Author Topic: ZitroFUN-Latest  (Read 26606 times)

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Offline soldat-game

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« on: June 02, 2017, 02:44:26 pm »
Script name: ZitroFUN-Latest
Script description: Stats + Rank + Registration + Other features.
Version: 2_3.22122020.6
Author: dominikk26
Compile test: Passed
Core version: 2.8.2+
Script language: English
Point system: Formula ELO 45/1+10k-v/1000
Player rate system: Formula (((Accuracy * KD * WinRatio * RoundWinRatio) / 4.14) * Points) / 2
Download: Attachment! Click here (2_3.22122020.6) to download the latest version.
Full description:
Statistics are assigned to the players NAME.
Script is contatybile with CTF/DM!

Script Featuring:
  • Player stats
  • Ranks
  • Survival score fix
  • Script for ZitroFUN (inter alia generate HWID tracker list)
  • You can check the last time I played there anyone here with friends
  • Register, login, changepass, changenick etc. system features
  • Auto Register, Auto Login
  • Search player if you have forgotten nickname friend or other
  • Smart and ultra-efficient
Featuring player statystic:

CommandsParameters   Description
!reginfoNone   List all commands related statistics and registration.
!zitroNone   Displays information about the author, touch, version of the script and the number of registered players.
!loginNone   Shows how to login. Using it removes this command from the command list. Assigned separately to each player.
!topNone   Shows the top 15 best players.
!topmeNone   It displays the top 15 players when the middle of the player list is in the position of the player typing a command.
!top <Rank number><Rank number>: How many player has to be in the list of top   Displays the top 15 players, when the center is the list of players on the specified number.
!top <ID|Full name|Part name><ID>Player ID on server
<Full name>Full player name
<Part name>: Part player name
<Rank number>: List center number
   Displays the top 15 players when the middle of the player list is in the selected or selected player position.
!topid <Player ID><Player ID>: Player's ID on the server   Displays the top 15 players when the middle of the player list is in the selected player's position.
!ranknum <Number><Number>: Ranking position number   It displays who is in a given position in the ranking and its current number of points.
!rankNone   It will display your current ranking position and current points.
!rank <ID|Full name|Part name><ID>Player ID on server
<Full name>Full player name
<Part name>: Part player name
   Displays the current position in the ranking and the current number of points indicated player.
!statsNone   View your basic statistics.
!stats <ID|Full name|Part name><ID>Player ID on server
<Full name>Full player name
<Part name>: Part player name
   Displays basic statistics indicated player.
!otherstatsNone   Displays other your statistics.
!otherstats <ID|FullName|PartName><ID>Player ID on server
<Full name>Full player name
<Part name>: Part player name
   Displays other statistics indicated player.
/check <hwid|ip|name> <first|last|all> <true|false><hwid|ip|name>Search using hwid or ip or names
<first|last|all>For the search, use your data from: first login, last login, check you all positive login data
<true|false>: View all or apply restrictions, you can use 1 or 0 instead of true false
   Lets you search for your multi-accounts.
/changepass <Old password> <New password><Old password>Your old password
<New password>Your new password
   Changing the password for the new.
/changenick <Password> <New nick><Password>Your password
<New_nick>Your new nickname
   Changing to a new nickname, the correct change attach again with a new nickname.
/login <Password><Password>Your password   Logging on account.
/autologin <Type><Type>HWID, IP, OFF   Changing the type of autologon or disable it.
/addpassword <Password><New password>Your new password   Adding a password to your account.
/addmail <E-mail><E-mail>Your new email adress   Adding an email address to the account. This will protect you in case you forget your password or impersonate it.
/changemail <Password> <New E-mail><Password>Your password
<New E-mail>Your new E-mail adress
   Changing the E-mail adress for the new.
/memailNone   It will display your e-mail address.
/status <ID|Full name|Part name><ID>Player ID on server
<Full name>Full player name
<Part name>: Part player name
   Displays player data: Have accounts?, Is on server?, Registered on?, Seen lately?.
/switchdisplayNone   Enables / disables displaying the ranking and the action menu on the screen.
/search <name fragment><name fragment>Player fragment name   You forgot the player's name but something you associate, you are looking for the full name, you can search.
/randompass<Password type> <Password><Password type>Password heaviness: 1 = only small letters and lenght 6, 2 = letters of different size and lenght 8, 3 = letters of different size and numbers and lenght 10, 4 = different size letters, numbers, characters and lenght 10
<Password>Your password
   You are afraid to add a password but you want better protection generate a password.
/privacyip <All? [true|false]> <Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]><All? [true|false]>View all data also inactive. You can use 0 and 1 interchangeably for true | false
<Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]>The sort type of the list
   Show your privacy ip list. This is a list of all the ips the player has had while logging in successfully.
/privacyhwid <All? [true|false]> <Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]><All? [true|false]>View all data also inactive. You can use 0 and 1 interchangeably for true | false
<Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]>The sort type of the list
   Show your privacy hwid list. This is a list of all the hwids the player has had while logging in successfully.
/privacyname <Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]><Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]>The sort type of the list   Show all your used nicknames.
/clearprivacy <What? [hwid|ip]> <Privacy ID [id|all]> <Player [name|partname|id]><What? [hwid|ip]> <Privacy ID [id|all]>The sort type of the list
<Player [name|partname|id]>: Selected player to check
   Clears the indicated privacy or all privacy. As a result, you will not be able to login automatically for the specified ip or hwid, or will have to login manually.
/page <Page number><Page number>Privacy list page number   Shows the indicated page from the privacy list.
/nextNone   Shows the next page from the privacy list.
/lastNone   Shows the previous page from the privacy list.

