Author Topic: some ideas  (Read 4830 times)

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Offline PeteBone

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some ideas
« on: September 04, 2006, 10:33:46 am »
ok there he is.
  • soldat is only a game to play online and play in arenas with bots, so, why not a story mode? with missions, rescue hostages, objectives but really like a story, not so fast like inf games, i want play sneaky and killing enemys quiet with silent weapons,enemys requesting backup, and would be cool add walk mode on the char for the soldiers patrol. And play story mode online too of course.
  • More hair styles and more headgears(hat,helmet). Soldat people like dressing well, maybe add more like a terrorist mask, nightvision thing, backpacks(in chain selection) etc...
  • like on the other post, when map making, we choose the weapons for each team.
  • i saw too much people in server playing "zombie" matches, lots of bots hunting us. So, why not a Zombie mode? for example, the main player have a lot of health and armor and the zombies start with 10% health for easy kill. That thing make me remember the Crimsonland game.
  • Other very cool thing in game. Vehchiles!Transports!

tanks, jeeps, cars watever in game would be very cool with our mate firing on the top of the jeep and we driving. Maybe Airplanes too.

  • Smoke grenades, Flash grenades...
  • Water in game too, to swim =), and for boats xD.
  • Break polygons\glass, would be cool when we trown a nade the floor crash or crack or destroy the glass
  • More cool musics, soldat musics rocks
These are my ideas, got it? ;D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 09:38:52 am by PeteBone »

Offline Bgretydews

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 11:23:35 am »
Story mode would be to much to program MM doesent want to work on soldat to much anymore.
I'd like new Headgear and stuff
Don't like the weapons idea
Zombie mode is fine as it is no need for it being a real mode for a lock....
Nades already been suggested alot
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Offline Zegovia

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 11:43:56 am »
1: I imagine some sort of Event match type of thing, the player will play through various stages on diffrent challenging terms...  Like low health, Low ammo, Alone vs many others, survive for X number of seconds.... and stuff like that...  ;D

2: Would love to, but they say it wont happen :(

3: Weapon restrictions? or whatchacall it? i wouldnt mind..  ;D

4: Doupt it would happen.. i made up a pretty nice idea for it though, it whas like virus mode from timesplitters Future perfect... :P

5: *puts on a helmet, digs a hole and hides in it..*

6: I dunno.... maybe...  :-\

Offline Zazikerng

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2006, 11:48:07 am »
All of this has been suggested previously. Vehicles are a legendary idea that is almost a "Ooh ooh, lock me!" sign. Zombie mode is okay, the only thing you'd really need is a mod to make the other team look like zombies. Weapon idea seems pointless. For the headgear, you can get a mod to mod the current hats/hairstyles, so I don't see any need in that. Story mode sounds absolutely boring. Soldat is supposed to be a fast game, not a tactical police cop simulation.

<m00`> i fucken told the fucken truth and you fuckendeleted it fuck you

Offline PeteBone

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2006, 12:59:39 pm »
blah, i dont have time to read all that posts, so i dont know what they said and i have a bad english so, dont be surprised about that.

Offline Azzarr

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2006, 03:19:14 am »
Hmm, PeteBone, don't you play LF2? You were on LF2 forums and you led a clan I think...
Anyways, back on topic, I think they're pretty good ideas except for the vehicle one... that idea is known by all to be a pointless dream that will never happen. But I have a suggestion- maybe we don't have full on vehicles, but just to make it look cool, we could have at the start of some team games a helicopter that flies past and drops off the team on parachutes? Of course, it's purely for looking cool and the helicopter will do no more, but what if?


Offline Dascoo

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2006, 06:38:01 am »
If it has vehicles in it, mods will come.


Offline Sotija

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2006, 07:55:15 am »
Nope MM said NO vehicles to soldat check the new game what MM gonna release.

