Author Topic: Barret rant  (Read 16094 times)

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Offline machina

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Barret rant
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:04:11 pm »
Now the next thing we should do is to remove the lag from the Barret.
...and make it in such form as a DLC weapon. Eventually, a subscription paid every month. Let's at least get some money before ultimately having Soldat fucked up.

This has killed that gun for good, its not fun to play with it since it was introduced a lag, you guys ruined a perfectly fine gun.
Killed the gun for good? Half of Zabijaka servers are filled with Barrett-whores.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 05:35:38 pm by darDar »

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Re: A new art direction for 1.8
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 11:17:02 am »
Now the next thing we should do is to remove the lag from the Barret. This has killed that gun for good, its not fun to play with it since it was introduced a lag, you guys ruined a perfectly fine gun.

What?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Barrett - this shitty weapon is too strong for a long time. And you want even better? Don't be pathetic.

I hope that Barrett will be worse (in next version 1.8 ).
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 05:43:50 pm by darDar »

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Re: Re: A new art direction for 1.8
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2016, 02:33:05 pm »
What?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Barrett - this shitty weapon is too strong for a long time. And you want even better? Don't be pathetic.

I hope that Barrett will be worse (in next version 1.8 ).
This is funny because back in the day where Barrett had zero delay, this was just a sniper rifle, way distant of this super overpower status.
I guess that all this idea about the Barrett is made of it's style, one bullet to kill. People get mad easily because there's someone laying down and killing him with one bullet. If you compare the Barrett to the CS AWP, you can say the same thing about it's power, but there's many ways to counter it. People like Chaky (Chilean national team) can easily rape you with Barrett, with or without delay, and you gonna say that this weapon is OP, even with 1 second delay. If you play against the Barrett like you play against the Steyr AUG, you gonna die easily.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 10:35:20 am by duz »
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2016, 01:25:40 pm »
People get mad easily because there's someone laying down and killing him with one bullet.
Soldat's Barrett is long time not for such purposes. Now it's mainly a rush into an enemy and kill with one shot.

If you play against the Barrett like you play against the Steyr AUG, you gonna die easily.
Unlikely to the other one-shot-one-kill weapon i.e. M79, Barrett has no range limitations so you have to take down opponent within its StartUpTime which is currently 0.316 s. This isn't enough to get yourself close enough for most weapons. For some long range weapons like Ruger, this is gonna give you one hit. You still need one more and you have to hit torso twice to make it fatal. Funnily, on Barrett (with latest 1.7.1 update) you only have to hit a foot once to kill.

So your only tactics is to hope for a miss... Which isn't most likely to happen because in latest update (1.7.1) it has been prevented from happening be decreasing Barrett's MovementAcc. So Barrett's user can jump, backflip and do whatever one desires to do while not affecting an aim at all. But that's the sniper rifle's purpose, wasn't it? Or maybe some time ago we lost it's ultimate goal? To be actually a sniper rifle - not some rushing one-foot-hit-one-kill overpowered weapon. And you don't have to care if opponent is moving because Barrett's bullets are the fastest so there's no need to adjust and foresee opponent's moves to hit one.

Sorry, this post drifted away a bit from the topic but it's still had to be said that Barrett isn't a sniper rifle anymore at all.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 01:28:02 pm by machina »

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2016, 02:25:46 pm »

Quote from: machina
you have to take down opponent within its StartUpTime which is currently 0.316 s. This isn't enough to get yourself close enough for most weapons.
That's just wrong. There's also reload time to take into account, which is usually used by players with a brain to counter a barret player.

it has been prevented from happening be decreasing Barrett's MovementAcc. So Barrett's user can jump, backflip and do whatever one desires to do while not affecting an aim at all.
That's wrong as well. Do you even play Soldat or are you just working on boosting your post count on the forums?

Also, Barret got bink. Means; your shots get inaccurate if you get hit. On a sidenote: wrong topic.
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Offline machina

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2016, 05:37:36 pm »
Quote from: machina
you have to take down opponent within its StartUpTime which is currently 0.316 s. This isn't enough to get yourself close enough for most weapons.
That's just wrong. There's also reload time to take into account, which is usually used by players with a brain to counter a barret player.
Wait, what? ReloadTime? I'd like to remember that Barrett has the lowest ReloadTime property among all primary weapons i.e. 1.16 s. Neither Deagles nor HK-MP5 can be reloaded faster. Pretty nice result for a weapon carring 10 one-shot-one-kill bullets. For comparison a USSOCOM ReloadTime takes 1 s which is the only bullet-shooting weapon that can be reloaded faster than Barrett.

