Author Topic: Soldat's Official Discord  (Read 15153 times)

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Offline nosejj

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Soldat's Official Discord
« on: April 06, 2018, 07:49:25 am »

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Soldats Official Discord Server was created by @manofoneway circa early October 2016, joined shortly @nosejj in the early efforts. Within less than a year dozens of users have turned into hundreds.
As most of you may have noticed, the majority of the IRC community has now migrated to this server. The Soldat Gather Services has moved too, and hopefully this month Soldatladder will join as well.
A big thanks should be mentioned for our Gather bot programmer, @XvayS. Hard at work, providing excellent quality and maintaining it non-stop. Couldn't have done this without you.

The goal of the Discord server is to create an active, vibrant and refreshing Soldat community. As well as provide quality services such as gather and servers rental.
Soldat's Discord aspires to create a communal hub, in which Soldat players of all sorts can be gathered to play, discuss and enjoy content related to Soldat.

Discord Introduction
One can use Discord on many platforms (Win/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS & Web-browser). We highly recommend using the Desktop application for best user experience.

Joining our server can be done through the following invite Link. You can also share this exact link if you want to invite your friends.
If you're experiencing difficulties using Discord and need further assistance you can Discord's Help Center, or contact one of our admins.

Why did we migrate?
- The opportunity to form one big community instead of many sub communities
- Putting Soldat up to speed with the rest of the gaming world
- Integration between text, voice & media - all in one app
- It's entirely free and still allows many crucial functions like logging
- Less configuration is required than in IRC
- Will probably attract more new players than IRC
* Further list of features

We are welcome new communities to come and enjoy our server in hope that their players base will increase and perhaps will make veterans even return to the battle field.
We currently have a few channels dedicated to sub-modes of Soldat: Realistic, Knife Only, Hide 'N' Seek, Climb, (Tactical) Trench Wars & OneShots. We hope to see all of them growing in the future!
Soldat Gather
The majority of old-school players know Soldat Gather. As mentioned, Discord is the new home for it. The gathers are taking place at it's own channel: #gather.

Soldat Gather is a community on Discord, on which competitive matches are being organized. These matches are called gathers. Gathers are similar to what you might know from games such as CS:GO as 'matchmaking'.
The preferably played gamemode on our gather is 'Capture the Flag' but we do also provide the option to play all other major gamemodes. Six players are needed to start a default gather queue, as the match is played 3on3 in CTF.

Playing gathers actively, will rapidly turn you into a stronger player and you will have the chance to meet the best Soldat players and become a part of the competitive Soldat community.

Discord Server Rules
0.  Use common sense.
1.  Respect everyone and don't be hateful. Keep in mind you're communicating with humans here.
2.  Racism will not be tolerated. That goes for any of our channels and services.
3.  Do not engage in confrontations. If you're getting flamed, simply contact the admin team and let them handle it.
4.  Controversial topics such as politics are outside of the scope of #gather and gather matches.
5.  Keep it family friendly. This means no NSFW (not safe for work) content.
6.  Don't spam. Avoid highlighting users excessively for no reason.
7.  Use respective channels. Please communicate in the appropriate channels in order to keep the server nice and tidy.
8.  No illegal or harmful content. This includes warez and malicious links.
9.  English only. Messages in other languages may be removed and temporary mutes may be given.

* Various translations can be found here

Discord Server Staff
@manofoneway - Server Founder & Owner
@BLOB - Discord Admin & Gather Admin & Gather Admin
@darDar - Discord Admin & Gather Admin & Gather Admin
@Fryer (Photocat) - Discord Admin
@nosejj  - Discord Admin & Gather Admin
@XvayS - Discord Admin & GatherBot Developer
@D4sh - Gather Admin
@dicko - Gather Admin
@Haste - Gather Admin & H'n'S Manager
@shredder  - Gather Admin
@xi0nx  - Gather Admin
@Furai - Support
@jrgp - Support
@zakath - Support
@Drummer - KO Manager
@Morko - Climb Manager

