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Offline Infernale

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Re: Religion
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2006, 11:32:59 am »
I believe in myself. I believe im my own god, and everyone is their own god. and giving invisible and unexplainable gods credit and blame for our actions is just a way to escape from problems.

"oh father, i have sinned, i killed 36 women and raped their kids"
"you're forgiven"
"yay ill do the same in heaven"

thats random for you.

fuck religions.
I should write something in latin here to sound smart :)

Offline jettlarue

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Re: Religion
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2006, 11:35:58 am »
Having any god care for you is technically impossible because they supposedly have no physical being, so there is no brain, so  no dopamein (however its spelled) can go from there brain and go to language areas and make them feel good. Since we are supposedly created in gods image does god look like a fat short white man like the majority of people in america...I would beg to differ.

Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2006, 11:53:15 am »

I believe in humanity's true raison d'être which is Art. I worship many musicians and artists of the like, as if they were Bodhisattvas.

Culture will end to. Do you like all art?

Offline The Geologist

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Re: Religion
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2006, 01:34:57 pm »
Wow.  I have to say I think a little less of you now EH, if you really think someone who isn't Christian is annoying for what sounds like no good reason whatsoever.

You've got one "tree-hugging" agnostic right here.  But I think my life is far from useless.

I think it would  be, if I believed something like this. In a way I do.

I mean, eventually no matter what we do, our civilization will die. Assuming that tree-hugging means you are a conservationist and environmentalist, I think that logic is just flawed. There is no justice in trying to prolong the suffering of someone you will never know. Destroying our foundations is much more helpful.

For starters, "tree hugging" was in quotes because I'm a geologist, not a tree lover.

And how is conservation/environmentalism flawed?  No justice?  Just what are you on?  It doesn't matter what civilization you're in, helping the environment a good thing no matter how you slice it.  Prolonging the suffering of someone I will never know?  You don't make any sense at all, who is this "someone" you speak of anyway? 

We all live on the Earth, and it's up to us to make the most of what we have.  Instead of mining and cutting down everything until there's nothing left, and especially in terms of non-renewable resources, conservation is key until better means are found.
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Offline homey188

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Re: Religion
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2006, 01:46:12 pm »

And as for religion, I"m legally catholic. But pastafarianism seems interesting.
In my opinion, all religions are true, whch one applies just depends on which one you belong to.

Offline RabidTreeFrog

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Re: Religion
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2006, 02:04:11 pm »
Roman Catholic. I find it amazing how many people are offended if someone is Jewish, Mormon, and Satanist for sure. They aren't trying to hurt you, why do you pick on them?

Although I DO find Born Agains slightly annoying, especially when they say that they are inviting you to a basketball game and it's really a meeting, and they try to convert yah. (Happended to a friend once.)
not around

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Re: Religion
« Reply #46 on: October 06, 2006, 02:53:35 pm »

I'd say Im a human. (one questioning page told me im a 100% satanist and 100% atheist at the same time, but thats another story.)
Seriously, I dont believe in god. I believe in what I see and what I feel and what I can touch.
Sometimes it also seems that science can explain every posible thing... tho scientist make mistakes and that leads to plotholes. In my opnion religions were invented either as a unbreakable system of how to control and utilize nations and its citizens or in some cases for profit and wealth for those who use the religion on other ppl.

one example is islam as a system:
they read their ''bible'' and some obey it very effectivly and from what I heard it says this: Those who dont believe in islam/allah are not humans and they must be perished. utilize them as much as you can and kill them when theres nothing else to loot.

or another example in Rome's imperial time catholic religion or what it was:
The church used ''their'' ppl for pure profit and used them to give money for everything (taxes)

or even another, the hindu religion thats in india:
The main purpose of the lives of hindu is to terminate them selves from this planet, because its a hell to which they return in another form everytime they die. And by meditating they shut themselves to become part of the god Brahman.
So its basicly a suicide for live.

Thats just my opnion. but do correct me if im wrong. : /

Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #47 on: October 06, 2006, 03:09:18 pm »
Wow.  I have to say I think a little less of you now EH, if you really think someone who isn't Christian is annoying for what sounds like no good reason whatsoever.

You've got one "tree-hugging" agnostic right here.  But I think my life is far from useless.

I think it would  be, if I believed something like this. In a way I do.

I mean, eventually no matter what we do, our civilization will die. Assuming that tree-hugging means you are a conservationist and environmentalist, I think that logic is just flawed. There is no justice in trying to prolong the suffering of someone you will never know. Destroying our foundations is much more helpful.

For starters, "tree hugging" was in quotes because I'm a geologist, not a tree lover.