So, seriously? How is this advantageous? You ever encountered a Barrett user that would run out of ammo while fighting someone? I didn't.

Hopefully, you didn't mean FireInterval by saying "reload time" as this would be most inaccurate understanding of terms for an official Soldat Weapon Mod designer.

it has been prevented from happening be decreasing Barrett's MovementAcc. So Barrett's user can jump, backflip and do whatever one desires to do while not affecting an aim at all.
That's wrong as well. Do you even play Soldat or are you just working on boosting your post count on the forums?

Also, Barret got bink. Means; your shots get inaccurate if you get hit. On a sidenote: wrong topic.
Bink is but an imitation of a solution. It just doesn't work.

I do actually play. These are publics those doesn't seem to be taken in account at all while designing the WM. Interestingly, all we yell for here on these forums are new players. But they won't come from gathers or leages but from public servers those seem to be ommited in calculations.

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2016, 05:41:15 pm »
I do actually play. These are publics those doesn't seem to be taken in account at all while designing the WM. Interestingly, all we yell for here on these forums are new players. But they won't come from gathers or leages but from public servers those seem to be ommited in calculations.
This is retard overload.

Why would you design a weapons mod around public players?
May as well design CS cash rewards around getting a full AWP buy every round, even if you lose.

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2016, 04:31:04 am »

Why would you design a weapons mod around public players?

Because as I said in previous post, Soldat is not a private toy for old players who play once per weeks in gather. Open your eyes a bit wider and look at Soldat as product, damn game for people around the world, that NEED new player, that guess what? THEY PLAY PUBLIC IN THE FIRST PLACE, for fun, for god damn few minutes of cool brutal shooting, not for numbers, ratio or perfect shoot all the time. They dont give a F about taking in to the account reaload time to "counter a barret player"

Soldat NEED new players in PUBLIC SERVERS, and that should be priority, not patting on the head older ones. Without new players from public server, in next year you would play again and again with the same 20-30 people ALL THE TIME, because I seriously didnt saw new faces in Soldat for past months, and if, its like install-play-forget.

You design WM to be balanced between new players and old. It had to give various chooses from weapon list, Barret right now, beside m79 and styer is only weapon used in public because its overpowered and easy to use. Too easy. Even in not oneshoot servers most of players run with barret, because even weaker player can jump with it and get head shoot without even trying.

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2016, 06:48:21 am »
The current WM is not designed for "competitive" play, it's much more balanced around publics.
What do you want the WM be like? Every weapon one hit? Or scale their damage up so it becomes realistic mode? And that way m79 won't be OP in publics?

Because as I said in previous post, Soldat is not a private toy for old players who play once per weeks in gather.
NEED new player, that guess what? THEY PLAY PUBLIC IN THE FIRST PLACE, for fun, for god damn few minutes of cool brutal shooting, not for numbers, ratio or perfect shoot all the time.
Who do you think is more valuable.
The gather player that plays a couple of gathers every other day... Or the public player that plays the game for 30 minutes and then never touches the game again?
For the people who are going to stay, they'll pretty quickly learn that m79 is shit, and that autos dominates in soldat.

Soldat NEED new players in PUBLIC SERVERS, and that should be priority, not patting on the head older ones. Without new players from public server, in next year you would play again and again with the same 20-30 people ALL THE TIME, because I seriously didnt saw new faces in Soldat for past months, and if, its like install-play-forget.
That's already happened, and been so for a couple of years or longer.
Soldat won't suddenly get new players just because you botch a WM.
Look at the current version. The most botched WM in soldats history, and the publics are still empty, and pubbers still play m79 and brt.

You design WM to be balanced between new players and old. It had to give various chooses from weapon list, Barret right now, beside m79 and styer is only weapon used in public because its overpowered and easy to use. Too easy. Even in not oneshoot servers most of players run with barret, because even weaker player can jump with it and get head shoot without even trying.
WM doesn't matter at all to a newbie, and the newbies view on which weapons are good will change throught their play.. So how do you balance all those weapons that they're balanced between every player level group?
You don't, you balance it for the competitive scene, since they're pretty much the only ones who will notice if a weapon is UP or OP.

