
What changes should be done to socom?

Decrease bullets per magazine
Increase reload time
Decrease bullet speed/damage
2 or more of the above
None - socom's fine...

Author Topic: overpowered socom?  (Read 19811 times)

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2006, 01:21:37 pm »
That wasn't really a comparison against primaries, only on mp5. Or to stretch it, autos in general. A socom user can pin a spas user stuck with it's constant fire and "sprayabillity". I'm more affraid when someone switches from their barret to sock than reversed. Either I have to rush him or run away. Else he'll take me down with half his clip.
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I do see your point, so I will re-express it in a different argument.
I, a Spas user myself, have been in this exact situation explained by you. The way to counter it is to either run backwards, rush forwards, change to a SOCOM or LAW (LAW probably isn't a good idea) or use the Spas to attack. Although it does not always work, it does work a treat if the other player cannot predict your next move. Also, any auto could do exactly the same thing to the Spas, except in half the time. The only reason I compared the SOCOM to an auto is because it is as close to an auto as a weapon can get without actually being an auto.
I guess, this time, I will compare it to the Spas-12.
Firstly, the Spas-12 has a fairly short range in comparison to the USSOCOM. The bullet speed is little over 2 thirds of that of the SOCOM, making it much less useful over long range. But one pellet from the Spas will do about 1/2 to 3/4's of the damage that a SOCOM bullet will do, and most of the time, you can land all of the Spas's pellets, unless you are at extreme range, the situation you will most likely be in against the SOCOM.
Firing-rate wise, the SOCOM can have around 3 bullets in the air before the Spas can let off a second shot. Considering that the SOCOM kills in around 5-7 shots, and the Spas in 2-3, I think it is fair to say that the Spas and SOCOM are almost even-Steven's in that department, with the SOCOM just pipping ahead if there is any difference.
In reload, you really cannot compare the two, considering the two different reload styles. Just for comparison, the Spas reloads all seven shots in about 3 seconds, more than two-and-a-half times the reload of the SOCOM.
The SOCOM, unlike the Spas, does not kick back the enemy much, which, mattering on the situation, can be good or bad.
In the end, it all matters on the situation, with distance, room-to-move, and all different factors all coming into play. Really, the SOCOM does have some slight advantage over the Spas, but they cover each other's weaknesses well.

i skipped some of your math stuff...obviously if i'm talking way off topic here you can start flaming me.


how can you even compare socom with spas??...if a socom can own you, then so can an ak, a FN mini. all these weapons are kinda auto, but fires slower, more accurate through clicking fires, and do more damamge (with the exception of mini, but it's accuratest of all).

do you really wanna talk about that? maybe it's because iether you suck, or you're choosing the wrong weapon in the wrong situatioin. you probably used spas for b2b or something. clearly, if you constantly get owned by socom it's either because you suck or he's really good. because ak and FN mini can take down a socom no problem....it's fucking pistol, jesus christ.

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2006, 11:09:27 pm »
ahahah good point unlucky, it is just a pistol. i think it is fine how it is, stop crying and just kill them.. it is very good for a secondary, it is the only one that fires a normal bullet with predictable long-distance arc... the LAW bullets just dive after a while. to me its perfect secondary for the ruger... on paper. i use ruger alot, but i end up choosing knife becuase im so used to it. im veering off subject, so ill stop now. BOTTOM LINE:
Socoms fine, just stop crying. :P

Offline Juggernaut

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #42 on: June 17, 2006, 12:23:58 pm »
yea what they said

Offline Rooster

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #43 on: June 17, 2006, 01:03:38 pm »
Socom basically grants you a single kill with dead on aim or close too, same deal as the knife chainsaw or law. It's balanced, what you're talking about goes without saying for any secondary. It's like explaining "someone missed me with their barret and killed me with a knife, unbalanced." orly?! Socom comes down to preciscion aiming with 12 bullets. It's all relative, you could say the same thing about law or knife, even chain saw requires aim. It really holds no water i'm afraid.
I join a server and see a perfect balance of knife socom law with the exception of chainsaw, which quite frankly noone uses in a war. Not at the pace their played.

Offline Juggernaut

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2006, 03:38:03 pm »
yep chainsaw needs improvement....

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2006, 07:42:58 pm »
Compare soccom with desert eagles. They're rather close i think. less power but faster firing rate, larger magazine.

