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I can't download the map from your missile tag server. Fileport is responsive, so it's not firewall, perhaps check the map file naming (extension must be lowercase, map file must be named exactly as it appears in mapslist)
In your server missile is more hard to avoid, maybe because it follow your head instead of shoes!? Tought.
const posmsg = $00FF00; negmsg = $FF0000; neumsg = $F0E68C; minplayers = 2; timerstart = 10; botname = 'Missile Bot'; maxpoints = 3; maxtop = 1000; //Missile mstartspeed = 150; //Start speed/s (max mmaxspace*60) mincspeed = 0.05; //Increasing the speed per tick mmaxspace = 15; mdamage = 100; var target,mid,total,bravop,gear: byte; i,timer: integer; swapt,gstart,endgame: boolean; alphap: array[1..32] of byte; mx,my,tx,ty,xd,yd,dist,sine,cosine,mspeed,mspace: single; topspeedf,topplayersf: TStringList; playerafk: array[1..32] of boolean; procedure SpawnMissileBot;var NewPlayer: TNewPlayer;begin NewPlayer := TNewPlayer.Create; try NewPlayer.Name := botname; NewPlayer.Team := 3; NewPlayer.Dummy := True; Players.Add(NewPlayer, TJoinSilent); finally NewPlayer.Free; end;end;procedure GiveWep(ID,PWep,SWep: Byte);var NewPrimary,NewSecondary: TNewWeapon;begin NewPrimary := TNewWeapon.Create(); NewSecondary := TNewWeapon.Create(); try NewPrimary.WType := PWep; NewSecondary.WType := SWep; Players[ID].ForceWeapon(NewPrimary, NewSecondary); finally NewPrimary.Free(); NewSecondary.Free(); end;end; procedure TopSpeed(ID: Byte; Speed: Single);var newspeed: string; oldspeedsingle,newspeedsingle: single;begin newspeed := formatfloat('0.00',Speed); if File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt') and File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt') then begin topspeedf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt'); topplayersf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt'); if (topspeedf.Count=maxtop) then begin oldspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[topspeedf.Count-1]); newspeedsingle := strtofloat(newspeed); if (oldspeedsingle>newspeedsingle) then begin Players.WriteConsole('+'+inttostr(maxtop)+'/'+inttostr(maxtop)+': '+Players[ID].Name+': '+newspeed,posmsg); topspeedf.Free; topplayersf.Free; end else begin topspeedf[topspeedf.Count-1] := newspeed; topplayersf[topplayersf.Count-1] := Players[ID].Name; oldspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[0]); newspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[topspeedf.Count-1]); if oldspeedsingle<=newspeedsingle then Players.WriteConsole('1/'+inttostr(topspeedf.Count)+': '+Players[ID].Name+': '+newspeed,posmsg); for i := (topspeedf.Count-1) downto 1 do begin oldspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[i-1]); newspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[i]); if oldspeedsingle<=newspeedsingle then begin topspeedf.Exchange(i-1,i); topplayersf.Exchange(i-1,i); end else begin Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+'/'+inttostr(topspeedf.Count)+': '+Players[ID].Name+': '+newspeed,posmsg); break; end; end; topspeedf.SaveToFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt'); topspeedf.Free; topplayersf.SaveToFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt'); topplayersf.Free; end; end else begin topspeedf.Append(newspeed); topplayersf.Append(Players[ID].Name); oldspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[0]); newspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[topspeedf.Count-1]); if oldspeedsingle<=newspeedsingle then Players.WriteConsole('1/'+inttostr(topspeedf.Count)+': '+Players[ID].Name+': '+newspeed,posmsg); for i := (topspeedf.Count-1) downto 1 do begin oldspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[i-1]); newspeedsingle := strtofloat(topspeedf[i]); if oldspeedsingle<=newspeedsingle then begin topspeedf.Exchange(i-1,i); topplayersf.Exchange(i-1,i); end else begin Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+'/'+inttostr(topspeedf.Count)+': '+Players[ID].Name+': '+newspeed,posmsg); break; end; end; topspeedf.SaveToFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt'); topspeedf.Free; topplayersf.SaveToFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt'); topplayersf.Free; end; end else begin topspeedf := File.CreateStringList(); topspeedf.Append(newspeed); topspeedf.SaveToFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt'); topspeedf.Free; topplayersf := File.CreateStringList(); topplayersf.Append(Players[ID].Name); topplayersf.SaveToFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt'); topplayersf.Free; Players.WriteConsole('1/1: '+Players[ID].Name+': '+newspeed,posmsg); end;end;procedure OnMChange(Next: string);begin if gstart