Offline machina

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2016, 05:18:24 pm »
The current WM is not designed for "competitive" play, it's much more balanced around publics.
What do you want the WM be like? Every weapon one hit? Or scale their damage up so it becomes realistic mode? And that way m79 won't be OP in publics?
I played few FPS games. In most of them a sniper rifle's bullet has to hit a head to kill or a good spot on torso. Only Soldat's Barrett is so stupidly designed it can kill an opponent by hitting one's foot.

The way I see it, is we have AK back again. Barrett doesn't kill with one foot shot and has MovementAcc that actually affects player's aim. That would be a good start at least.

Actually, on realistic publics (already closed Leo's CTF) there was a huge diversity of weapons picked by players. M79 was as good option as other weapons - not op at all.

Offline darDar

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2016, 05:39:12 pm »
Moved the topic to where it belongs.
Please stop derailing news or other topics with random and unrelated posts in the future.
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2016, 02:07:14 pm »
Its a skill thing, for example , u cant play barret in public the same way you play in gathers.
I destroy everyone in public with barret, but on gathers I cant hit anyone, cuz they know how to deal with it.

At the same time, there are other players who barret on specific maps on gathers...skill..and brains
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2016, 01:45:21 am »
It's all about the weapon's appeal.

Who says the same for a MP5 or Ruger? :P

Doesn't matter if you add 5 hours of delay or 0, they gonna choose it.
That's why I think you should remove this idiotic delay and work on the other aspects like reload time, bink and movementacc.

PS: Barrett with delay is not a Barrett. You can rename it to whatever you like, this is more a Tau Cannon (Half Life) than a classic sniper rifle.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 01:51:36 am by duz »
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2016, 05:43:07 am »
It's all about the weapon's appeal.

Who says the same for a MP5 or Ruger? :P

Doesn't matter if you add 5 hours of delay or 0, they gonna choose it.
That's why I think you should remove this idiotic delay and work on the other aspects like reload time, bink and movementacc.

PS: Barrett with delay is not a Barrett. You can rename it to whatever you like, this is more a Tau Cannon (Half Life) than a classic sniper rifle.

This, when I go public I only play barrett or m79 no matter what map. Just way funner & also last time I went public the zabajakakakaka server is now like 32 slot or something ridiculous? The reg is just terrible at this amount of players with most sprays/DE/rugar etc... so I just get annoyed playing any other gun.
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2016, 06:39:55 pm »
Another point: Do you want a Barrett in the game or other thing? If you want a Barrett, the classic sniper rifle that means 1 shot 1 kill. You have to know the consequences of it.
It is not about "easy" or "hard" to kill someone, it's about the weapon itself. It will be one hit one kill and doesn't matter the delay value.

I was puzzled when they added this non sense delay to the Barrett. This is not a Barrett (it doesn't have to be a realistic replica, but does not make sense). I really think that's a good time to remove this delay and do the right thing.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 06:42:05 pm by duz »
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2016, 09:05:34 am »
I was puzzled when they added this non sense delay to the Barrett. This is not a Barrett (it doesn't have to be a realistic replica, but does not make sense). I really think that's a good time to remove this delay and do the right thing.
...and make FireInterval equal to 0. Also, I think we should fix that Barrett shoots with only one bullet. This is totally not fair because there's a possibility you could miss enemy's foot and one wouldn't die instantly. So for fixing this I think Barrett should fire with 5 bullets at least those would spread as in Spas (illustration attached). Speed and Damage of Battett's bullet is kept obviously. Also, we could give some chance (like 30%) that bullet will explode when hitting the target so it is more fun for "snipers" :)

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2016, 09:08:24 am »
Troll mode off, would you?
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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2017, 04:09:22 pm »
"Barret is balanced"

"AK wasn't nerfed/ruined at all"


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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2017, 05:28:38 pm »
it's not about being op, it's about what's fun to play

Offline machina

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Re: Barret rant
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2017, 05:39:00 pm »
it's not about being op, it's about what's fun to play
The more kills one can make with least effort, the more fun.