Script Name: HitBox Modifier!
Version: 1.0.0
Author: dominikk26
Compile Test: PassedCore Version: 2.8.0+
Code: Click here! Fast Download: Click!Script Core: III
Script Description:Works on normal and realistic mode, works with bonuses and vest.
Great fun, example ruger shoot in head = kill, barrett shoot in legs = non kill

And people with slightly bigger accuracy will be trying to aim for example to the head. Given following the setting is really a lot of fun.
Head = 185
Torso = -15
Legs = -75
How changes?
- Open config.ini
What next step?
- Search [Modifier] section.
- Change 0 is normal, 20 is +20%, -90 is -90% etc.. 44 is +44%.
Head is head up hitbox, Torso is mid hitbox, Legs is leg down hitbox.
Name = HitBox Modifier!
MainFile = hitbox.pas
Sandboxed = 0
Head = 185
Torso = -15
Legs = -75
Thanks for help me!
- np!