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I dont care that the guns are underpowered, I dont care that they are easy to kill, It's the fact that it's annoying to be killed by them, when there is no way to predict their firing patterns, and there is no warning to escape other than their presence.
I wanted to lower the amount by showing off this theory. If my theory were to work, there will be less barreters and m79ers. Therefore my friends and cousins would consider coming back to play soldat again. It can cool off the frustration it hands to me and others that are annoyed by the people who use the guns as well. So why would one not want to avoid annoying people? Just dont use m79 and barret all the time and it will be all clean. Constantly using the barret or m79 should be in par with spawn killing. It is just not fun for the victims of it.
The way they kill me, is just run, jump and get to the other side of the map as fast as possible (assuming that this is CTF, since it is my favored game mode), and just point and click at each person as they pass em. Guns like autos, you actually have to spend a bit of time to kill them, by holding your aim on the person for a while to get some good shots to kill him. With a one hit kill weapon like the M79 or barret, you just point, click, and keep running.
Good analogy. You had me thinkin a bit there. But let's assume that human soldat players are a little more complex and less closed-minded as flies. All I want is for the people that use m79s and barrets all the time to tone down, and use other weapons every once in a while. It's your replies that get readers of this topic to take sides. If you said nothing in the first place, many would agree and and I would have been going about it correctly.
If you got absolutely got nothing out of that... what im trying to say is that from the beginning I had found that the barret was an overpowering weapon and I still think of it that way since I started playing. Ever since that time, the barret is last on my list of weapons to use(i doesn't mean I hate the weapon). It is a cheap gun in my opinion. Com'on people anything that lets you get see farther then anybody else and isn't a power up... is straight up unfair. Especially a one hit weapon with a scope to give you a few seconds heads up of whats going on is unfair to me. Here's my theory for barret users that use this gun all the time... Ok you know it's unfair but guess what... if you like to PWN unfairly you can go do that. BUT, you know it is unfair and there is nothing barret users can say to convince me or anyone else that the barret gun isn't unfair. My theory on the m79 is similar. You know the m79 does give you an advantage, therefore m79 lovers use it. You can go PWN PWN PWN away but guess what... its unfair to an extent. Im not trying to start "m79ism" or anything but there is just some key things the m79 get's away with. The reload for m79 is just enough time to dodge the bullets of all the other weapons so you can kill them after you opponent spends shot after shot trying to wear a m79'er down as a m79'er prances away to dodge the bullets, then m79'er kills the opponent.One shot kill is a one shot kill. If you can aim, you can kill. This is the case with the m79. You all know parts of this is true no matter how much you love/hate the m79 and/or barret. My final words to users of both the barret and the m79'ers is... You can be unfair but the people who do come in your path are suffering because you want to be the best in the server by overpowering. That's not what soldat is about. If you think being the best on the server is all that you want and doing it unfairly... then you need to go get a girlfriend or something to figure out what being fair is about. Just please use another gun once in a while, you may like it. Besides it's no fun to be predictable all the time.
The only problem I have with the barret is that because this game is 2-D it is a hundred times easier to kill someone "no scoping" rarher than sniping in a 3-D game like Halo where the sniper has a million times more places his target could run off to making sniping much harder, but in this gamr there is less than a 360 degree arc for which the target to escape. That is my logic on the barret. The m79 is completley different story.