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2006, 08:09:43 am »
all of your ideas have been posted before...

story mode would be alright i guess, but the rest where turned down, especially vehicles.
in before the lock
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Offline PeteBone

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2006, 01:58:31 pm »
Hmm, PeteBone, don't you play LF2? You were on LF2 forums and you led a clan I think...
Anyways, back on topic, I think they're pretty good ideas except for the vehicle one... that idea is known by all to be a pointless dream that will never happen. But I have a suggestion- maybe we don't have full on vehicles, but just to make it look cool, we could have at the start of some team games a helicopter that flies past and drops off the team on parachutes? Of course, it's purely for looking cool and the helicopter will do no more, but what if?
yes, i play lf2 lol and the clan, i already deleted the web, and if my ideas have been posted before, i think is more 1 vote then, more possibilities for the game...

Offline TDL

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2006, 09:15:49 am »
Zombie mode, story or "event" mode and new headgears have my vote.

The rest: I.... don't think I like.

Offline Dark Jesus

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2006, 09:37:52 am »
Zombie mode, story or "event" mode and new headgears have my vote.

The rest: I.... don't think I like.

I agree, vehicles sound like an ok idea, but they just would be too much. Imagine getting up arena's walls with a jeep.

Offline Zazikerng

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2006, 09:41:38 am »
Or, better yet, imagine the EXCIETEMENSTS++++++++++++ that you would get from driving back and forth in a 2D jeep! Or the wonderful and thrilling event of DRIVING A TANK TO THE RIGHT SO YOU COULD JUMP OUT OF IT AND SHOOT SOMEONE!!!!!!! WOW!!!! This sure is a great idea!

<m00`> i fucken told the fucken truth and you fuckendeleted it fuck you

Offline PeteBone

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2006, 04:23:02 pm »
Zombie mode, story or "event" mode and new headgears have my vote.

The rest: I.... don't think I like.

I agree, vehicles sound like an ok idea, but they just would be too much. Imagine getting up arena's walls with a jeep.
the avarax maps trench wars are perfect for tanks and jeeps

Offline Death MachineX350

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 04:46:19 pm »
The story mode I like. Some people act like total retards on my favorite servers.... Make the person more stuff would be nice like a (sorry probably spelled this wrong) ghille suit or different themed outfits. Not too many though.

Offline Cato269

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2006, 02:23:07 am »
vechiles? HELL NO! Imagine the flames on the forums...

Offline Grimreck

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2006, 04:23:11 am »
why dose everyone hate vehivals!!!!! is it like a "only noobs use vehiclas or i'm too good for vehiclas or vehiclas suck because i would get killed. The turrents are basically vehiclas minus movment.
I would be heaps fun. of course they would have to have health and their won spawn points and the ability to be turned off in the menu.
the only other thing.. there would need to be speical maps for vehicals and a new poly= only-vehiclas-collide. And there would be the ability to mod them. Think of it a whole new string of Vehical mods. and a seperate vehiclas.ini stuff like

speed= (speed of vehicla)
collisiondamage= (amount of health taken of if hit by it)
type= (float,hover,fly,wheels,tracks)
bullet1style=(all bullet types)
bullet2style=(all bullet types)

so some vehiclas could have a ketic energy round and explosive round

but appart from that it would be really good

Sorry i didn't relise it was MM that didn't want vehicals :-\
« Last Edit: September 13, 2006, 04:19:44 pm by Grimreck »

Offline O.R.I.O.N.

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2006, 09:25:35 am »
Hm...well, we don't hate vehicles, but the big MM has clearly said that Soldat will NEVER EVER have vehicles...ever.
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
And we still don't know if dead guys can keep a stiffy.

Offline Eagles_Arrows

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2006, 05:47:07 pm »
You registered on August 12, 2006, I see, but please use the search function because, if you do, you'll realize that most of your ideas have been suggested before.  Swimming in water has been suggested, as well, in the old Soldatforums.

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Offline Iq Unlimited

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Re: some ideas
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2006, 06:26:37 pm »
1. Alredy Suggested
2. Alredy Suggested
3. Alredy Suggested
4. Alredy Suggested
5. Alredy Suggested
All others. Alredy Suggested

you a litte short on the bandwagon, next time, be4 you post Ideas, use the search function and look them up, dont waste ppls time ;P