Author Topic: !Eternal RunMode 2015  (Read 5632 times)

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Offline MrHamsTR

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!Eternal RunMode 2015
« on: September 18, 2015, 06:03:38 am »
Eternal RunMode Server by Leady

Port: 23079
Location: Poland
Slot: 10
Link: soldat://

What is this mode?: Simply made for running. You can test yourself and see how fast you are. Each map has private loops, so you can try different maps.
Point is running faster and closer to checkpoints as possible as you can.
If you want to become a fast flagrunner, you can learn the tricks and basics of running in current old maps, also new maps too. There is a replay script which gives you watching chance right after your run over.
You can also see your rank if it is gold, silver or bronze.

How can I play this?
You can run without recording or stats system. Just come and play a few minutes then go. But there would a problem with fake nicks, so we decided to create an account system to save players data and protect it from fake on1es. It based on HWID and could be changed only by himself/herself with password. You have to be sign in (if you did before, just login in).

~ Commands ~
/signup Password : Create account
/login Password : Log in account
/changepass : Lets you change your password (have to be logged in)
/movestats "NewNick" "Password" : Moves your stats to "NewNick" by your password permission

/play : Starts running and timer
/fail : Finishes run whenever you want
/replay ID : Replays "ID" run (replay runer is a fire circle)
/stats : Shows your statistics
/stats ID or Name : Shows "ID" or "Name" statistics
/top : Shows rank on current map
/top mapname : Shows "mapname" rank
/watch ID : Lets you watch "ID" run
/stopwatch ID : Stops "ID" watching
/map : Shows last and current map

!v or !vote : Vote for nextmap
!vote mapname : Vote for "mapname"
!help : Shows some description
!about : Same as !help but more than help, contains server information

Some ss from ingame

Server owner : Leady
Script owner : Leady
Developing by : Leady
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^

Offline Bistoufly

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Re: !Eternal RunMode 2015
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 10:21:12 pm »
Please bring it to 1.7!

Would be so fun to run in HD

Offline MrHamsTR

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Re: !Eternal RunMode 2015
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 05:25:07 am »
Of course I agree with you, I'm going to do something on it. Thank you for waking me up :)
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^