Soldat Talk > Weapon Balance Discussion

Make AK great again!

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Just wondering why we terrorists dont get our gun buffed at all!

Ygrek Starmagedon:
I know ak-74 was nerfed, but yesterday I was playing with my friend, he was using AK and he owned everyone with it on zabijaka and on K!ng's Survival, so I think that it just needs skills. ;D


--- Quote from: Ygrek Starmagedon on May 12, 2018, 06:04:12 am ---I know ak-74 was nerfed, but yesterday I was playing with my friend, he was using AK and he owned everyone with it on zabijaka and on K!ng's Survival, so I think that it just needs skills. ;D

--- End quote ---
Maybe it was him encountering noobs instead being skilled. AK is nerfed and it's been told for many times.

You've got one example that AK isn't lowerpowered. Here's some actual statistics:


--- Quote from: machina on May 12, 2018, 05:53:40 pm ---Here's some actual statistics:

--- End quote ---

Funny because those ACTUAL statistics are not related to AK at all, its just statistic showing how many kills where made using specific gun...

By your reasoning and by that statistic we can say that LAW is weak and nerfed because its almost at the end of list... even if its one-shoot kill gun... You see the flaw in your reasoning here?

As for AK it self, it is weak, but its not that bad, in my opinion is should be really just slower styer but with more punch and spread... just like real AK....
And saying like "Maybe it was him encountering noobs instead being skilled." Are just hilarious joke... like yeah, he played with noobs because he didnt played with you or other specific player? Like everyone who play in public are noobs and should not be looked at? -_-

The graph shows that people don't pick AK, and that's still relevant


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