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/god - enabled or disabled your god mode/god <1-32> enabled or disabled for player godmode
unit GodMode;interfaceimplementationconst Color=$DABC20;var Decl: byte; GoodMode: array[1..32] of Boolean;procedure AutoDisabled(Player: TActivePlayer; Kicked: Boolean);begin if (GoodMode[Player.ID]) then Player.WriteConsole('Your godmode has been disabled!',Color); GoodMode[Player.ID] := false;end;function Commands(Player: TActivePlayer; Text: string): Boolean;var id:byte;begin Result:=false; if (Player.IsAdmin) then begin if ExecRegExpr('/god [0-9]{1,2}$',lowercase(Text)) then begin id := 0; try delete(Text,1,5); id := strtoint(Text); except end; if (id>0) then begin if (id<33) then begin if (Players[id].Active) then begin if (GoodMode[id]=false) then begin GoodMode[id]:=true; if (Player.ID=ID) then Player.WriteConsole('Godmode is enabled!',Color) else begin Player.WriteConsole('Godmode for '+Players[ID].Name+' enabled!',Color); Players[id].WriteConsole(Player.Name+' give for you godmode!',Color); end; end else begin GoodMode[id]:=false; if (Player.ID=ID) then Player.WriteConsole('Godmode is disabled!',Color) else begin Player.WriteConsole('Godmode for '+Players[ID].Name+' disabled!',Color); Players[id].WriteConsole(Player.Name+' disabled your godmode!',Color); end; end; end else Player.WriteConsole('Not found a player with the ID. ('+inttostr(id)+')',Color); end else Player.WriteConsole('ID must be smaller than '+inttostr(id)+'. (max 32)',Color); end else Player.WriteConsole('ID must be bigger than 0.',Color); end; if (lowercase(Text)='/god') then begin if (GoodMode[Player.ID]=false) then begin GoodMode[Player.ID]:=true; Player.WriteConsole('Godmode is enabled.',Color); end else begin GoodMode[Player.ID]:=false; Player.WriteConsole('Godmode is disabled.',Color); end; end; end;end;function NoDamage(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Single; BulletId: Byte): Single;begin if (GoodMode[Victim.ID]=true) then Result := 0 else Result := damage;end;initializationbegin Game.OnLeave := @AutoDisabled; for Decl := 1 to 32 do begin Players[Decl].OnCommand := @Commands; Players[Decl].OnDamage := @NoDamage; GoodMode[Decl]:=false; end;end;finalization;end.
Wow nice script I sent to you a private message!You know any other options which may use only administrator? e.g predator mode, berserker, more grenades or something?
Quote from: SneS on September 25, 2016, 01:44:53 amWow nice script I sent to you a private message!You know any other options which may use only administrator? e.g predator mode, berserker, more grenades or something?Send for u Yes im have tele mouse (ADMIN DELETE THIS SCRIPT idiots .. ), teleport for players, explode enmy, admin command example /banr <ID> <Time(Min|H|D|Mon)> <Reason> | - Ban player of id on specified | time (hour, day, months) | with the stated reason |/changewep <id> <newweapon>aimbot (but admins delete this script from this forum.. using public dll hahahah idiots...)and other trol player script but admin delete me all fun scripts (They say it was a scam, cheats...)