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Quote from: Plonkoon on October 01, 2006, 04:34:25 pmIt's pretty sad to see a simple game forum turning into a soap opera. I hope this kind of stuff dies down in the future. I do too. Why so much drama anyway? Um could you help me understand the mar77a thing? From what I just read: FLAB asks for help. mar77a abuses the ask for help but still helps with some stuff. He doesn't get carried away with stealing a password and do other stuff with it because he only reads some classified information. Then the stealee(opposite of thief) demands that the thief gets kicked out of the forums but instead you don't kick him and the stealee leaves right?
It's pretty sad to see a simple game forum turning into a soap opera. I hope this kind of stuff dies down in the future.
Here's my two cents, stalky isn't a unreasonable person, I would've demand the person to be banned too if he/she got access to my account without my persmission or knowledge. And reading thru a privated forum that was meant to be only for moderators and administrators is like 'transpassing', so therefore, at least some sort of punishment should be enforced?
And as for Louis Ex, how can you be so sure they fully quit that hacking community, once a hacker..always a hacker. Same goes for Enesce, if he really did turned to a good guy, he wouldn't have mess up your servers and what not.I am glad you told us about everything tho or else I wouldn't have known what's going on, keeping the community inform is a good thing.
Sadly, no...they didn't. I asked, then told most of them my brief knowledge of the matters before mentioning that they should get their facts straight from the source itself rather than from Ville spreading his stretched uneducated stories to his little bum-chums in #soldat.forums I kinda miss the immaturity myself too... but at the same time, most of it was crap. Posting goatse and typing AOLisms just ain't funny after the first dozen times. I don't think its really the forums to blame for its sliding entertainment value though, but rather not enough new 'characters' to make the place interesting, or much to talk about in the quiet of Soldat.
I think to bring the community back together and quit alot of this bickering....you know, bring back the old days? Well, I think we need to get our good friend MM in here and do some talkin' to us all. Maybe have an open chat about what the outcome of Soldat will actually be.
About this: was that Evil-Ville's doing? My name appears in it, along with the words light and truth, and of course, you all know about his resentment towards me.
We appear to be losing sight of the whole point of these forums.Soldatforums Now stop fighting with each other and get playing.
Please voice your opinions, share your gripes and talk about what bothers you.