And how is conservation/environmentalism flawed?  No justice?  Just what are you on?  It doesn't matter what civilization you're in, helping the environment a good thing no matter how you slice it.  Prolonging the suffering of someone I will never know?  You don't make any sense at all, who is this "someone" you speak of anyway? 

We all live on the Earth, and it's up to us to make the most of what we have.  Instead of mining and cutting down everything until there's nothing left, and especially in terms of non-renewable resources, conservation is key until better means are found.

Yes, we live on earth, but we won't forever. Why just prolong the inevitable at our own cost of comfort? The someone I speak of is the people who will be brought into life on the decline.

You aren't helping the environment, persay, you are just prolonging the lifespan of our race.

Its up to us to make the most of what we have, not to stretch it out for as long as we can.

Offline The Geologist

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Re: Religion
« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2006, 03:27:26 pm »
You, myself, or anyone else has no idea how long humanity will exist on the planet Earth.  And I am very much speaking of helping the environment, because those things which you seek to use for the sake of comforts often have long reaching effects.

Waste from nuclear reactors, ash and slag from power plants, acidic runoff from mines, clear cut forests and destroyed ecosystems are just some of the problems...are you saying we should just let that all happen because everyone's going to be dead some day?  That's just foolish.  Even if there were no humans left, the world would be a better place with as much care as possible taken to clean up/prevent things such as those. 

The only thing being prolonged are the creature comforts, things which humanity survived for many years without.  You're just contradicting yourself when you say its up to us to make the most of what we have, but not to streach it out as long as we can.  To make the most of what we have there is no other way but to preserve and reuse, and try not to screw up the planet that we call home while we're here.  If anything, you're giving the shaft to people who would be born later on by offering up such a lax attitude.
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Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2006, 04:14:29 pm »
You, myself, or anyone else has no idea how long humanity will exist on the planet Earth.  And I am very much speaking of helping the environment, because those things which you seek to use for the sake of comforts often have long reaching effects.

But, I know it will end one day, and thats all I need to know. I know my life will end, I know everyone elses will. I know what little I do probably won't mean a **** in the end, and neither will anyone elses.

If anything, you're giving the shaft to people who would be born later on by offering up such a lax attitude.

So are you, yours will just happen at a different time. In the end, there will always be a decline and there will always be some suffering that you will cause. I don't see why I should go out of my way to extend it to a different century. If we followed your logic, we can't have abortions, stem cell research, or any other of those things.

are you saying we should just let that all happen because everyone's going to be dead some day?  That's just foolish.

No, nothing is foolish on grand scales,  because there will be nothing. You just causing as much suffering as I am, you just think you aren't.

I mean, I'm for the methods that are practical. A minute to recycle isn't bad. But extending it to a lifestyle is bull****.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 04:20:14 pm by Smegma »

Offline Hootie hoo

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Re: Religion
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2006, 05:20:03 pm »
I'm Satanic.
In Satanism, we don't worship Satan. It's an athiestic religion: There's no God, no Satan, no Heaven, no Hell. Satan is just a symbol.

Argh, when people find out, the first thing they ask is, "Then what do you think happens when you die?" (And it's usually that exact sentence) So morbid!
pretty sure theres a satanist bible last time i check, thus i would think that its a religion, who needs a bible on how to be an athiest? im an athiest but i wouldnt ever consider myself a satanist....
Yes, there is.
who needs a bible on how to be an athiest?
There's a complicated set of rules, I believe. I haven't even seen a copy yet, so meh. I became Satanic like last week, and I'm being mistreated becasue I believe in a religion with "Satan" in it, and therefore I am evil. I wish people wouldn't be so naive. Is there anyone who understands my point of view?
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Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #51 on: October 06, 2006, 05:20:49 pm »
I became Satanic like last week


Offline Hootie hoo

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Re: Religion
« Reply #52 on: October 06, 2006, 05:22:03 pm »
Wow.  I have to say I think a little less of you now EH, if you really think someone who isn't Christian is annoying for what sounds like no good reason whatsoever.

You've got one "tree-hugging" agnostic right here.  But I think my life is far from useless.
In a way then, I am a satanist, but I don't want to be associated with stupid ****ers like you. So, go ahead and keep your title.

