We are CoLd BlOoDeD. A soldat r/s clan.
Clan Tag: |:CB:|
Clan Leader: |:CB:| ChAmOrRo
My Email is:
chamorron8v@hotmail.comOur Clan Homepage is: xrl.us/cbclan
Clan Age: Well were a new clan we just started on August 26.
Game Mode: Well we only play realistic and survival mode. Or just survival.
Requirements to join: If you wanna join you dont have to be very good just a little. And you must have fun.
Tryout Place: We can try to tryout you in a server or when are on.
Aims: We are a fun-based clan. And we sometimes get competitive.
|:CB:| Hoofakiller
|:CB:| Eman554
|:CB:| Mr. Grimm
So if you wanna join contact me or go to our site. Thank You