AdminCommandsParameters   Description
/check <hwid|ip|name> <first|last|all> <true|false> <ID|FullName|PartName><hwid|ip|name>Search using hwid or ip or names
<first|last|all>For the search, use your data from: first login, last login, check you all positive login data
<true|false>: View all or apply restrictions, you can use 1 or 0 instead of true false
<ID|FullName|PartName>: Player ID or player full name or player part name
   Lets you search for players multi-accounts.
/status <ID|Full name|Part name><ID>Player ID on server
<Full name>Full player name
<Part name>: Part player name
   Displays player data: Have accounts?, Is on server?, Logged in?, Registered on?, Seen lately?, Have mail?, Have password?, Multi-accounts found by first login HWID, Multi-accounts found by first login IP, Multi-accounts found by last login HWID, Multi-accounts found by last login IP, Multiple accounts found by scanning all hwid from which user successfully logged, Multiple accounts found by scanning all ip from which user successfully logged, Multi-accounts found by current HWID (only when dont have accounts), Multi-accounts found by current IP(only when dont have accounts). This command performed with administrator privileges may result in a small amount of lag.
/deleteacc <Full name><Full name>: Player's full name, case sensitive   Delete of a indicated player account. (Requires approval!)
/resetallplayersstatsNone   Restarts all player statistics.
/generatenewpass <Password type> <Full name><Password type>Password heaviness: 1 = only small letters and lenght 6, 2 = letters of different size and lenght 8, 3 = letters of different size and numbers and lenght 10, 4 = different size letters, numbers, characters and lenght 10
<Full name>Player's full name, case sensitive
   If the indicated player has an e-mail, he will generate a password and save it in the Send-Mail.txt file. (Requires approval!)
/backupcreate <Backup name><Backup name>The name of the backup file without ".backup"   Creates a backup with the name entered. (Requires approval!)
/restorebackup <Backup name><Backup name>The name of the backup file without ".backup"   Restores the backups. (Requires approval!)
/generatemailinglistNone   Generates a mailing list and saves to file. You'll find the file in the nickreg folder. (Requires approval!)
/yesNone   Approves operation.
/noNone   Does not approve the operation.
/privacyip <All? [true|false]> <Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]> <Player [name|partname|id]><All? [true|false]>View all data also inactive. You can use 0 and 1 interchangeably for true | false
<Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]>The sort type of the list
<Player [Full name|Part name| Player ID]>: Selected player to check
   Show privacy ip list for indicated player. This is a list of all the ips the player has had while logging in successfully.
/privacyhwid <All? [true|false]> <Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]> <Player [name|partname|id]><All? [true|false]>View all data also inactive. You can use 0 and 1 interchangeably for true | false
<Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]>The sort type of the list
<Player [Full name|Part name| Player ID]>: Selected player to check
   Show privacy hwid list for indicated player. This is a list of all the hwids the player has had while logging in successfully.
/privacyname <Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]> <Player [name|partname|id]><Sort [up|down|latest|oldest|latestused|oldestused]>The sort type of the list
<Player [Full name|Part name| Player ID]>: Selected player to check
   Show all nicknames used by the player.
/clearprivacy <What? [hwid|ip]> <Privacy ID [id|all]> <Player [name|partname|id]><What? [hwid|ip]> <Privacy ID [id|all]>The sort type of the list
<Player [name|partname|id]>: Selected player to check
   Clears the indicated privacy or all privacy. As a result, you will not be able to log in automatically for the specified ip or hwid, or will have to login manually.

