Author Topic: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)  (Read 6871 times)

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Offline dominikkk26

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Read on below:
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 03:48:26 pm by dominikkk26 »

Offline dominikkk26

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6 beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2014, 02:58:18 pm »
ZitroFun 1.1.6c beta:
- Added: Statistics for map [!mapstats or !mapstats <MapName>]
- Added: Possibility enable and disable statistics map
- Improved: Server statistics
- Added: Kick players in the server statistics
- Fixed: Small error associated with overdue updates in the server statistics
- Added: K/D ratio in !stats
- Improved: Appearance settings.ini
- Added: TopMapPlayed [!topmaps]
- Added: Possibility inclusion the ranking updates in real time [UpdateRanksRealTime=ON]
- Added: Ability to disable the statistics for 'Major' players [AntyMajorStats=ON]
- Added: /resetmaptop
- Added: Ability to enable and disable topmaps, [TopMapsON=ON] (Remember topmaps requires enabled MapStats!)
- Improved: Smart matching a list of commands in !reginfo
- Fixed: OnException [the new system of logging]
- Fixed: Display and language errors in DamageStats
- Added: Friendly Fire Damage received
- Added: Killed By Friend in [Stats]
- Added: Survival stats
- Improved: Now does not require a large size letters in the case of the parameters ON|OFF|PL|EN|IP|HWID|NICK etc
- Added: Possibility to choose which statistics are to be displayed publicly
- Added: Possibility to enable and disable individual statistics
- Added: Possibility to enable and disable individual commands
- Added: Create logs
- Added: Encoding MD5 password
- Improved: In command /changenick
- Added: Autologin through the nick [On the request of the user (statistics are not secure)]
- Added: DefaultAutoLogin in settings.ini
- Fixed: Display statistics and small errors while for displaying statistics a various game mode
- Fixed: bug with credits
- And other crap which no wrote!

New settings.ini:
Code: [Select]










What I plan and please:
- The system logs I tried to make clear. But it seems to me that the little bit of writing, write me what to add to logs. ✔
- Cooperation with rambomode [Rambo killed. Earned arc. He killed as the Rambo. He killed players] (Nobody plays and no one asks for cooperation for this game mode)
- Streamlining the readme and stuff  (Broken graphics card)
- I'll record video presentations ✔
- Fixed info menu[appearance and smart] (!reginfo) ✔
- I'll add the best and worst spree (spree dead and kill) [I do not know how it will have to survival]
- Add assit kill
- Do you have any ideas send them to me on PM, or post here.

Example logs:
Code: [Select]
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun] -----------------------> 2014-04-17 14:23:24 <-----------------------
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[LoadSettings] Settings loaded successfully :)
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[Start] Starts...
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[AutoRepair] File nickreg/server/stats.txt do not needs repair
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[AutoRepair] File nickreg/server/rankpoint.db do not needs repair
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps:
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[MapStats] Found file nickreg/maps/.txt
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[MapStats] Found file nickreg/server/MapPlayed.db
[2014-04-17 14:23:24] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:43:47] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:43:47] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Death
[2014-04-17 14:43:47] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:43:47] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Death
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun] -----------------------> 2014-04-17 14:50:56 <-----------------------
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[LoadSettings] Settings loaded successfully :)
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[Start] Starts...
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[AutoRepair] File nickreg/server/stats.txt do not needs repair
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[AutoRepair] File nickreg/server/rankpoint.db do not needs repair
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps:
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[MapStats] Found file nickreg/maps/.txt
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[MapStats] Found file nickreg/server/MapPlayed.db
[2014-04-17 14:50:56] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:52:08] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:52:08] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:52:08] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:52:08] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Automatically registered: `Od|Dominikk26
[2014-04-17 14:52:08] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:52:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 he added a password
[2014-04-17 14:53:28] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command /autologin Off
[2014-04-17 14:53:30] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:53:30] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:53:30] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:53:49] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:53:49] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:53:49] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:53:49] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:54:09] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:54:12] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:54:12] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:54:12] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:54:14] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:54:14] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:54:14] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:54:14] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:54:22] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:54:32] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 logged in
[2014-04-17 14:54:35] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:55:07] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !reginfo
[2014-04-17 14:55:18] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 changed your password
[2014-04-17 14:55:30] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:55:30] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:55:30] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:55:39] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:55:49] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:56:01] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 logged in
[2014-04-17 14:56:04] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:56:23] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:56:25] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 logout
[2014-04-17 14:56:29] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 logged in
[2014-04-17 14:57:09] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !top
[2014-04-17 14:57:17] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 14:57:18] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 14:57:18] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 14:57:29] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command !stats
[2014-04-17 14:57:58] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 changed your nick
[2014-04-17 14:58:53] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 changed your nick
[2014-04-17 15:01:26] [ZitroFun]-->[Admin] `Od|Dominikk26 reload settings
[2014-04-17 15:01:26] [ZitroFun]-->[LoadSettings] Settings loaded successfully :)
[2014-04-17 15:01:27] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:01:27] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:01:27] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:01:33] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:01:33] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:01:33] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:01:33] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:01:40] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player `Od|Dominikk26 registered oneself
[2014-04-17 15:01:40] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 registered the it
[2014-04-17 15:01:44] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:01:44] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:02:36] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:02:36] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:02:36] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:02:37] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:02:37] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:02:37] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:02:37] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] `Od|Dominikk26 - Automatically login with HWID
[2014-04-17 15:02:37] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:02:43] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 use command /autologin OFF
[2014-04-17 15:02:45] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:02:45] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:02:45] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:02:46] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variable statistics maps
[2014-04-17 15:02:46] [ZitroFun]-->[Load] Loaded statistics maps: ctf_Nuubia
[2014-04-17 15:02:46] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:02:46] [ZitroFun]-->[Restart] Restarted variables statistics server
[2014-04-17 15:02:56] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 logged in
[2014-04-17 15:06:01] [ZitroFun]-->[Player] Player: `Od|Dominikk26 changed your nick
[2014-04-17 15:08:38] [ZitroFun] -----------------------> 2014-04-17 15:08:38 <-----------------------
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 10:36:43 am by dominikkk26 »

Offline dominikkk26

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2014, 03:50:43 pm »
Bug fixes and 2 new things! Zitrofun 1.1.6d!



Example command use in CTF mode in survival:
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 03:54:22 pm by dominikkk26 »

Offline dominikkk26

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2014, 07:02:44 am »
Hey guys how to detect that at the end of the round (when survival) player killed the server and not It himself?

Offline hakeryk2

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2017, 01:49:46 pm »
I just can't get it working. The script is loading, but there is no stats for players or top ranking.  Any help?

In log file I just have
[2017-05-28 12:12:23] [ZitroFun]-->[LoadSettings] Settings loaded successfully :)

and that's it.

Newest version of Soldat.

This is working

Offline Ratman

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2017, 08:43:16 pm »

Please include (for the future) to enable "one account per user" setting, through HWID. Sometimes players logout and spam create new accounts.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 08:45:06 pm by Ratman »

Offline soldat-game

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2017, 06:12:39 am »
This will be available in a completely new code that I will soon be chasing will be available from 1.8 servers.

Offline Ratman

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2017, 05:06:36 pm »

Offline soldat-game

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Re: ZitroFun 1.1.6d beta - Please test (especially the new features)
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2017, 04:50:12 am »
Plese track this topis today im add !top and !stats and !flagstats, !rank and other only ctf mode now. ! And autoclear logs from commands type /login /create and other to not leave traces of the players password.