Author Topic: Improved Avoid the Flag  (Read 2621 times)

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Offline Mistercharles

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Improved Avoid the Flag
« on: October 14, 2006, 07:15:32 pm »
Fixed  version:

All players have weapons.

First person to die in the match gets the flag teleported to them (no flag spawn on the map). They then have Rambo-style self healing, along with a timer above their head that shows time they have left before they lose. When they have the flag, the timer ticks down. That timer uses the "point limit" setting in the main menu as the seconds that the timer starts with (ex. if the point limit is 90, the timer starts with 90 seconds). When they kill a player, the flag gets switched to the victim, and their own timer starts. Each player has his/her own timer, to make it interesting.  When a player's timer hits zero, they explode in bloody goodness, and become a spectator until the last player remains.

Joe has joined the game
Anna has joined the game
Ryan has joined the game

Joe  [M79]

The flag goes to Ryan, and his timer starts at 90 seconds. Ryan can't seem kill anyone for one minute and 10 seconds straight, because he keeps getting m79ed by Joe.

Ryan [Minigun]

Ryan's timer pauses at 20 seconds, the flag switches over to Anna, and her timer starts at 90 seconds. After 10 seconds:

Anna [AUG]

Anna's timer pauses at 80 seconds, the flag switches over to Ryan, and his timer starts at 20 seconds. Because Ryan is such a bad shot, his timer reaches zero and he explodes into bloody goodness. The following message comes up:

Ryan is out of the round

Et cetera...

Edit: Made a clarification.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2006, 07:33:38 pm by Mistercharles »
shoutout to m'boyz eagles_arrows, echo_trail, wraithlike, sadistatheart, chakapoko maker, jrgp, aznblood, chakra, keron cyst, et al, miss you, let's '#gather some day

Offline Sethamundo

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 07:32:10 pm »
Kind of confusing, but from what I got out of it, it sounds pretty interesting.
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Offline Zamorak

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2006, 07:34:55 pm »
Maybe, but I don't think anyone will play it and it might die liek the other game modes.

And gj at spelling et cetera right!!
If there is one pet peeve I have it is people who say ex cetera...
ZamoraK |2Wai|

Offline KamikazeDuck

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2006, 07:41:49 pm »
That is great! Just remember to give Tallacaps some credit for the initial idea.

You've improved it very well and everything seems to be well thought out. The only thing is that when a player is out of the game, in large servers, they would have a lengthly wait before the next round begins.

The timer idea is very good, it would be great if everyone's times were shown in the leaderboard. That way you could choose to kill the player with the least time left or bring down the person with the most time left to be level with everyone else's times.

This mode would offer some pretty good tactics. I like it!

Offline Keron Cyst

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2006, 08:07:41 pm »
The automatic flag-teleportation would probably be tricky, as well as the point system. For MM, I mean. But beautiful revamp of Tallacaps's idea. I'd vote for it ;)

Offline Cato269

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2006, 08:11:58 pm »
yay. finally a flame-tag idea for soldat :D im all for it!

Offline ultraman

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2006, 08:27:37 pm »
An excellent idea, can't wait to play it!

Offline As Always

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2006, 08:49:51 pm »
Sound good. Reminds me of 'tiggy' from when I was in grade 3, minus the gory explosions.

Offline Tallacaps

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2006, 06:48:48 am »

This idea is better than mine!
It keeps all simple.
And the timer thing is awesome!  :)
The timer could be above players.

Only the kind of survival mode scares me a bit.

I vote for this!

« Last Edit: October 15, 2006, 06:53:20 am by Tallacaps »

Offline Mr. Domino

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2006, 07:21:05 am »
When a player's timer hits zero, they explode in bloody goodness, and become a spectator until the last player remains.

This is what will kill this mode. No one enjoys waiting around, and depending on the number of people, that can often be a five to ten minute wait, even with the 90 second per person limit.

Offline Zegovia

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2006, 01:56:29 pm »
How about that the flag will be passed on to the fragged victim, and when a the special timer runs out, the victim will receive a penalty of X number of points... instead of getting kicked out of the game.....

Offline Chameleon

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2006, 11:05:53 pm »
you could have the "become a spectator until last person remains" option, IF survival mode was also enabled

but if survival mode isnt enabled, each time your 90 second timer reaches 0, your have a longer spawn time (X seconds plus regular), and you lose some points, or something like that

Offline Tybs

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2006, 10:33:10 am »
Or the victim player can choose when his timer runs out...

1. Spectate the match.
2. Go to a "practise" arena to have some fun with the others who choose this.

This would require every map to have a practise arena though, so it might not be a good idea in standard maps. Another possibility is this: every player with his timer runned out, respawns with a socom and 50% hp. He can simply annoy the people that are still playing (and of course the other 50% hp guys as well).

Offline F3nyx

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Re: Improved Avoid the Flag
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2006, 02:45:32 am »
I agree with Domino... How about a point-based system rather than an elimination system?

The flag-holder gets 1 point for every X seconds they have the flag.  Lowest score wins.  Flag teleportation, self-healing, etc. would all work as above.

edit: I guess this is basically just the system Tallacaps suggested.  I like his system better and don't see the need to make it last-man-standing.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 02:47:38 am by F3nyx »