* Staff list updated last on June 8th 2018

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Custom Mappack
Download here

Includes: ctf_Aftermath, ctf_Arabic, ctf_Blako, ctf_Caro, ctf_Catch, ctf_Fl, ctf_Horror, ctf_Lava, ctf_Paradigm, ctf_Pod

ctf_Aftermath by Viral
ctf_Arabic by Puure
ctf_Blako by darDar
ctf_Caro by darDar
ctf_Catch by zakath
ctf_Fl by zakath (remake by Puure)
ctf_Horror by Puure
ctf_Lava by mtk (remake by Puure)
ctf_Paradigm by zakath
ctf_Pod by zakath (remake by Puure)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 03:40:55 am by nosejj »

Offline nosejj

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Soldat's Official Discord - What's New!?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2018, 07:48:27 pm »

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Next Event
Knife-Only CTF Cup

Future Plans
- Integrate #soldatladder to Discord

Gather Statistics

As some of you might have noticed, our staff has been putting in some extra work behind the scenes lately. Here's a bit of what we've been up to:

Weapon Mod Update for !(c)add/+

- 1.7.2 WM beta10 (used on !add/+ / !cadd/+) Changes beta8 to beta10
  Slightly more damage to DE, Spas & all automatic weapons.
  AK              Less Self-Bink
  Ruger          Shooting faster (-1 FireInterval)
  Barret         Added 1 bullet  (6 bullets now)
  Minigun       Reduced MovementAcc & ReloadTime

Full Change List

OneShots Gather
- With the uprising public interest in  OneShots, we are proud to present the OS.Gather (!osadd/+ & !osaddna/+)!  
For those who can't get enough of M79/Barret/Knife/Chainsaw/LAW!

!wmadd Update
- WM.Captains queue (!wmcadd/+) is now available, as well as NA variants (!wmaddna & !wmcaddna)
- WM Updates

Full Change List

Gather Bot
- XvayS constantly maintaining gather bot
- Added WM Gather (!wmadd/+) for qb's WM
- Added Realistic Soldat mode (!radd)
- Added Knife Only mode (!koadd)
- Added an easier !clicker alternative
- Added an auto removal system upon Idle

Tactical Trench Wars
- Falcon re-launched Eat-This servers to support TW/TTW Revival (Server Admins: Erry & nosejj)
TW Public Server Eat-This | TW soldat://
TTW Public Server (WM) Eat-This | Tactical TW soldat://

CTP#6 Event
- Was a blast. Thanks for all the participants. Here are the results.

- Reset short term bans on 1st April
- Updated punishment guidelines
- Added a policy regarding ban-evading (Please just don't...)
- Server Rules are updated and published in: English, Polish & German

- Relaunched missing servers after attack
- Fryer worked on the flood fix and saved our asses
- Mappoll has default maps now

- Added a new #info channel
- Added !commands
- #trench_wars now available with 2 public servers provided by Falcon.
- #OneShots for those M79/Barret/Knife/Saw/LAW only enthusiasts!
- #music to chill together with some tunes
- Removed inactive channels

Content Creation
- Assigned Content Creators to create media for Soldat
- Event Champions role is granted for 3 weeks for each event winner.

- Reworked ctf_Pod by Puure & ctf_Fl by Haste, Puure & nosejj & ctf_Lava by Puure
- Restored missing default Soldat CTF maps
- Created a map-pack for our custom-maps

Administration & Management
- Some staff related changes
- Added roles for KO, HnS, Climb & TW/TTW community managers

We hope you're having a good time in our #gather and we're open to read civil and constructive suggestions of improvements, either here or in PM in Discord.


