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!  (Read 23122 times)

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Offline Shoozza

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SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:55:17 pm »
Hello Players!

We are a bit late with the release of alpha 2, sorry for that.
This week we combine the devlog with the alpha release.
Maybe we will do this from now on.

L[one]R worked on new high resolution HUD and default mod
First graphics are included in this release.

MrBungle worked on high resolution map texturing.

Daaw updated some map textures with high resolution ones and started converting sceneries to high resolution ones.

In this test version we fixed some issues such as the whitescreen bug and various other issues triggering access violations.
We added an error message for non supported graphics cards while also improving support for older graphics cards.
There is now support for HD scenery.
For more details check out the changelog below

Please host servers with different game modes to allow testing those as well.

You can find the download links at the end on this post.
For changes in 1.7.0a1 follow this link.

Soldat 1.7.0a2 changelog:
- Added *support* for higher definition images
- Added error message for opengl initialization failure
- Modified text rendering to use freetype
- Modified screenshots to be saved as png instead of bmp
- Modified renderer to have better compatibility when framebuffers aren't supported.
- Modified texture filters 'none' and 'anisotropic' to be the same as 'point' and 'linear' but without mipmapping
- Fixed map loading error when it has no scenery
- Fixed incorrect player colors on single player
- Fixed positions of alt+f3 texts
- Fixed access violation when saving screenshot
- Fixed nagscreen banner .gif file doesn't load
- Fixed "white screen" bug
- Fixed incorrect forced background colors
- Fixed error message when choosing an uninitialized custom color from color dialog
- Fixed background scenery being rendered when RenderBackground=0
- Fixed image size constraints applied incorrectly to additional images
- Fixed font loading error on invalid path
- Fixed ping dot ignoring its coordinates
- Fixed teambox score text still rendered when teambox is disabled by custom interface

Soldatserver 2.8.0a2 changelog:

Normal mode weapon changes:

Realistic mode weapon changes:

Map Changelog
- Fixed tiling issues on new textures

Soldat 1.7.0a2 Full
Soldat 1.7.0a2 Patch (for 1.7.0a1 only)

Server 2.8.0a2 Full
Server 2.8.0a2 Patch (for 2.8.0a1 only)
Tools: ARSSE - SARS - SRB - chatMod

Offline homerofgods

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 01:22:01 pm »
Allright! Donated 57.67 dollars to Shoozza so that he can get a hugeass pizza
urraka would not accept money as he said: <urraka> evhO im doing this for love dont worry

Treat our devs well guys! Enjoy new alpha and tell us of your problems before it's too late

Offline Puure

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2015, 01:25:10 pm »

No polygons, scenery, interface, gostek on all maps. Ohh wait minimap works. GJ!


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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2015, 01:32:03 pm »
Looking good! Love to see some progress. :)

Offline urraka

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2015, 01:33:40 pm »
Puure: try setting texture filter to 'anisotropic' (it will disable mipmapping, which is what i think is failing for you)

Offline Puure

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2015, 01:36:45 pm »
Puure: try setting texture filter to 'anisotropic' (it will disable mipmapping, which is what i think is failing for you)
Ok it works fine now. Gonna test it. Thanks

Offline brefoda

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2015, 01:39:09 pm »

white screen enter the server

Offline Savage

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2015, 01:48:59 pm »
53,7MB and 200kB/s with 6MB/s ISP? Throw more coal to the server's furnace when we have new release!

Offline duz

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2015, 02:45:04 pm »
gj, keep updating

I just dont get the interface icon's part. You have updated the icons, but don't fixes the interface's bad positioning. So now we have bad interfaces with HD icons? o.O
Really hope you get there.

ps: Amazing Ash texture ;) but not available yet?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 02:46:43 pm by duz »
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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2015, 02:53:15 pm »
Nice now good work. but i muse use vertical sync not to see the blur line :( and my fps is 56-57, I can not play at 120 fps, so I wanted :(
If you run the game just before playing a demo appears onfor moments the white screen.

Offline kicikici

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2015, 03:13:47 pm »
Something wrong happened with scale of *.gif file. 1.7.0a1 was OK (gif fits to the box).
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 04:23:51 pm by Shoozza »
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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2015, 03:27:03 pm »
jesus christ, spoiler/NSFW tag that shi...ning example of lewdness!

we're a family friendly forum

Offline Savage

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2015, 06:06:47 pm »
Oh come'on it's only breasts :P

Offline Dusty

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2015, 07:30:35 pm »
the blinking cursor has disappeared though i don't really see the point of it if you cannot edit what you've typed. we need the shoozza chat mod back asap

Offline Akinaro

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2015, 05:45:45 am »
For people that have Intel Graphic, just set "Software=1" if you have lags.
After that on my work netbook it work without any problem and bugs.

But when using GeForce 820m I have sometimes black screen, and Just like Puure I had to set anisotropic filter because I didnt had any graphic on screen.

Beside that Font is ugly as hell(maybe make one based on BankGothic with all special characters? (Its not that complicated to make font)

Any guidelines or information about map making or you just make it on the fly?
New version will not require any big changes beside finally using bigger and better quality of graphic?

Also if you work on Interface, think about creating better layer arrange(so we can choose what is on top what should be always on the middle of the screen, just more options to set everything, and maybe blend effect for style of ammo/health) And fixing a bit some options(cant set different place for ping dot, removing Ammo Text without Ammo/Reload Amount etc)

Offline urraka

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2015, 10:07:39 am »
white screen enter the server

Does this happen always? Otherwise, any additional information on what you did exactly to make that happen would be useful (like was it the first time trying to start game, did it download a custom map, etc).