Update: ZitroFUN-Latest 2_3.22122020.6:
- Fixed a bug where the script crashed while an unregistered player scored a team point. This is caused by forgetting to remove the test code.
- Small optimization has been added to the flagscore event.

Here, the data storage system has been changed, so now the script does not perform any additional actions, so changing the data is just a change in memory, so almost 0 load. Additionally, the database has decreased in size.
(How to conver last version to new? Only change script and run script.
How to conver heavy version to new?
1. Merge old nickreg folder and new.
2. Add file dbver.ver in nickreg folder.
3. Add text "heavy" in file dbver.ver don't forget to add a blank line.
4. Now start server. It will delete old player files and create accounts.db.)

« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 01:55:51 pm by soldat-game »

Offline nuclearrambo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2017, 06:45:48 am »
Anyway we could know the account file format? I am trying to build a simple web interface for the players to view stats.

Offline nuclearrambo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2017, 12:46:13 pm »
Thanks, I will try to wrap my head around it and get something working soon.

Offline Slasher

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2017, 06:35:19 pm »
Good Job! It's getting better and better.  ;)
Make love, not war.

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2017, 08:26:35 am »
I want to disable the whole "email" thing, how ? In general I want to remove the reminders from player's screen. They are annoying. Auto login is enough.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 09:43:58 am by Leo »

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2017, 09:06:50 am »
Thanks, I managed to remove it but using a "real" fix is better always ;)

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2017, 09:12:41 am »
  • [ZitroStats] Unhandled exception occured:
  • [ZitroStats] In unit new1.pas(1241:4) [LOADLIST]: Exception: "0%fg%0%fr%0%fs%0%fd%0%ac%0%bc%0%ir%0%ib%0%hr%0%ft%0" is an invalid integer
  • Disabling ZitroStats"

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2017, 10:54:11 am »
Nope but this line seems a bit weird, check it.

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2017, 08:29:01 am »
Whenever I do !top I get "there are no registered players" and I am always rank 0/0...

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2017, 11:23:01 am »
Hmm im test this on your server and im see it bug :<

For faster chat you could join our discord channel: ;)

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2018, 02:32:50 pm »
18-01-09 19:42:01 [ZitroFUN] Declares the functions complete!
18-01-09 19:42:01 [ZitroFUN] Preparing memory complete!
18-01-09 19:42:01 [ZitroFUN] Load the ranking start..
18-01-09 19:42:01 
  • [ZitroStats] Unhandled exception occured:

18-01-09 19:42:01 
  • [ZitroStats] In unit new1.pas(1243:4) [LOADLIST]: Exception: "2%fg%0%fr%0%fs%1%fd%0%ac%0%bc%0%ir%0%ib%0%hr%0%ft%0" is an invalid integer

18-01-09 19:42:01 
  • Disabling ZitroStats

Offline %%%%%%%

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2018, 09:47:49 am »
I started optimizing the script.
Last writememory 91723 now writememory 13090
It gives optimizations up to 85.72% faster :)
Nah it's 85.72% more optimized but not necessarily 85.72% faster
But good job nonetheless, that's a staggering difference in writememory

Offline surfersat

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2019, 11:45:05 pm »
Your work is excellent! Congratulations for the passion and dedication to Soldat and good programming.


