Author Topic: M79 vulnerability to spawners  (Read 10198 times)

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Offline machina

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M79 vulnerability to spawners
« on: February 26, 2018, 06:04:05 pm »
Can someone explain why M79 has unloaded bullet? There is no other weapon with such unique property. I really would like to hear why the fuck.

Offline nosejj

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 02:28:47 am »
If I understood you correctly, you spawn with loading the bullet when you pick m79. But isn't it kind of the same thing with Barret? It takes approximately 3 seconds for both guns to be loaded upon spawn. :3

Offline machina

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2018, 01:24:44 pm »
If I understood you correctly, you spawn with loading the bullet when you pick m79. But isn't it kind of the same thing with Barret? It takes approximately 3 seconds for both guns to be loaded upon spawn. :3
Yea, Barrett has FireInterval even a bit longer than M79's ReloadTime but it's able to shoot at any distance unlikely to M79. So, if there is a Barrett camping at a spawn spot that is in open area then a situation for a M79 user is more difficult.

Still, I'm seeking an answer for a reason why was M79 scripted to be unloaded on spawn moment. "But there's Barrett" is not an answer.

Offline nosejj

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2018, 01:52:09 pm »
Well, Barret is though another weapon that takes shitload of time to be useful at a re-spawn situation, so I just put it out there.

Well, it's perfectly fine for a weapon to have advantages and disadvantages, all of them are flawed in a way. One has to learn to use each.
Anyway, there are some players that are so good with M79 boosts (with nade as well sometimes) and Knife combo. So get good, or go home. :D
(This is referred to high level 3v3 competitive CTF matches).

The official reason? I don't know and I don't think any official developer from way back will tell you why they decided this.
So asking this in an all worked up kinda way (" hear why the fuck") is pretty useless in this case. How about trying instead to inflict a real change in WM? ;)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 01:57:39 pm by nosejj »

Offline urraka

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2018, 03:34:01 pm »
I suppose it's to avoid making it over powered in a respawn situation. Think... what other weapons can you shoot instantly upon respaw that would kill with one shot? Chainsaw. LAW, maybe (not sure if it has delay to shoot but looks pretty instant). Chainsaw is very limited in range, though, and LAW you have to crouch. And with both you have to switch to secondary. So that leaves M79 the only instakill weapon on respawn. And you can also use it to boost. That reload time might be enough for some to boost thier way to enemy base. So, I don't know if these are the reasons they had for it, but as I see it, it makes a lot of sense to have the bullet unloaded on respawn.

Offline machina

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2018, 04:02:34 pm »
So get good, or go home. :D
I'm already mastered in this weapon.

How about trying instead to inflict a real change in WM? ;)
If you kept track of this forums you would know that I did (as many others did) and it's pointless because no matter how reasonable your arguments are, there is nothing fixed anyway in WM. Here's an example:
Code: [Select]
[Barret M82A1]

Offline ginn

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2018, 09:34:14 pm »
It seriously doesn't matter. You could make the reload time 1 tick, but then that would mean the fireinterval would have to be longer. It would make no difference to the gun or how it's used. Of course, if you want to make it be able to shoot quicker after respawn making it not start in an unloaded state would make it possible to change those stats.
I don't think you would want to make it able to kill soon after respawning.

M79 doesn't have the same range as barrett, but it has no bink and no movement acc, which means it can be used for rushing and close-mid combat. While barrett has startup time, movement acc (requires prone to be accurate), and bink, meaning it can't be as easily used for rushing and if you're hit once your bink will be too big for you to hit anything (unless you're a lagger, or one of those guys who are magically not affected by movement acc and bink).
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 09:35:49 pm by ginn »

Offline machina

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2018, 02:29:03 pm »
guys who are magically not affected by movement acc and bink
Soldat servers are full of magicians.

Someone close a topic plz because I was pissed, bored and wanted to bitch a little bit. M79 is fine. Don't touch its balance because you goonna ruin it - last sentence is for WM guys.

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2018, 10:49:39 pm »
excuse me a moment i wanna bitch a little too
dont get me wrong shooting a law is an art and the funniest gun in my opinion
but in respawn
Knifer (spawner) vs Law (spawned) knifer would win most of the time
the freakin knife just appears outta nowhere and is even worse if u have high ping cuz u dont even get to see the knife u just instadie

im not sure with this (correct me if im wrong) but knifers seems to be able to throw the knife while in the changin animation or atleast buffer it
but with law u gotta change anim then "load it" and even if u holding the damn fire button there still a window of time for you to get knifed before the law goes on its ride

so the knife pretty much owns the law on the short game (and it makes sense a bit but fuck spawning aint funny)

knife stats

law stats
StartUpTime=13  (this should be  like 6 or 8 ticks) or atleast make the crouch animation a bit faster more like "3 frames" to crouch

pretty much the "anti spawner" tactic that seems to be working these days is respawn and cannonball the shit out of base til u can fire your gun

btw i hate knifers

Offline Akinaro

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2018, 03:37:14 am »
Nah LAW is ok, it work as it should. Forcing player to crouch is perfect solution for its one shoot kill type.
+ if you saw how LAW actually work you will know that you need to extend it to use it, and it take half a second, exact time of crouching.

