Soldat Maps & Mapmaking > DM/HTF/Other maps

Climb Maps And Their Authors


Hello everyone,
I've been "working" on this project for some time and thought it could be shared here too since it has become a community project.

Firstly I'd like to thank every single one of you, discord folks, who have helped me with the list. Special thanks go to Dreadnought who has shown real enthusiasm and with his help and knowledge we've managed to lower the number of remaining "Unknowns" significantly. He has also made several corrections. I guess I really needed someone to do the job right :D.

These author-map matches were automatized to a large extent but human error is obviously involved too, so keep that in mind and don't hesitate to point out any mistakes.
The list will be probably presented in a more detailed, structured and eye candy form later. As of now, it's a work in progress.
Also the climb map pool definitely has to be changed because it's outdated and contains stuff which needs to be either editted or deleted.

I am really happy with the numbers we've got.
If you are/were into climb and haven't seen the list yet, go check it right now. You might be able to help us with the remaining maps. :)

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Oh damn, even got my 10 climb maps on that list. Good job! Not expected. :D

Good job :)

Makes me want to make a climb map to get on the list


Pretty impressive list of maps, especially as many are 10+ years old.. Some of them take me back all the way to 8th grade


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