I just dont get the interface icon's part. You have updated the icons, but don't fixes the interface's bad positioning. So now we have bad interfaces with HD icons? o.O

We are totally aware of the bad positioning system and we have plans to change it, but I don't know if that will make it to 1.7.

Nice now good work. but i muse use vertical sync not to see the blur line :( and my fps is 56-57, I can not play at 120 fps, so I wanted :(
If you run the game just before playing a demo appears onfor moments the white screen.

That line is commonly known as "tearing". You can try luck with different FPS values. I have the feeling that it gets worse when FPS is a multiple of your monitor refresh rate.

Would you care to explain a bit more how you got that white screen? I don't really understand how you "run the game before playing a demo".

Something wrong happened with scale of *.gif file. 1.7.0a1 was OK (gif fits to the box).

I imagine this map may have a mismatch of image dimensions for that scenery. Soldat has always ignored scenery width and height information from PMS files. It just used the actual image size instead. I changed that now so we can replace scenery images with high definition ones without changing the PMS file. With that said, I checked that polyworks saves PMS so that scenery width and height is the same as actual image size, so I'm not sure why that could be wrong there. If you have polyworks you can try opening that map and re-saving it (or re-exporting it).

the blinking cursor has disappeared though i don't really see the point of it if you cannot edit what you've typed. we need the shoozza chat mod back asap

It's gone until we implement proper functionality for it :p

For people that have Intel Graphic, just set "Software=1" if you have lags.
After that on my work netbook it work without any problem and bugs.

The "Software" config isn't used anymore. Sometimes you just get lucky, I guess.. or maybe you changed something else too.

But when using GeForce 820m I have sometimes black screen, and Just like Puure I had to set anisotropic filter because I didnt had any graphic on screen.

Do you have a way of consistently getting a black screen? Would be very useful to get that fixed.

Regarding the "anisotropic filter". I'd like to make it clear that it's not really an anisotropic filter. Currently it works like this for texture filter config:

Code: [Select]
none:        nearest filter (mipmapping disabled)
point:       nearest filter (mipmapping enabled)
linear:      linear filter (mipmapping enabled)
anisotropic: linear filter (mipmapping disabled)

So basically, just a quick way of letting people disable mipmapping. Now that I know that it's a problem I may be able to make it work properly. Also, as far as I know real anisotropic filter only makes sense when there is a 3D perspective, so I don't think we will support it.

Beside that Font is ugly as hell(maybe make one based on BankGothic with all special characters? (Its not that complicated to make font)

I agree that the font looks ugly, but only with "scale interface" enabled (I like how it looks when it's small). I disagree that it's not complicated to make a font though. Otherwise guides like this wouldn't exist.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 06:08:36 pm by PerroAZUL »

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2015, 11:33:36 am »
Do you have a way of consistently getting a black screen? Would be very useful to get that fixed.
First what I always do in soldat configuration file is disable kill console, but after that I still had huge lags.
After that I just set Software=1 and after that its smooth as butter.

Beside that and setting "anisotropic filter" I didnt touch anything on config file.

Do you have a way of consistently getting a black screen? Would be very useful to get that fixed.

I have moded Drivers(by Doser based on xxx.82 ), probably this is problem(beside that I never had problem with it before)
I cant really tell why its happening, its not map related or anything, just when I enter game I have black screen and I need to start game again, and after that its good.

I disagree that it's not complicated to make a font though. Otherwise guides like this wouldn't exit.
I had to make few fonts projects few years ago. Its not "walk in the park" and its time consuming, but if you know what you are doing its nothing serious.
Because remember that for one person driving a car is problem and other just have this in blood. Or one person never gonna understand coding in C++ and other get it after few hours.
Its all depend on your interest.

EDIT: I could spend some time on making one, but It would be really slightly similar to BankGothic, because its not free font, and I cant use it as a base. It would take a bit longer than usual(lack of time) but maybe I would finish it in two-three weeks(depend on my mood...) Even if not for soldat It not for soldat, I think it would be cool recall of making fonts.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 03:02:57 am by Akinaro »

Offline brefoda

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2015, 05:06:09 pm »
White screen happens often, I can not play when I enter the game

Offline Akinaro

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2015, 09:14:45 am »
//Small offtopic, sorry for that//

For people that want to use BankGothic insetad of using that ugly one.

I modified and added all Polish, German and Spanish special letters to font file(I didnt tested German tho, so I really dont know If I made all of them :/ )

But you need to take in to the account that its not free font and by modifying it I actually kicked licence in the teeth so "dont use it unless you are rebel and you dont care about corporate licenses" :P

If you want to use it in 1.6.9 or new  1.7.0a2 just fallow this:

1. Replace file bgothl.ttf with one from Attachment
2. Go to txt folder in Soldat directory and replace those lines:
Code: [Select]
Font1=BankGothic Lt BT
Font2=BankGothic Lt BT
Font1File=C:\Soldat\bgothl.ttf (depend on your Soldat location)
Font2File=C:\Soldat\bgothl.ttf (depend on your Soldat location)
You probably want to set different size because for some people it would be too small

Here are screen how it look in actuall game with Polish letters(I was to lazy to switch to Spanish/German keyboard and check it)
Now game look amazing in my opinion, only this font was pain in the eye.

PS. I said that I gonna make font from scratch that would fit to Soldat, but after thinking about it, because of annoying Turkish symbols I think I'll pass, I would make most of Latin symbols but those Turkish are seriously pain to make and It would take probably 4 weeks to make.

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Re: SOLDAT 1.7.0a2 alpha release ready for testing!
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2015, 10:28:31 am »
GJ Akinaro. Why you don't find fonts over the internet that fits better in the console/kill log than the Soldat default font? A easier work than create from the scratch.
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