Not to mention that if you have good day and reflex you could shoot any guy with knife with LAW no matter how close he is.

As for Knife... Im not fan of it too, its buggy and its annoying. It should be lethal only in some close distance because its fricking annoying when someone throw knife from half of the map, knife barely move in the air and it hit you in leg... and you die...
The hell is that?
Game or not, all weapons are kept more or less ""realistic"" in terms of physic and then knife show up that you can throw from half of the map and its still deadly...
It should have limited range to prevent that stupid thing, because please try to throw a knife from 10m and pierce anything...

Offline machina

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2018, 06:19:43 pm »
As for Knife... Im not fan of it too, its buggy and its annoying. It should be lethal only in some close distance because its fricking annoying when someone throw knife from half of the map, knife barely move in the air and it hit you in leg... and you die...
The hell is that?
Game or not, all weapons are kept more or less ""realistic"" in terms of physic and then knife show up that you can throw from half of the map and its still deadly...
It should have limited range to prevent that stupid thing, because please try to throw a knife from 10m and pierce anything...
I have no fucking idea what you talk about. Knives ain't overpowered. It is quite frequent that a target survives a hit from a knife because it was too slow.

Also, if knives can't kill on long distances than this game loses it's most spectacular way to kill an opponent - that's a fact and you can't argue with.

Offline paintZoom

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2018, 10:35:56 pm »
Also, if knives can't kill on long distances than this game loses it's most spectacular way to kill an opponent - that's a fact and you can't argue with.
a fired Law traveling offscreen while u remain silent for a moment ... and then .. you know it...  that is the most sleek way to get a point in soldat

Offline Akinaro

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2018, 03:22:45 am »
I have no fucking idea what you talk about. Knives ain't overpowered. It is quite frequent that a target survives a hit from a knife because it was too slow.

Who said that they are overpowered? I said that they are annoyingly buggy. And just like "its quiet frequent that target survives a hit" its also quiet frequent that target get killed when you throw knife in eg. Ash map over the building and when falling just smal distance over its pick altitude it kill you. There is no way that knife with almost none velocity would do any damage. I understand when you throw it and it fall for longer time getting speed, but often knife barely move and it can be deadly.
Dont be so biased and just look from wider perspective.

Also, if knives can't kill on long distances than this game loses it's most spectacular way to kill an opponent - that's a fact and you can't argue with.

Say what? Most spectacular way to kill?
Again you are too biased toward knifes to make any discussion here. No matter what I will say you will defend it.

So again, Im not saying that Knife is overpowered or should be removed. Its just buggy. Its cool to kill enemy from a distance using knife but there should be a limit to it.
As I said if all other weapons at least try to have realistic physic, why knife should be exception?
Its ok to throw it and kill. Its ok to throw it from a distance, but that distance should be reduced slightly to make it more realistic or knife should lost its "fatality" after reaching some distance.
Its not priority in weapon configuration or big issue, it dont occurs often, but problem is there and often its annoying.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2018, 03:26:36 am by Akinaro »

Offline CheeSeMan.

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2018, 11:42:43 am »

If base hot pick different gun, when clear you pick your one shot.

A simple strategy that makes you a better player.

Banana Banging since summer 2008!     
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Offline paintZoom

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2018, 05:13:43 pm »

If base hot pick different gun, when clear you pick your one shot.

A simple strategy that makes you a better player.

One Shot server doesnt have more guns ._.

Offline nosejj

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2018, 06:32:14 pm »

If base hot pick different gun, when clear you pick your one shot.

A simple strategy that makes you a better player.

One Shot server doesnt have more guns ._.
I guess only the option of getting rekt left... :(

Offline Irlandec

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Re: M79 vulnerability to spawners
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2018, 05:33:46 pm »
As for knife, I could add up that in 90% of situations, if enemy is close to me, he is dead unless he eats. It's pretty easy to kill a spawn killing target if he is too close to your respawn and not dodging.
As well as long distance kills, it all depends on your positioning.

Don't forget that knife takes up some time to charge.

As for M79, this weapon is still unknown for me when it's gonna to kill enemy or not.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 05:35:33 pm by Irlandec »