Author Topic: Hacker ID - facts, myths, and funfacts (10/7/1)  (Read 14073 times)

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Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/5)
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2006, 05:55:09 pm »
although enesce wrote the server code, it is possible he left a hole (purposely or accidently...I really don't care). Therefore...THERE IS A VOTEKICK HACK....almost every hacker that goes on any server I surf on, gets votekicked by the majority of the server, yet continues to play untill by his own will, decides to leave...
look through your code again EnEsCe....but it's not a problem so much with Server code...soldat code is the biggest problem.
You have absolutely no clue what your on about. The only way for someone to make a anti-vote kick would be to force all players to redirect their UDP traffic to a different location. Its all server side. Too much for your puny brain to comprehend obviously.
haha don't you love it when ppl talk about programming yet have absolutely no clue about it?

@ The Bone Collector:
Although I'm not entirely sure, I believe the vote gets activated only after the vote time is up.  I noticed in a 1 on 1 (me vs somebody else) it takes about a minute after a map-vote has been cast for the server to actually change the map.  I concluded that that must be the case with vote cast which is why so many vote kicks can be casted before the server actually does anything thus making it seem as if it took 3 or 4 votes to get the hacker out.

I have however seen that 'hack' in which the server starts throwing all these vote-boxes at everyone which makes it difficult to kick the actual hacker.  Can anyone confirm this?

You are right with what you said....I don't know ****e about programming.
If thats the case about the votekick system, is there something (again with the programming) like a badly written line of code in the server program? Any programmers reckon this might be the reason?

We are ontopic, we are discussing the TOPIC. ;) read all the posts, most of them are ontopic! Oh, and thankyou for making this post. With a bit of luck, michal might see this list and fix the holes/glitches and other stuff in his newly annouced Soldat 1.3.2 :D
Just another soul to burn.

Offline ElGato

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/5)
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2006, 02:36:24 pm »
I do believe there is an aim hack right now, or at least alot of the NA/SCTFL community seems to think so. On the other side of that.... don't just vote kick someone because you THINK they are hacking, alot of people are just really good.

yeah i was contemplating about putting that along with the 'myths' - something like "a person who is really good doesn't necessarily hack" - i'm just not sure.
Hopefully my karma will go up since this did take me quite some work to put together to help people...

I would definitely add it, alot of new players come here  and even though I just arrived at these new forums I have already seen a couple names that have accused me of hacking in a public server...
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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/6)
« Reply #42 on: October 18, 2006, 10:36:14 am »
Spawn hack....i think its a glitch on my verion of soldat or leo's r/s/a...some time if i have lag and the match ends at the same time...i dont spawn for another 10 seconds then i suddenly re-apear where my corpse is, half dead.

Thanks to Serial K!ller.

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/6)
« Reply #43 on: October 18, 2006, 11:11:42 am »
Name:  Spawn hack
Description:  After dying, the hacker will spawn where his dead body is.
Usage:  rare or outdated
Type:  rather obvious"

Could be lag?

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/6)
« Reply #44 on: October 18, 2006, 11:45:50 am »
Spawn hack....i think its a glitch on my verion of soldat or leo's r/s/a...some time if i have lag and the match ends at the same time...i dont spawn for another 10 seconds then i suddenly re-apear where my corpse is, half dead.

Yes, it happens to me on occasion. Whether it's possible to hack in the same way, I don't know, but it's definitely a bug too.

Offline Axel

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/6)
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2006, 03:44:12 pm »
lots of things have happened to me that are on this list: (maybe 2-3...)
first, though, is that before i moved i could only use other other peoples networks and my own computer to play. meh dad is control freak and the only comp thats supposed to have internet can only run soldat on 16-bit color, and cant even do so cuz it doestn have DirectX8[/u][/b]. so all of this happened while i was on a faulty connection over someone elses network, now, continueing on:
the following have happened to me
1.super shelling with 79
2.afterlife walker
4.spawn cheat
the following are what happened:
1. in a few servers i played, iv been forced to the other team. i try to join my team again, and poof! it spasses out! im not disconnected, so i try again, and then all contrl is renched from me. 2 of me appear. i constantly kill myself, and i start zooming around the map, constantly teleporting(3) and atleast on my screen firing 5-10 shells in about 5 seconds; i take no damage from any of the shots that land near me, and my disenminded body continues to kill literally everyone on the server and cap the flag about 5 times, with the same purposeful movements as if a really accurate and/or smart bot had replaced me. all through out this, im just sitting there trying to say whats going on, but i cant say anything, even though everything is still updated and my connection is fine. im eventually vote kicked about 3 min after it happened.
2+3: thanks to my lag and through-network connection, lag has caused me to spawn half dead where my corpse previously was(usually happens on r/s servers). also thanks to the lag i have been killed, but it doesnt register, and what happens is i lose all my weapons and about 1.5 seconds later the ragdol kicks in. i have, by luck, wound up killing say 3 people during all the times this has happened with fists or nades.
but yes, id just like to point out that some of those are just results from clunky client side goings ons, and that those 4 are particularly prevailent when you try to switch teams in a balanced-enabled server in my experience. last thing, remember that i had to go through another network to play, and that that might have had an effect on it.