My second point is that nerfing the soccom is kind of like nerfing the barret since its the most compatable secondary for it. Maybe we can even do away with the unpopular delay if the soccom is nerfed enough because now, if the barret misses the barret-er would be more screwed than before.

it has to become a weapon used as a last resort. reduce magazine (sort of a bad ruger), increase reload time, anything so that, like Rooster said, those 12 (or so) bullets must hit; you shouldn't be able to spray with it and get away like you can do now
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Offline Jermies

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #46 on: June 17, 2006, 07:57:25 pm »
Its perfect at the moment.

Offline Unlucky XIII

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2006, 09:20:03 pm »

i skipped some of your math stuff...obviously if i'm talking way off topic here you can start flaming me.


how can you even compare socom with spas??...if a socom can own you, then so can an ak, a FN mini. all these weapons are kinda auto, but fires slower, more accurate through clicking fires, and do more damamge (with the exception of mini, but it's accuratest of all).

do you really wanna talk about that? maybe it's because iether you suck, or you're choosing the wrong weapon in the wrong situatioin. you probably used spas for b2b or something. clearly, if you constantly get owned by socom it's either because you suck or he's really good. because ak and FN mini can take down a socom no problem....it's ****ing pistol, jesus christ.
I was comparing these (Spas and SOCOM) to express a point. The fact that the FN, AK and others can beat the Spas are not exactly on-topic, as we are talking about the SOCOM. And, as I said, it matters on the situation. If you had an enemy flagger close to their flag, and you were behind them, you would like something that was not a Spas in that situation. Also, if you are on low health, or even full health, and an enemy attacked you with a SOCOM from above or at a decent range, you probably aren't going to survive long enough to get another kill, especially in an open map.

EDIT: And I never said I get owned by the SOCOM, I said I use the SOCOM like a primary, and have a fair bit of power with it.

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2006, 09:31:00 pm »
Just my idea, But, put the socom at 1.5x its dmg, and remove 40 from speed... still kills quickly, But it's only effective in close quarters combat, Also do teh same to the MP5 and deg's
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Offline AThousandDeaths

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2006, 05:05:53 am »
Decrease damage by a little... some 5 points or the like.
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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2006, 05:51:41 pm »
Nah, damage is fine. If anything, just a little longer reload, but I voted the bottom-most option.

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2006, 08:06:49 pm »

i can't believe your complaining about the bloody socom! theres absolutely nothing wrong with it.

yeah maybe a longer reload i dunno..

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2006, 11:26:11 pm »
66.1% of voters agree that the Socom is fine and GNU Rocks.

Offline Meep.

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2006, 12:19:30 am »
The socom may be powerful but it's distance isn't exactly huge so I think that makes up for it.

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #54 on: June 19, 2006, 10:17:37 pm »
66.1% of voters agree that the Socom is fine and GNU Rocks.

Exactgly...its not that overpowered....its more of a back up for people with long reloads, or who suck with knife....I am glad to see more than just the m79 catching crap, but the soccom? Come on now...
Your acting like your having a duel and your opponent gets a pistol and you get a spork.
Isn't that pretty much what it is? I dunno wtf a spork is, I suppose it's way weaker than the pistol since you compared that to this.

Offline Bugs Revenge

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #55 on: June 28, 2006, 12:47:07 am »
I guess the votes says it all.  ;)

Offline Clawbug

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #56 on: March 11, 2007, 02:30:13 pm »
I guess the votes says it all.  ;)
I guess not. Socom is more powerful than AK, AUG and minimi. It can beat spas from distance.

Socom can make 123,12% of damage per second.

AUG can make 123,12% of damage per second.
AK can make 116,48% of damage per second.
Minimi can make 117,3% of damage per second.

And as Socom is 100% accurate, I can say that GOOD socomer will beat ANY AUG/AK/Minimi user from short distance.
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Offline lappakinderi

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #57 on: March 11, 2007, 02:44:25 pm »
Actually, I was playing with Toumaz the other day and I picked Barret as a primary and soccom as secondary, So I used the Barret for a while but then as the game went on I noticed that I was using Soccom all the time. I also noticed that the Soccom is like a semi-AK... So maybe a little Damage nerfation ? :D
( Toumaz yelled at me because I used it :(( )

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #58 on: March 11, 2007, 03:44:12 pm »
Clawbug, wtf is wrong with you, bumping a thread wich is ages old?

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Re: overpowered socom?
« Reply #59 on: March 11, 2007, 04:19:21 pm »
The poll needs another point:

"No more f***ing "(weaponname) is far too overpowered, I always get killed by it! T_T"-Threads, kthxbye "

Honestly, the SOCOM is just fine, it's one of those weapons, which need NO CHANGE.
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