Author Topic: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza  (Read 36278 times)

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2018, 09:12:11 pm »
Those graphics were BEYOND amazing. Too bad I just saw them for the first time the other day... :( :(.

what happened to 1.8 and Falcon ?

... those graphics were amazing... that with Steam and a decent Anti-Cheat, could bring something new to the game...

Offline RBK

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2018, 11:16:36 am »
Cant believe these non-players, nerds, programmators, shoozza-supporters and idk what is this forum full of, they say what is good and whats not good for soldat, and they r not even playing

only a guy who didnt play soldat for years on competive level can say that its good idea to release steam ASAP, its the worst idea I can imagine

devs u should keep soldat on discord and make bigger community there, make anticheat, fix eats, make 10x better menu and graphics on maps,and fix lot of other bugs

after u will do this maybe lot of people will come back to play soldat again.. people are already coming back but when they see how bad it is they leave again after time

I can already imagine players that never played soldat.. "downloading soldat on steam, see dat 80s menu dafuq, then join game try to kill a guy with two nades to his face but it doesnt work,uninstalling soldat and giving hate comment on steam."

you cant make soldat great by releasing it on steam, but you can do things that Shoozzaa promised and failed to do, THEN release it on steam and Make Soldat Great Again.

Offline Overkill

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2018, 04:57:39 pm »
Gets me excited that some old faces, are putting their hand back into soldat. With that being said I hope y?all just remember that the game is bigger then the competitive scene. Even though they are play a huge part in the history of he game.

Edit: Just saw RBK post though I agree on some points, there is a thing about making soldat bigger like putting it on steam will force the new Devs to do those things, cause if they don?t they will get hate comments and bad ratings. That being said Shoozza is great and a lot of those players are ex SCTFL players who played at a pretty high level. It?s hard to get a high level player who can also develop. TBH they got lucky with every team they have had to have that. And you should usually pass judgement after not before. IMO
« Last Edit: June 06, 2018, 05:02:54 pm by Overkill »


Offline Irlandec

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2018, 07:51:39 am »
For your information folks,

Helloer just informed that he will try to drop a short log by the end of this week.
Stay tuned with development process at Discord at develompent channel.

Offline Ratman

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2018, 09:56:20 pm »
Please just release weekly or biweekly logs to show your progress, even if it isnt a lot. Do NOT rush Steam release. As long as you are doing work, people will be happy. Soldat will survive as it is now, but if you release to steam and it fails, it will only serve to push away the veteran players you have now, since all hope will seem to be gone for this game.

Offline Irlandec

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2018, 06:37:02 pm »
Please just release weekly or biweekly logs to show your progress, even if it isnt a lot. Do NOT rush Steam release. As long as you are doing work, people will be happy. Soldat will survive as it is now, but if you release to steam and it fails, it will only serve to push away the veteran players you have now, since all hope will seem to be gone for this game.

Progress is always happening at Discord. If you want to track down any development pace, just go there.

Offline jrronimo

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2018, 04:40:06 pm »
Good luck to the new team! I look forward to seeing what comes next.

And while I'm at it: Please bring back the super-fast-prone-chainsaw-sliding. ;)

Offline Akinaro

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2018, 02:39:46 am »

Progress is always happening at Discord. If you want to track down any development pace, just go there.

It dont cost anything to spend 60-90 second to write what is going on for people who dont like/use discord and prefer simple and easy to find post with progress.

Discord is chat platform, its dynamic and its spammed with random conversation, its annoying and time consuming when you want to find just what going on in game development. Not everyone are interested in tad annoying conversation of some people there, limiting information method to one platform that is not made for it is just stupid especially when most of people who actually still remember/play soldat still check forum rather than discord and as I said, posting simple info here its a matter of maybe 2minutes, because no one need poems or interactive presentations, just simple points of what was made what is in the work and what is discussed.

Offline Denacke

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2018, 07:54:44 am »
Making a quality post about development advancements takes a lot more than 60 seconds. Do it properly or don't do it at all in my opinion. A few proper posts about development every few weeks is fine, and those who want more up-to-date news can always join in on the open discord and see the active discussions with the developers. I doubt the current team wants to change this balance.

