Author Topic: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers  (Read 27127 times)

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Offline logintoo

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2018, 07:23:15 pm »
This game needs real TEAM of developers. There's no results without investments, Mr. MM
Laziness is one of my greatest virtues.

Offline Raged`

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2018, 04:46:41 am »
Late but good decision.Lets see MM is going to keep his promises about Steam release now.

Offline Ygrek Starmagedon

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2018, 06:58:29 am »
Well, MM you earned a lot on Soldat, don't you want to earn more? You just need to make v1.8, but make it well, not only for old players (cause they won't bring much money for you :P). Don't f*ck it up, now's (probably last) chance to save Soldat! :)

Offline Gemini

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2018, 07:26:21 am »
Well, MM you earned a lot on Soldat, don't you want to earn more? You just need to make v1.8, but make it well, not only for old players (cause they won't bring much money for you :P). Don't f*ck it up, now's (probably last) chance to save Soldat! :)

Michal Marcinkowski wrote (a few months ago) that Soldat is a dead project. He will not support or update this game.

Offline RBK

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2018, 08:10:38 am »
Shooozza, sorry but its TOO LATE you already destroyed soldat, why the **** you didnt end when we made that topic for MM where whole soldat community wanted you to do it

ofc thank you for all the work you did in the past (yea you used to be good dev one time) .. but its too bad that its you and only you who killed Soldat.

just dont develop any game anymore man, you will destroy it.

but still wish you the best in reallife for sure, I am like this only because I love Soldat as if it was my child.


nah, that was just bulllshit you guys said to shut our mouths, you know that you already destroyed it.

good luck in reallife anyways Shoozzaa, bye.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2018, 09:51:11 am »
And people wonder why most of people here are "toxic" :D How not to laugh and point stupid thing devs and MM do when they do it all the time :D
All we do is literally comment on situation you made :D

Best Soup Opera ever....

Offline vinteek

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2018, 06:18:31 pm »
I'd step in and join the team of developers, but I'm in the same boat. My time is so limited as it is, I'm lucky if I even play the game 1 hour a month. Still, I'd love to look at the source.

Please don't. We've already had one dev who had similiar amount of time he was willing to spent on Soldat.

Also if I'm to be honest I believe that you Shoozza owe us an apology and thorough explanation why on earth you haven't done that long ago if it's already "long overdue" and while there were still people willing to step in.

We're fully screwed. The only person who is able to save this game - MM doesn't care about his own game and won't share with us why it's "problematic child" for him and why he won't take it as his THD studio game. Even despite moving to discord and being able to somehow broadcast and advertise the game by ourselves we're left with this... It really saddens me to see the game I loved and bascially grew up with die like this - with it's creator pissing on it and on it's community. Also I believe that taking credit for this games still being alive is seriously wrong and all of your social media posts regarding Soldat as "your game" being alive and receiving updates is nothing more than a lie. Ever since you had given up the game to EnEsCE you hadn't have a real input in the game at all. You're taking credit for doing nothing and I'd even bet my money on it that you've made some money thanks to them working volountarly.

Shame on you MM for all the things you did (or I'd rather say you havent done).
Shame on you Shoozza for constantly lying to us about your involvement when all you were really doing was postponing the work and killing the game.
You guys deserve all the hate that is being thrown in your direction.

Nothing more to say. This will probably get deleted - shame  ::)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 06:42:15 pm by vinteek »

Offline NeftePanDa

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2018, 02:29:47 am »

Offline Akinaro

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2018, 02:55:43 am »
Dont worry, few well known white knights will show up soon and say to us that we are bad guys and Shoozza "didnt do nuffin bad".

Well small info for those white knights: Any normal person with brain would step down and left if he would see that he cant work on project like that, not sit in silence for half of year pretending to do something literally dragging down this game even more to the bottom. But its not only about Shoozza. If any other dev realize that he cant do anything useful to the project just quit and help finding replacement, because its really dick move to sit and do one-two things per month just to brag about being dev.
The same for MM, as it was said many time, you pissed on Soldat even if you still use it name as bragging card in every interview and your portfolio when as far I see and hear, you didnt really help this game at all to, your quote: "Put Soldat on Steam".

