Author Topic: HitBox Modifier!  (Read 4371 times)

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Offline soldat-game

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HitBox Modifier!
« on: June 02, 2016, 05:16:03 am »
Script Name: HitBox Modifier!
Version: 1.0.0
Author: dominikk26
Compile Test: Passed
Core Version: 2.8.0+
Code: Click here!
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Script Core: III
Script Description:
Works on normal and realistic mode, works with bonuses and vest.
Great fun, example ruger shoot in head = kill, barrett shoot in legs = non kill :) And people with slightly bigger accuracy will be trying to aim for example to the head. Given following the setting is really a lot of fun.
Code: [Select]
Head = 185
Torso = -15
Legs = -75

How changes?
- Open config.ini
What next step?
- Search [Modifier] section.
- Change 0 is normal, 20 is +20%, -90 is -90% etc.. 44 is +44%.
Head is head up hitbox, Torso is mid hitbox, Legs is leg down hitbox.

Name = HitBox Modifier!
MainFile = hitbox.pas
Sandboxed = 0

Head = 185
Torso = -15
Legs = -75

Thanks for help me!
- np!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 05:48:36 am by soldat-game »

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Re: HitBox Modifier!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 06:16:29 am »
Ruger shot in head in Realistic Mod is actually a kill without modding. That's (among others) why I find Realistic the only reasonable mod.

Anyway, seems interesting to try it out with the following configuration ;)
Code: [Select]
Head = 0
Torso = -100
Legs = -100

Offline soldat-game

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Re: HitBox Modifier!
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2016, 05:42:57 am »
Try this:
Code: [Select]
Head = 80
Torso = -39
Legs = -59
In normal, barrett hits in legs get 60% hp, in torso 99%, in head 100% hp. Ruger hit in head = kill. Nice game mode :) You could make such a server :D
I plan to develop the script, to setup his own values reduce damage by vest and add  enable vest only torso, normally it works on the whole body which is idiotic.
--New Info--
Valute <-100 example: -150 healing player :) And can be use example 20.5 or 20.59 valutes.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 05:53:08 am by soldat-game »