then begin mspeed := mstartspeed; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) and (Players[i].Team=3) then begin mx := Players[i].X; my := Players[i].Y; end; end;end; procedure Clock(Ticks: Integer);begin if Ticks mod 60 = 0 then begin if timer>-1 then begin timer := timer-1; if timer>-1 then Players.BigText(2,'Starting game '+inttostr(timer)+'s',150,neumsg,0.05,5,380); if timer=0 then begin bravop := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) and (Players[i].Team=2) then bravop := bravop+1; if bravop>=minplayers then begin if Game.Teams[3].Count=0 then SpawnMissileBot; swapt := true; total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if Players[i].Active then begin if Players[i].Team=2 then Players[i].Team := 1; if Players[i].Team=1 then begin total := total+1; alphap[total] := i; end; if Players[i].Team=3 then begin mid := i; mx := Players[i].X; my := Players[i].Y; end; end; swapt := false; target := alphap[Random(1,total+1)]; Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[target].Name+'] has became a target',neumsg); mspeed := mstartspeed; gstart := true; end else Players.WriteConsole('Game start failed - need '+inttostr(minplayers-bravop)+' more '+iif(minplayers-bravop = 1,'player','players'),negmsg); end; end; if gstart then Players.BigText(2,'Target: '+Players[target].Name,150,neumsg,0.05,320,380); end; if (gstart) and (timer=-1) then begin if mspeed<=mmaxspace*60-mincspeed then mspeed := mspeed+mincspeed else mspeed := mmaxspace*60; gear := Trunc(60/mspeed*mmaxspace); if Ticks mod gear = 0 then begin tx := Players[target].X; ty := Players[target].Y; dist := Distance(mx,my,tx,ty); mspace := gear*mspeed/60; if dist<=mspace then begin mx := tx; my := ty; end else begin xd := mx-tx; yd := my-ty; cosine := xd/dist; sine := yd/dist; mx := mx+mspace*cosine*-1; my := my+mspace*sine*-1; end; end; if gear>14 then begin if Ticks mod 15 = 0 then Map.CreateBullet(mx,my,mspeed/60*cosine,mspeed/60*sine,mdamage,5,Players[mid]); end else if Ticks mod gear = 0 then Map.CreateBullet(mx,my,mspeed/60*cosine,mspeed/60*sine,mdamage,5,Players[mid]); Players.BigText(3,'Missile Speed: '+formatfloat('0.00',mspeed),150,neumsg,0.05,320,400); end;end; procedure OnJoinATeam(Player: TActivePlayer; Team: TTeam);begin if not swapt then begin Player.Team:=2; Player.WriteConsole('Wait in bravo if you want to play',negmsg); end else if Player.ID=target then GiveWep(target,6,11) else GiveWep(Player.ID,11,11);end;procedure OnJoinBTeam(Player: TActivePlayer; Team: TTeam);var a: byte;begin if playerafk[Player.ID] then begin playerafk[Player.ID]:=false; Player.WriteConsole('AFK disabled',neumsg); end; if gstart then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Alive) then total := total+1; if (total=minplayers-1) then begin gstart := false; endgame := true; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=5) and (Players[a].Active) and (playerafk[a]=false) then Players[a].Team := 2; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=1) and (Players[a].Alive) then begin Players[a].Team := 2; Players[a].Kills := Players[a].Kills+1; TopSpeed(a,mspeed); if Players[a].Kills<maxpoints then Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points',posmsg) else if Players[a].Kills=maxpoints then begin Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points and won the round!',posmsg); Map.Nextmap; end; end; endgame := false; timer := timerstart; end; end; if (gstart=false) and (endgame=false) then begin bravop := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) and (Players[i].Team=2) then bravop := bravop+1; if bravop<minplayers then Players.WriteConsole('Need '+inttostr(minplayers-bravop)+' more '+iif(minplayers-bravop = 1,'player','players'),neumsg) else if timer<1 then begin timer := timerstart; Players.WriteConsole('Minimum players reached - countdown started',posmsg); end; end; if (gstart) and (Player.ID=target) then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Active) then begin total := total+1; alphap[total] := i; end; target := alphap[Random(1,total+1)]; GiveWep(target,6,11); Players.BigText(2,'Target: '+Players[target].Name,150,neumsg,0.05,320,380); end;end;procedure OnJoinSTeam(Player: TActivePlayer; Team: TTeam);var a: byte; startok: boolean;begin if gstart then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Active) then total := total+1; if (total=minplayers-1) then begin gstart := false; endgame := true; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Active) and (((Player.ID<>a) and (playerafk[a]=false) and (Players[a].Team=5)) or (Players[a].Team=2)) then begin if Players[a].Team=5 then Players[a].Team := 2; if startok=false then startok := true; end; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=1) and (Players[a].Active) then begin Players[a].Team := 2; Players[a].Kills := Players[a].Kills+1; TopSpeed(a,mspeed); if Players[a].Kills<maxpoints then Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points',posmsg) else if Players[a].Kills=maxpoints then begin Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points and won the round!',posmsg); Map.Nextmap; end; end; endgame := false; if startok then timer := timerstart else Players.WriteConsole('Game stopped - last player joined to spectators',negmsg); end; end; if (gstart) and (Player.ID=target) then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Active) then begin total := total+1; alphap[total] := i; end; target := alphap[Random(1,total+1)]; GiveWep(target,6,11); Players.BigText(2,'Target: '+Players[target].Name,150,neumsg,0.05,320,380); end;end;procedure OnLeave(Player: TActivePlayer; Kicked: Boolean);var a: byte; startok: boolean;begin Player.Alive := false; playerafk[Player.ID] := false; if gstart then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Alive) then total := total+1; if (total=minplayers-1) then begin gstart := false; endgame := true; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Active) and (((Player.ID<>a) and (playerafk[a]=false) and (Players[a].Team=5)) or (Players[a].Team=2)) then begin if Players[a].Team=5 then Players[a].Team := 2; if startok=false then startok := true; end; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=1) and (Players[a].Alive) then begin Players[a].Team := 2; Players[a].Kills := Players[a].Kills+1; TopSpeed(a,mspeed); if Players[a].Kills<maxpoints then Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points',posmsg) else if Players[a].Kills=maxpoints then begin Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points and won the round!',posmsg); Map.Nextmap; end; end; endgame := false; if startok then timer := timerstart else Players.WriteConsole('Game stopped - last player has left the game',negmsg); end; end; if (gstart) and (Player.ID=target) then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Alive) then begin total := total+1; alphap[total] := i; end; target := alphap[Random(1,total+1)]; GiveWep(target,6,11); Players.BigText(2,'Target: '+Players[target].Name,150,neumsg,0.05,320,380); end; if Player.ID=mid then begin SpawnMissileBot; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) and (Players[i].Team=3) then mid := i; end;end;function OnDamage(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Single; BulletId: Byte): Single;begin if (Shooter.Team=3) and (Victim.ID=target) then Result := Damage else Result := 0; if (Shooter.Team=1) and (Victim.Team=1) then begin if Shooter.ID=target then target := Victim.ID else if Victim.ID=target then target := Shooter.ID; Players.BigText(2,'Target: '+Players[target].Name,150,neumsg,0.05,320,380); if Shooter.ID=target then begin GiveWep(target,6,11) GiveWep(Victim.ID,11,11); end; if Victim.ID=target then begin GiveWep(target,6,11) GiveWep(Shooter.ID,11,11); end; end;end; procedure OnKill(Killer, Victim: TActivePlayer; BulletId: Byte);var a: byte;begin if (Killer.Team=3) and (Victim.Team=1) then begin total := 0; for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Team=1) and (Players[i].Active) then total := total+1; if total=minplayers then begin gstart := false; endgame := true; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=5) and (Players[a].Active) and (playerafk[a]=false) then Players[a].Team := 2; Victim.Team := 2; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=1) and (Players[a].Active) then begin Players[a].Team := 2; Players[a].Kills := Players[a].Kills+1; TopSpeed(a,mspeed); if Players[a].Kills<maxpoints then Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points',posmsg) else if Players[a].Kills=maxpoints then begin Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Players[a].Name+'] has now '+inttostr(Players[a].Kills)+'/'+inttostr(maxpoints)+' points and won the round!',posmsg); Map.Nextmap; end; end; endgame := false; timer := timerstart; end; if total>minplayers then Victim.Team := 5; end;end; procedure OnWepChange(Player: TActivePlayer; Primary, Secondary: TPlayerWeapon);begin if Player.Team=1 then begin if Secondary.WType=255 then if Player.ID=target then GiveWep(target,6,11) else GiveWep(Player.ID,11,11); if (Player.ID=target) and (Primary.WType<>255) and (Primary.WType<>6) then GiveWep(target,6,11); if (Player.ID<>target) and (Primary.WType<>255) and (Primary.WType<>11) then GiveWep(Player.ID,11,11); end;end;procedure OnSpeak(Player: TActivePlayer; Text: string);begin if Text = '!top' then if File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt') and