Author Topic: ~IO| Recruiting!  (Read 702 times)

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Offline BloodBought

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~IO| Recruiting!
« on: September 19, 2006, 09:14:35 pm »
Alright, So yeah i joined CD and it didnt work out to great. So me and faruler decided to form a clan(like a few hours ago). After thinking long and hard for a name(2 min..) we came up with ~IO| which meens Infinite Ownage. Are current members are Me, Faruler, and rdrflashx. We are aiming to have 6-7 ACTIVE members. If your not active dont even bother posting. After we reach are goal of 6-7 players we will sign up for the sctfl.. We already scrimmed 2 clans, DC and EL.. we won against DC and lost against EL but both were close..


- Xfire or MSN
- Ventrilo
- Skill

If you are interested in joining then you can contact me or faruler on are xfires:

Me = jmcru
Faruler = faruler009
My msn =

We will try you out by subing you in a scrim against another clan and see how you do.

P.S: If you didnt know, We are strictly a CTF Clan.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 09:49:48 pm by BloodBought »