I believe in God, in the christian God, but I'm a pretty bad christian.
Then you're not Satanic, genius. Satanism is ATHIESTIC. There is NO god.
I became Satanic like last week

Um, what?
There was a point where you were your made up brand of half satanist half Christian (which is pretty much impossible, Satanism and Christianity are oposites) last week.
Roman Catholic. I find it amazing how many people are offended if someone is Jewish, Mormon, and Satanist for sure. They aren't trying to hurt you, why do you pick on them?
I think the same way. My friends are all Christian, although I don't like the way Chstians generally think.
Argh, I'd HATE it if someone said that. Satanist don't have funky human sacrafice rituals. Who'd we be sacfraficing them TO?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 05:28:00 pm by Hootie hoo »
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Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #53 on: October 06, 2006, 05:28:53 pm »
Wow.  I have to say I think a little less of you now EH, if you really think someone who isn't Christian is annoying for what sounds like no good reason whatsoever.

You've got one "tree-hugging" agnostic right here.  But I think my life is far from useless.
In a way then, I am a satanist, but I don't want to be associated with stupid ****ers like you. So, go ahead and keep your title.

I believe in God, in the christian God, but I'm a pretty bad christian.
Then you're not Satanic, genius. Satanism is ATHIESTIC. There is NO god.
I became Satanic like last week

Um, what?
There was a point where you were your made up brand of half satanist half Christian (which is pretty much impossible, Satanism and Christianity are oposites) last week.

Jesus, don't you get anything. My philosophies, in a sense, are somewhat "satanistic", but my faith is in a God. You can believe in God and still live a certain way. That is to say that certain moral values come with certain religions, and sometimes I can overlook them.

Lawl again, maybe now you will realize it, but I doubt it. You became a satanist last week. Not all satanist are atheists, idiot.

Offline Hootie hoo

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Re: Religion
« Reply #54 on: October 06, 2006, 05:31:50 pm »
Jesus, don't you get anything. My philosophies, in a sense, are somewhat "satanistic", but my faith is in a God. You can believe in God and still live a certain way. That is to say that certain moral values come with certain religions, and sometimes I can overlook them.

Lawl again, maybe now you will realize it, but I doubt it. You became a satanist last week.
If your faith is in God, why are your philosophies Satanic? In Satanism, Satan is a SYMBOL, not a god to be worshipped. In Satanism, you yourself are worshipped, which totally goes against Christianity. Another thing is Christians are taught that Satan is evil. In Satanism...

"Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan signifies our love of the worldly and our rejection of the pallid, ineffectual image of Christ on the cross."

Yeah. Satan is a POSITIVE symbol to me and Satanists.

Christianity is a Right-Hand-Path religion, whilst Satanism is a Left-Hand-Path religion.
So do you have three hands or what?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 05:38:14 pm by Hootie hoo »
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Offline The Geologist

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Re: Religion
« Reply #55 on: October 06, 2006, 05:32:57 pm »
That nilist attitude is exactly the reason we have so many problems to begin with.  It's just too selfish to say that giving people in the future the chance to experience the same comforts we do in a world that isn't f*cked up and trashed is somehow a bad thing.  It makes no sense whatsoever.

Just off yourself now and get it over with, sheesh.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams it is
still a beautiful world.  Strive to be happy.

Offline Hootie hoo

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Re: Religion
« Reply #56 on: October 06, 2006, 05:33:48 pm »
Well said.
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Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2006, 05:44:30 pm »
That nilist attitude is exactly the reason we have so many problems to begin with.  It's just too selfish to say that giving people in the future the chance to experience the same comforts we do in a world that isn't f*cked up and trashed is somehow a bad thing.  It makes no sense whatsoever.

Just off yourself now and get it over with, sheesh.

Hahaha, I think you missed the point. The world is always full of problems and always will be. While it is very nihilistic, I still don't just think people should do what ever the **** they want. As I said, I won't just change my whole lifestyle so I have no joy, but practical things make sense.

I'm just getting riled up, I go to a school where we are forced to take conservation shit and they shove things down our throat while remaining to say "we just want you to be you". I don't care if you want to dedicate you life to cause, if you find joy in it...fine. Don't expect me to change my whole lifestyle to fit yours.

Well said.

Once again, you are a ****ing idiot. Once again, there is more than one sect of satanism, just like any religion. Get over yourself.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 05:46:56 pm by Smegma »

Offline Hootie hoo

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Re: Religion
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2006, 05:49:34 pm »
Well said.

Once again, you are a ****ing idiot. Once again, there is more than one sect of satanism, just like any religion. Get over yourself.
Er, I was talking to The Geologist.
Who's the fucking idiot, again...?
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Offline Smegma

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Re: Religion
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2006, 05:50:16 pm »
Well said.

Once again, you are a ****ing idiot. Once again, there is more than one sect of satanism, just like any religion. Get over yourself.

Er, I was talking to The Geologist.
Who's the ****ing idiot, again...?

Yes, which is why you are a ****ing idiot. DAMMIT!