File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt') then begin topspeedf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt'); topplayersf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt'); Players.WriteConsole('Top Speeds for ['+Game.CurrentMap+'], total: '+inttostr(topspeedf.Count),neumsg); for i := 0 to 9 do begin if i=0 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$FFD700) else if i=1 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$C0C0C0) else if i=2 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$CD7F32) else Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],posmsg); if topspeedf.Count-1=i then break; end; topspeedf.Free; topplayersf.Free; end else Players.WriteConsole('No records for this map',negmsg); if Copy(Text,1,5) = '!top ' then if Copy(Text,6,length(Text))<>'' then begin if File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Copy(Text,6,length(Text))+'-speed.txt') and File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Copy(Text,6,length(Text))+'-players.txt') then begin topspeedf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Copy(Text,6,length(Text))+'-speed.txt'); topplayersf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Copy(Text,6,length(Text))+'-players.txt'); Players.WriteConsole('Top Speeds for ['+Copy(Text,6,length(Text))+'], total: '+inttostr(topspeedf.Count),neumsg); for i := 0 to 9 do begin if i=0 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$FFD700) else if i=1 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$C0C0C0) else if i=2 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$CD7F32) else Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],posmsg); if topspeedf.Count-1=i then break; end; topspeedf.Free; topplayersf.Free; end else Players.WriteConsole('No records for this map',negmsg); end; if Text = '!mypos' then if File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt') and File.Exists('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt') then begin topspeedf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-speed.txt'); topplayersf := File.CreateStringListFromFile('scripts/'+Script.Name+'/data/'+Game.CurrentMap+'-players.txt'); if topplayersf.IndexOf(Player.Name)<>-1 then begin Players.WriteConsole('Player ['+Player.Name+'] highest position for ['+Game.CurrentMap+']',neumsg); for i := 0 to topplayersf.Count-1 do if topplayersf[i]=Player.Name then begin if i=0 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$FFD700) else if i=1 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$C0C0C0) else if i=2 then Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],$CD7F32) else Players.WriteConsole(inttostr(i+1)+': '+topplayersf[i]+': '+topspeedf[i],posmsg); break; end; end else Players.WriteConsole('Position not found for player ['+Player.Name+']',negmsg); topspeedf.Free; topplayersf.Free; end else Players.WriteConsole('No records for this map',negmsg); if Text = '!eafk' then if Player.Team=5 then begin playerafk[Player.ID] := true; Player.WriteConsole('AFK enabled',neumsg); end else Player.WriteConsole('Join to spectators to enable AFK',negmsg); if Text = '!dafk' then begin playerafk[Player.ID] := false; Player.WriteConsole('AFK disabled',neumsg); end;end;var a: byte; begin Game.TickThreshold := 1; timer := -1; Map.OnAfterMapChange := @OnMChange; Game.OnClockTick := @Clock; Game.Teams[1].OnJoin := @OnJoinATeam; Game.Teams[2].OnJoin := @OnJoinBTeam; Game.Teams[5].OnJoin := @OnJoinSTeam; Game.OnLeave := @OnLeave; for a := 1 to 32 do begin Players[a].OnDamage := @OnDamage; Players[a].OnKill := @OnKill; Players[a].OnWeaponChange := @OnWepChange; Players[a].OnSpeak := @OnSpeak; end; for a := 1 to 32 do if (Players[a].Team=1) or (Players[a].Team=2) and (Players[a].Active) then Players[a].Team := 2; Players.WriteConsole('[*] '+Script.Name+' compiled successfully',posmsg); WriteLn('[*] '+Script.Name+' compiled successfully');end.
if (gstart) and (timer=-1) then begin if mspeed<=mmaxspace*60-mincspeed then mspeed := mspeed+mincspeed else mspeed := mmaxspace*60; gear := Trunc(60/mspeed*mmaxspace); if Ticks mod gear = 0 then begin tx := Players[target].X; ty := Players[target].Y; dist := Distance(mx,my,tx,ty); mspace := gear*mspeed/60; if dist<=mspace then begin mx := tx; my := ty; end else begin xd := mx-tx; yd := my-ty; cosine := xd/dist; sine := yd/dist; mx := mx+mspace*cosine*-1; my := my+mspace*sine*-1; end; end; if gear>14 then begin if Ticks mod 15 = 0 then Map.CreateBullet(mx,my,mspeed/60*cosine,mspeed/60*sine,mdamage,5,Players[mid]); end else if Ticks mod gear = 0 then Map.CreateBullet(mx,my,mspeed/60*cosine,mspeed/60*sine,mdamage,5,Players[mid]); Players.BigText(3,'Missile Speed: '+formatfloat('0.00',mspeed),150,neumsg,0.05,320,400); end;