Soldat Maps & Mapmaking > CTF/INF maps

ctf_CobraR (ctf_Cobra visual remake)

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Well they are red and flashy but they doesn't look like anything particular. With sandboxes or barrels I guess I naturally assume they are coliders. Besides, you would recognize sandboxes and barrels from other maps, and remember that they are colliders.

U need exactly one game/nade to notice it's the collider, so i don't find it misleading, and it fits the theme i aimed for way better than boxes and barrels. They stand out from the rest, so u can expect from them to carry a special function. I might aswell write on each polygon what type it is, so it's obvious. I agree it's less noticeable, but i don't really think it's a bad thing in that case (~just like i dont find naming polygons necessary), if u cath my drift, yo C:

You're a beast. Awesome work!

Refs: Happy Tree Friends and Teeworls? :P

Only devs and ur friend commend good.

@duz, nice to hear somebody likes it! :d I guess the rest didn't watch enough cartoons :d

@soldat-game, I've made this map all by myself, without corresponding with the rest of the mapteam. Also, if u accuse the devs on taking sides, i can quote helloer's comment on my map: ~"Shit". Judging by different opinions i certainly won't try to force this remake through and even at this point I would probably stand against it. I hope this answer satisfies you, although I'm not concerned you will understand more than the quote i brought up.


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