Offline Irlandec

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2018, 03:23:47 pm »

Progress is always happening at Discord. If you want to track down any development pace, just go there.

It dont cost anything to spend 60-90 second to write what is going on for people who dont like/use discord and prefer simple and easy to find post with progress.

Discord is chat platform, its dynamic and its spammed with random conversation, its annoying and time consuming when you want to find just what going on in game development. Not everyone are interested in tad annoying conversation of some people there, limiting information method to one platform that is not made for it is just stupid especially when most of people who actually still remember/play soldat still check forum rather than discord and as I said, posting simple info here its a matter of maybe 2minutes, because no one need poems or interactive presentations, just simple points of what was made what is in the work and what is discussed.

Yes, I agree with you regarding Discord.
That's why development talk and real commit tracks are separated and you can check commits(real changes to the game) without looking up to the whole chat log.

As for the limitations, it's not really like that. All the information is also updated on Reddit and Facebook.
I am promoting Discord since everyone can join there and check for any small/major change at any time while forums/media are more useful for big updates.

Offline M[a]nny

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2018, 04:18:06 pm »
Hello, everyone. I am Soldat player since its beta release and i would like to say my opinion about current situation with Soldat. I think, Soldat has been stucked for some years so I am very surprised to see some motivation for making it great game again. I still can see really big potential for Soldat. It is game that is unique in almost everything. I would like to post some of my ideas for a new release:

  • destructible terrain (maybe only a selected terrain and/or selected weapons - like grenades etc...)
  • new game modes like capturing multiple points on the map (it brings more strategy to the game and not only insane killing spree)
  • new graphic effects - i remember one player that created "Soldat Enhanced DX mod" (download link in the attachment)

So... i really believe, that Soldat can make it with Steam, BUT => it can't be done with current state... Soldat needs more.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 01:35:23 pm by darDar »

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2018, 02:47:57 pm »
< Last Edit: Today at 12:35:23 pm by darDar >

@Dardar If you edit a post include a note as to why and what you did

Offline Akinaro

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2018, 03:18:31 am »
< Last Edit: Today at 12:35:23 pm by darDar >

@Dardar If you edit a post include a note as to why and what you did

He removed attachment about that graphic modification "Soldat Enhanced DX mod" (those that look like reshade with additional game effects).

Its somehow funny because few devs mentioned about it, and right now this graphic "hack" dont work because Soldat dont use DX anymore... so that attachement was useless in game.

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2018, 07:33:50 am »
Dar Dar he runs his own policy and deletes posts that are unpleasant for him

Offline daaw

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2018, 09:03:52 am »
Oh that mod, he doesn't like it, becauze it was created by me, and he hates me only beacuse i don't like him back.
This is like 8 (i lost the count) time now he pushes on me.

I still like to believe all this an overlay positive change.  [pigtail]

Offline M[a]nny

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2018, 12:07:06 pm »
Why the hell is bad for Soldat to look better (even with DX hack)? I don't get it...

Offline Crimson Goth

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2018, 12:34:33 pm »
Depends on what you mean by BETTER. There is nothing wrong with updating the game but one thing that is so great about this game is the fact that it can easily be modified by the players to make the experience better for them. I personally stuck with the default interface since I discovered the game at the age of 13. A change of design alters the change of gameplay thus forcing us to adjust to them accordingly. No one wants to appear as if they have lost a touch of skill simply off a graphics change.

We should add more updated mods(in the paid version). The game needs money obviously so no more free content. Only add PAID features to the game. Anything free is a huge sacrifice to a dying coummunity.

Just my 1cent. Good day lads.

Offline Crimson Goth

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2018, 12:36:33 pm »
Start a gofundme and push for a greenlight by STEAM. We don't have to wait for it. No game is perfect on steam. Remember that lads.

Offline Ygrek Starmagedon

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2018, 06:01:18 pm »
With new dev-team Soldat will be released, but still it needs time to fix and improve it, cause there's a lot of crap in it like eats, that are there from the beginning...

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Re: New Dev Team replacing Shoozza
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2018, 05:49:09 pm »
Soldat is dead :)