Soldat Discord & Gather Administration Team
(manofoneway, darDar, Fryer, nosejj, XvayS, BLOB, D4sh, dicko, Haste, xi0nx)

Offline nosejj

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Re: Soldat's Official Discord
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2018, 05:06:49 pm »

13th April 2018

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Next Event
Knife-Only CTF Cup

Future Plans
- Integrate #soldatladder to Discord

Rules Translation
- #rules is now available to read in Dutch, English, German, Hebrew, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish & Turkish.

Big thanks to vnteek, Puure, Nanouk, F4ll, urraka, Drummer, XvayS, winter, DutchFlame, Denacke & shredder  for translating and helping review.

Information Channel
- #info channel updated with new graphics, new links and added our server goal description.

- The player's list of the Knife Only Cup Event t is filling up in a short time! Make sure to catch your spot.

Offline nosejj

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Re: Soldat's Official Discord
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2018, 07:30:53 pm »

29th April 2018

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New punishments policy

From now on, offenses will be treated on a case-by-case basis, meaning that different types and severities of offenses will draw a different punishment. The punishment's description and length will be kept at admins' discretion.

Short-term bans reset
Beginning 1st April 2018, all bans that have expired prior to this date will be removed from a player's record. Each player will start with a new tally until the next scheduled bans reset. This does not apply to permanent bans set by admins.

Users who choose to ignore !english rule
Messages in a language other than English may be deleted and the person may also be muted for repeated abuse.

Misc Updates

? ctf_Mine by Puure was added for the KnifeOnly Gathers.

? Discord has a public server @ soldat://

? Added !macos and !linux commands for a guide on how to run soldat for these OS.

? Here's a comparison between the two WMs we have (left column = values of !add, right column = values of !wmadd).

Discord Rules Translators Credits

? Czech - Morko
? Dutch - DutchFlame & Denacke
? English - Gather Admin Team
? Finnish - Jasmi
? French - Haste
? Georgian - Biurza
? German - Nanouk
? Hebrew - nosejj
? Italian - diobrando89
? Polish - vnteek & Puure
? Portugese (BR) - winter
? Russian - Drummer & XvayS
? Spanish - F4llcL & urraka
? Turkish - shredder
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 02:44:18 am by nosejj »

Offline nosejj

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Soldat's Official Discord
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2018, 03:16:15 am »

8th June 2018

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Latest Gather Statistics

Channels to follow development process opened
#development_team & #creative_team are new channels where the community can follow the development and creative development processes of Soldat, show interest and ask questions. Please make sure to stay civil, patient and not spam (#rules).

Levels addition and general levels adjustment
We added Level 5 and increased the minimum level requirement for Gather+ to Level 4. This was done in order to create a wider range of levels for unvoiced players (0 up to 3). Gather+ Players were simply bumped from 3 to 4, and from 4 to 5.

Within the process all of the gather players' level roles were reviewed again by the Trial Jury and adjusted accordingly.

Punishments policy updated
The ban lengths for Gather-related offenses have been reduced by half. Bans are still cumulative and will increase in length with each offense.

If you have any specific questions or suggestions on how to improve our ban system, please contact a Gather Admin. Thanks.

Admin recruit
shredder joined the gather administration team.

Automated punishments notifications
All users issued a punishment will now be notified by direct message via an automated system (@SoldatBans).
An explanation of the punishment and ban-time will be provided.
Please make sure that you are able to receive direct messages from this server in order to be notified.

GatherBot balance algorithm improvement
Bot has been updated to provide you with a more consistently balanced captains gather experience. Thanks to XvayS.

Addition of two European servers
Added 2 EU Servers hosted in Frankfurt, DE (#11 & #12) - Feedback needed on their performance. Again, thanks to XvayS.

Rules translation added
Italian translation was added thanks to diobrando89 who just straight up pm'ed me a translation. :)

Added commands
- !WM to see a comparison table between 1.7.1WM to 1.7.2WM Beta used in Gather.
- !mapviewer will show you urraka's online map-viewer tool.
- !guide was updated to link to the latest merged version of the comprehensive ctf tutorial (by Tanaka and nosejj).