Author Topic: Can't change bitrate or refresh rate  (Read 4016 times)

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Offline Tarrega

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Can't change bitrate or refresh rate
« on: May 05, 2016, 09:50:06 am »

I'm wondering why I can't change these settings on the new version of soldat. I used to be able to change it, and I remember it helped with my performance issues. Perhaps it has to do with me being on a new laptop, but I doubt that.

I've tried almost every combination of settings on the config, and tried turning off every service/application I could think of, and my Soldat still stutters and skips to the point where I probably won't be able to play my playoff match.

The problem is not frames per second. When uncapped, I get 1000~ FPS, but the game is literally unplayably unstable. I would really appreciate some help, any ideas?

Offline darDar

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Re: Can't change bitrate or refresh rate
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2016, 10:03:02 am »
these were removed in 1.7 but are still in the config.exe. Same goes for the gamma, which was removed but is still in the menu at options.
For performance improvements you would want to share you computers specs + os.
Usually it helps to unecheck vsync, or run the game in windowed fullscreen.
Reinstalling or upgrading the video drivers should also help. Since 1.7 uses openGL, it should run way better on all machines and systems than any versions prior to 1.7.
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Offline urraka

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Re: Can't change bitrate or refresh rate
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2016, 01:23:23 pm »
Make sure you have:

- High resolution timer: enabled (in graphics tab)
- Low power mode: enabled (in performance tab)

Other than that you can try toggling vsync (if you enable it you're better off disabling FPS limit, btw).

Offline BKT

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Re: Can't change bitrate or refresh rate
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2016, 11:54:57 pm »
- Low power mode: enabled (in performance tab)

What does it do anyway?  ???
Owned by player with high ping = Blame the ping.
Keep getting owned when playing on the other side of the world and got high ping = Blame the ping.

Make sense...

Offline urraka

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Re: Can't change bitrate or refresh rate
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2016, 04:59:47 pm »
- Low power mode: enabled (in performance tab)

What does it do anyway?  ???

Nothing you should be caring about. When it's enabled the main loop will sleep a bit (1ms) every iteration to let the cpu breath (otherwise you will see like 100% cpu usage, some people call it "busy loop"). The thing is that when this is enabled there is also something that will lower the OS timing resolution to 1ms, because by default it seems to be too big and makes sleep(1ms) actually sleep for like over 10ms (I found this to be the main reason for stutter in previous versions). I'm not sure if that timing resolution affects anything else in sodat (other than that sleep call), but I think it's just safer to leave it on.