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function ScriptCoreQuickSortAllIn(List: TStringList; Separator: string; SortingDirection:boolean): TStringList;var i,b: int64; TempLen, NumCounterMax: byte; ForTest: TStringList; TempString: String;begin if List.Count > 0 then begin ForTest := File.CreateStringList(); for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin ForTest.Append(GetPieceSC3(List[i],Separator,0)); TempLen := Length(ForTest[i]); if TempLen > NumCounterMax then NumCounterMax := TempLen; end; for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin TempString := ForTest[i]; for b:= 1 to NumCounterMax - length(ForTest[i]) do TempString := '0' + TempString; List[i] := TempString+Copy(List[i],Length(ForTest[i]+Separator),Length(List[i])); end; ForTest.Free; With List do try BeginUpdate; List.Sort; if SortingDirection then begin for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin TempLen := Length(List[i]); for b := 1 to TempLen do begin TempString := List[i]; if TempString[b] = '0' then continue else begin List[i] := Copy(TempString,b,TempLen); break; end; end; end; end else begin for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin TempLen := Length(List[i]); for b := 1 to TempLen do begin TempString := List[i]; if TempString[b] = '0' then continue else begin List[i] := Copy(TempString,b,TempLen); break; end; end; List.Move(i, 0); end; end; Result := List; Finally EndUpdate end; end;end;
function GetPieceSC3(Str, Reg: string; Number: Word): string;var Res: TStringList;begin try Res := File.CreateStringList; SplitRegExpr(QuoteRegExprMetaChars(Reg), Str, Res); Result := Res.Strings[Number]; except Result := ''; finally Res.Free; end;end;function ZeroFill(S: string; Peak: integer; IsEnabled: boolean): string;var i, m: integer;begin if IsEnabled then begin m := Peak - length(S); for i:= 1 to m do S := '0' + S; end; result := S;end;function ZeroRemover(s:string):string;var i, TempLen: integer;begin TempLen := Length(s); for i := 1 to TempLen do begin if s[i] = '0' then continue else begin Result := Copy(s,i,TempLen); exit; end; end;end;function ScriptCoreQuickSort(List: TStringList; Separator: string; SortingDirection:boolean): TStringList;var i: int64; TempLen, NumCounterMax: byte; ForTest: TStringList;begin if List.Count > 0 then begin ForTest := File.CreateStringList(); for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin ForTest.Append(GetPieceSC3(List[i],Separator,0)); TempLen := Length(ForTest[i]); if TempLen > NumCounterMax then NumCounterMax := TempLen; end; for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do List[i] := ZeroFill(ForTest[i],NumCounterMax,true)+Copy(List[i],Length(ForTest[i]+Separator),Length(List[i])); ForTest.Free; With List do try BeginUpdate; List.Sort; if SortingDirection then for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do List[i] := ZeroRemover(List[i]) else begin for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin List[i] := ZeroRemover(List[i]); List.Move(i, 0); end; end; Result:=List; Finally EndUpdate end; end;end;
TimeStart := Now(); for TempIndexID := 1 to 5000 do begin NUMA.Append('123'+#9+'TESTOWYGRACZ'+#9+'dasdasd 123123'); NUMA.Append('2'+#9+'0012312412'+#9+'asdaq1a sd2123'); NUMA.Append('8'+#9+'dasauto'+#9+'sadasd asdasd'); NUMA.Append('1'+#9+'00manek'+#9+'ssss 555'); NUMA.Append('9'+#9+'truo'+#9+'gggg 333'); NUMA.Append('13'+#9+'misterer'+#9+'asdasdas 677'); NUMA.Append('99'+#9+'0000asdsa'+#9+'666666 1123231'); NUMA.Append('77'+#9+'2nb3epd9fh12'+#9+'1213 44123'); ScriptCoreQuickSortAllIn(NUMA, #9, false); Numa.Clear; end; WriteLn('[new] Sorting batle '+FormatDateTime('ss,zzz', Now()-TimeStart)+'s'); TimeStart := Now(); for TempIndexID := 1 to 5000 do begin NUMA.Append('123'+#9+'TESTOWYGRACZ'+#9+'dasdasd 123123'); NUMA.Append('2'+#9+'0012312412'+#9+'asdaq1a sd2123'); NUMA.Append('8'+#9+'dasauto'+#9+'sadasd asdasd'); NUMA.Append('1'+#9+'00manek'+#9+'ssss 555'); NUMA.Append('9'+#9+'truo'+#9+'gggg 333'); NUMA.Append('13'+#9+'misterer'+#9+'asdasdas 677'); NUMA.Append('99'+#9+'0000asdsa'+#9+'666666 1123231'); NUMA.Append('77'+#9+'2nb3epd9fh12'+#9+'1213 44123'); QuickSort4(NUMA, 0, NUMA.Count-1, true, #9, 0, 3); Numa.Clear; end; WriteLn('[old] Sorting batle '+FormatDateTime('ss,zzz', Now()-TimeStart)+'s');