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I converted to FireFox as soon as I got this laptop. Do I win?
Can you delete IE completely from your computer (probally not)
What is Opera, is it good?
In other words its not worth the hassle, i guess.
IE7 currently has only 70% CSS standards compliance, so many web pages will work the same or worse than they do right now in IE6
... and you can change your Skin for Firefox browser? if so, how.
As much as I use and prefer Firefox over IE, I can't help but think that it's only a matter of time before hackers start targeting it as it keeps growing.
Bja, some MS development group was bragging about it while they were working on IE7 and had it in beta.
If you're interested in knowing what other features opera has I recommend checking this: http://www.opera.com/products/desktop/
Its a browser, I browse with it, and it does a fine job at it to boot.
Quote from: FliesLikeABrick on October 12, 2006, 12:36:03 amBja, some MS development group was bragging about it while they were working on IE7 and had it in beta.Bragging? lolFirefox doent support all CSS either you know. More and better than IE but still not all.
Firefox supports over 95%, I believe it is the highest of any browser right now.User numbers, not blanket statements
I use opera for the same reason as Denacke and Chakra. Opera is so much cleaner IMO. Although, I would like opera to change how downloading works, they sould make it work like Fx or IE, where a separate small window opens up when you download something, so you can close those big window.
Also Opera passes Acid2 test and Firefox doesn't.Source:http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.htmlOuch.
Always ready to smite Firefox fanboys.
Firefox doesn't release any memory if you close the main window and leave the download manager opened.
Are there any other browsers besides IE, Firefox and Opera?
This thread has turned into a browser-fanboy-mudpit fight... Everyone knows Firefox owns. Opera sucks. It has a crap name!
Even our school uses Firefox.
• Internet Explorer: 40.37%; • Mozilla: 24.99%; • Firefox: 20.39%; • Opera: 8.20%; • Safari: 5.31%; • Konqueror: 0.74%.The apparent current stats
Actually I.E. is slightly faster then firefox and has less security holes. I will try to find the website that explanes all this, you will even get banned from one of the firefox forums for posting it!But Firefox owns all.So many plugins. Right now I have grease monkey, foxy tunes, video downloader 1.0 and 2.0, faster fox, and a few others I can't think of right now. It owns all.
I use Opera.
Quote from: The Red Guy on November 13, 2006, 07:59:04 pmI use Opera.