Offline surfersat

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2019, 02:01:11 pm »
I'm testing in DM and it doesn't counts Kills, Deaths and Selfkills.
I fix it changing this lines:

in OnKill
"if ((Killer.Team<>Victim.Team) or (Game.GameStyle=0)) then begin"

in SelfKillModule
"//if (Game.GameStyle=3)"

Please check it. Thank you and greetings.

Offline soldat-game

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2019, 01:49:13 pm »
I'm testing in DM and it doesn't counts Kills, Deaths and Selfkills.
I fix it changing this lines:

in OnKill
"if ((Killer.Team<>Victim.Team) or (Game.GameStyle=0)) then begin"

in SelfKillModule
"//if (Game.GameStyle=3)"

Please check it. Thank you and greetings.

Yes this dont work on multimode script been work on CTF mode I write this information on relase post.
Due to the departure of DARDAR and the possibility of not assassinate the game to the end, I caught the desire to return to the development of the script :))

You want a properly working script with a large number of functions on the multimode. Try it! ZitroFUN-Heavy
(It may contain errors that are not resolved)

Or for basic statistics. ZitroFUN-Lite
(It may contain errors that are not resolved)

Offline surfersat

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2019, 03:51:23 pm »
Thank you for your reply!

I know the other scripts, but i like version 2 because the hitbox detection and showing this information on the screen when a kill happen.


Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2020, 01:31:23 am »
20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • [ZitroStats] Compilation started

20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • [ZitroStats] [Error] (87:10): Duplicate identifier 'EXP'

20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • [ZitroStats] Compilation failed

20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • Disabling ZitroStats

Offline Leo

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.0 Beta Release
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2020, 07:41:20 am »
20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • [ZitroStats] Compilation started

20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • [ZitroStats] [Error] (87:10): Duplicate identifier 'EXP'

20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • [ZitroStats] Compilation failed

20-04-08 08:29:06 
  • Disabling ZitroStats
What version did you use?
It's ok, "heavy" works fine.

Offline Ratman

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.2 - Registration + Stats + Rank
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2020, 06:34:13 pm »
Hey Soldat-game. I have a suggestion - as you know all ranking systems are prone to people taking advantage to get ahead.

For example - spawning, switching teams, etc. Also its very easy for a player to get a high stat value and then simply never play on their account again, which would keep that score artificially high.

Would be nice to have an admin command such as /delpoints to remove points from a player as a "punishment". This is perfect for the situations where /kill is too little and /punish is too severe to take care of these players.

Something like /delpoints <name> <points to remove>
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 09:13:03 pm by Ratman »

Offline Ratman

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Re: ZitroFUN 2.2 - Registration + Stats + Rank
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2020, 04:19:08 pm »
Noticed a couple issues so far.

The main one being resetallstats. The necessary fields are not being kept, such as the password, HWID, etc. See below. As a result of this, the accounts become unusable. Note how the pointsforstart doesn't have a space. Also I'm not sure how the whole multiaccount thing works. I have  Ratman123 and Ratman1234 under one account and yet it shows I have a separate account just for Ratman123? Do you have discord, I can explain a few more issues I've noted.

Code: [Select]
ratman1234 nil 0 false nil nil 43977.915502106480 43977.915502106480 Ratman123 nil 7 true nil nil 43977.915390740738 43975.926551990742
Ratman123 nil 1 true nil nil 43977.915720092591 43977.915720092591