You all had literally YEARS to do that, spaghetti code is not excuse here, because in those YEARS you could fix it multiple times you could get help from other places than just this forum, even invest some money on it(if you can spend 150bucks on trailer content you could spend that to find proper team). Instead you spend resources on really average game like Butcher, when Soldat would get WAY better reception if you would just polish its look, UI and add some must-have multiplayer features.
But instead we had lazy development of few blocks that just fix some random bugs and add not that important things to it.
If you would just even implement simple auto-updater to game it would speed up work for past years because we would not need to wait months for release of stupid small things, people would not need to wait and manually install updates like it was some 1998 game. But even you F up such simple thing that medicore programmer could write...
So yeah, dont expect anyone to pat you on the back saying good work.

Offline soldat-game

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2018, 09:28:54 am »
Good news for years :) Call to EnEsCe to re-develop this game and make these 3000 players online back :)

Offline LinkcL

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #30 on: June 08, 2018, 12:40:33 am »
Hey developers.
From Latin America, i speak to you.
For years, I have been part of the administrative area of ​​the servers, teamspeak for soldat players, hosting and worrying about everything going well. So, I wish you the best of a player and anonymous administrator. I also wish you strength and unity more than anything else, because in the end the community was kept up not only by the people, who use the servers daily, but also by the administrators who always try to keep everything online.

The communities that I managed and uploaded servers for Chileans and Latin America.

- | Ingaming Chile
- | Rox Community
- | Cyberinc Community
- | Radical Gaming Zone
- | NOD Networks Chile
- | Terra Gaming
- | V2Gaming Chile
- | Soldat Chile (owner)
- | Latin American Soldat (owner)
- | PionetWorks Chile
- | KSC Live Community
- | GCCGaming Community Chile

And other communities that over the years, I have forgotten, but always supporting the cause, always accompanying non-profit people. It is a beautiful experience of life and hopefully in the future, ideally contribute to keep growing Latin America, North America, Asia, Greenland, Africa, Europe and the whole world that participates, and continues to participate in the game.

Fraternal greetings from LinkcL, former administrator of Latin America.
Many forces for the future team of game developers, here in the region we are waiting for Soldat to come out for Steam.

Do not forget the tournaments, the flags scored, and the laughter that produced their victories or defeats.


Offline dst

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2018, 12:35:54 pm »
having Helloer in the lead gives me a ton of hope

I just want to thank you for the contributions you made to Soldat (starting from chatMod, to developing new versions).

the irony in that the chatMod didn't work support newer versions and it never made it as an actual feature

also requesting mute for Akinaro, i don't think i can find an active topic without his negative blah blah all over it

Offline Ricrylonten

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2018, 01:36:03 am »
Reminder that Furai was the #1 Shoozza enabler next to MM and he's still on the dev team.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2018, 02:53:02 am »
also requesting mute for Akinaro, i don't think i can find an active topic without his negative blah blah all over it

uuu... so edgy... Show me rule that say that posting opinion is prohibited, especially when I just comment what YOU doing. Also compared to others I actually did few things for players, not much but more than most of you that just lament about me :] I like to keep balance of that :]
Because get real a bit and look around, its impossible to say something positive when we get all that hilarious SOUP opera(I write soup because I know that it annoy one of user :] Because yes, I often visit discord and you dont have slightly idea what nick I have :D )

But to burst your bubble I can say that I am positive about helloer dev.
You would know that if you would ACTUALLY read what I post, not just pick one sentence and cry about it. Most what I write are literally suggestions that everyone want but few of you are too biased and treat soldat as private playground, and you rather spend time on discord talking crap about others just because you personally dont like something.
Truth hurts most, especially when someone else tell you about it.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2018, 02:56:11 am by Akinaro »

Offline dst

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2018, 02:45:13 pm »
and you rather spend time on discord talking crap about others just because you personally dont like something.
Truth hurts most, especially when someone else tell you about it.

this is funny cause i'm not on the discord server. anyway offtopic so lets end this

Offline GymPolice

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Re: Stepping down and looking for new Soldat developers
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2018, 02:23:44 pm »
also requesting mute for Akinaro, i don't think i can find an active topic without his negative blah blah all over it

Came here for this
noun ~
Word used by programmers when they
do not want to explain what they did.