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2006, 03:40:15 am »
these are the real names of the hacks

afterlife walker = deathwalk ( common

superman = airhack (very common

skillzore = scorehack (very rare hack

crouch man = crouch glitch
the deathwalk hack is common and easily spotted

ps: u forgotten about the freeview hack which u could see futherer than the barriet (common)
and the ladder jump hack which u could jump up into the air with out falling down (sort of rare)
and the inf jet fuel hack which gives u inf jets (very very common)


Date Posted: October 19, 2006, 04:37:53 AM
u forgotten about the ladder jump hack and the inf ammo,jet and grenade hack
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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2006, 12:46:28 pm »
Spawn hack....i think its a glitch on my verion of soldat or leo's r/s/a...some time if i have lag and the match ends at the same time...i dont spawn for another 10 seconds then i suddenly re-apear where my corpse is, half dead.
Yeah it is quite anoying....beause some times it happens to me when i slam in the enemys base...and hiding behind a box or what ever is hard with out being seen apart from the blood spraying every where.
Yes, it happens to me on occasion. Whether it's possible to hack in the same way, I don't know, but it's definitely a bug too.

Thanks to Serial K!ller.

Offline -Vis-

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2006, 01:53:20 pm »
Spawn hack....i think its a glitch on my verion of soldat or leo's r/s/a...some time if i have lag and the match ends at the same time...i dont spawn for another 10 seconds then i suddenly re-apear where my corpse is, half dead.
Yeah it is quite anoying....beause some times it happens to me when i slam in the enemys base...and hiding behind a box or what ever is hard with out being seen apart from the blood spraying every where.
Yes, it happens to me on occasion. Whether it's possible to hack in the same way, I don't know, but it's definitely a bug too.

Not sure what you tried to do there, but I think it failed. I never said "Yeah it is quite anoying..." etc etc, as the quote would suggest.???

Offline Axel

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #49 on: October 20, 2006, 07:57:02 pm »

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2006, 06:12:39 am »
I think he was just trying to quote me, as though he seconds what I said, but he got the quote thing messed up a bit.

Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2006, 02:53:29 pm »
Weapons menu - Changes his weapon while he isn't spawning

If you drop your weapon while running over another one, it can often look like you are changing weapons like you said.  Also, if the player HAS picked up another weapon, he can switch to another primary without hacking.

Low firing interval - Weapons shoot faster, easily noticable with barrett. Although people often claim to have two barrets on this.

Claim? They say it because it's true.  If you're skilled with the barret, it's logical to drop your secondary in favor of another barret.  This is not a hack, and it ticks me off when people say it is.

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2006, 04:05:40 am »
Man that "Disonnect/Reconnect" glitch happens to me sometimes. It's so annoying, and its even more annoying when people accuse you of hacking or something.

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2006, 01:30:14 pm »
I believe the "double shell" portion should include something to clear up a common occurence, mainly the two barret shells fired when prone. I see this often and the people aren't hacking, yet two barret shells pop out for one round fired.

I've seen this too.  Kinda confused me for a while.
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
And we still don't know if dead guys can keep a stiffy.

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2006, 12:46:52 pm »
law guy: xactly

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Offline Death MachineX350

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #55 on: October 26, 2006, 01:33:20 pm »
I enjoy changing my secondary with an enemy's dead primary. Barrett and Aug often make an excellent combo. To contribute to the thread I commonly am accused of aim hacking often when I use an AK-74 on U13. Try not to judge to quickly as I was kicked a couple times though I don't hack. I agree with {LAW}Gamer completely with the double Barrett trick too.

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2006, 10:50:51 am »

Name:  Disconnect/Reconnect

This may not be a hack, but it sure is an expliot!! I've seen ppl doing this, when they died ( since threre is no point is performing the expliot) they stop, or if I tell them to stop, they actually stop, and chat "what am i doing?" and then it starts again. As soon as the guy is near the flag, he'll go disc/rec again and its (especially in R/S)  very difficult to fight him.
I'm very sure that is easy do deal with this, if a guy Disc/Recon. say 3 times quickly, kick, so hes forced to rejoin. PLEASE it should be very EASY to FIX this!!

Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2006, 11:00:23 am »
This is awesome. I still see to many people who falsely accuse others of hacking. I think this might be added to the soldat manual.

Offline F3nyx

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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2006, 03:19:04 pm »

Name:  Disconnect/Reconnect

This may not be a hack, but it sure is an expliot!! I've seen ppl doing this, when they died ( since threre is no point is performing the expliot) they stop, or if I tell them to stop, they actually stop, and chat "what am i doing?" and then it starts again. As soon as the guy is near the flag, he'll go disc/rec again and its (especially in R/S)  very difficult to fight him.
I'm very sure that is easy do deal with this, if a guy Disc/Recon. say 3 times quickly, kick, so hes forced to rejoin. PLEASE it should be very EASY to FIX this!!

It's not an exploit, and they're telling the truth when they say "What am I doing?"  Usually it's YOU who needs to rejoin, even if it's someone else who appears to be reconnecting.


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Re: Hacker ID - facts and myths. (10/7)
« Reply #59 on: November 08, 2006, 07:07:56 pm »
The biggest reason of "hackers" is lag, it makes them warp around and stuff, so before you yell "You hacking son of a *****", check their ping.