Peace Orchestra - Who am IThis is a more or less wellknown soundtrack from one of the animatrix shortstories - Kid's Story. Those of you who know it will remember it from the part where he's sitting in front of his computer asking, "Can anyone tell me, why it feels more real when I dream than when I'm awake. How can I know if my sences are lying?" Whenever I just need to sit down and just think about things, this is always a trustworthy choice of music to go along with.
Rob Dougan - Furious AngelsAnother matrix tune. This one is however a little more on fire, and it's known from the second movie, Matrix: Reloaded. 3 agents enter the sewer entrance, and Neo breaks a move towards them: "Hm.. Upgrades!".
Boom Boom Satellites - AnthemI know the name is kinda lame, but they're actually really cool. Always get's me in a good mood. I listen o this one quite alot.
L.O.C - Frk EscobarA danish rapper. He raps about an addiction, Frk. Escobar, but in forms of a woman. You see, Frk can be translated into miss, and the rap is just engenious. He sings, "Vi to ku' danse på toppen af verden, 'til du ga' mig vægten or lod mig bær' den" - "You and I danced on the roof of the world, til you left it's weight for me to carry". Obviously it rimes in danish.
Incubus - StellarReminds me so much about the good times that used to be. I can never have them back, and allthogh they have now been replaced with other fun, trust and feelings of safety, I cannot but miss them. A really good song.
Interpol - MetropolisI'm not entirely sure if thay actually made this one, but who cares, it's an awesome tune. It's kindo 9.32 minutes of the same thing all the way, but I don't mind. I used to ride the train for an hour every morning whenever I had to go to school, and I would listen to this one on repeat. Somehow things just made sence then..
K's Choice - Not an addictThe song is really about someone denying her addiction. I had a minor addiction a few years ago, and I didn't really see it until I got out. It was strange, really, on day I just didn't feel like it, and I didn't drink or smoke anything for about 4 months. The song keeps me on my toes, and let's me know how ignorent we're all capable of being. You gotta keep your head clear, man.
Mew - SnowbrigadeAnother memorial song. Brings me feelings up like an avalance. It's a really good song, but it just meens so much more to me. I could listen to it for hours.
Modest Mouse - Float onReminds me that however the darkness, not everything is lost.
MUSE - Thoughts of a dying AtheistPretty much the above. Allthough where the other tells me to stay on my feet, this one scares me to do it. Fear, sometimes, is just as good a mean as conviction, as any dictator would have you know.
Nine Inch Nails - We're in this togetherActually it's not a very good song from a lyrics point of view, but it all seems to add up in the end. Something about it just makes it worth listening to.
Nirvana - Something in the wayThe most excellent song they ever made, I can totally relate to it. It just have an aura of lonelyness, and it makes me rather sad to listen to. Why listen to it? Because not all things in life that's for the better is made from joy. We learn better from harm than from good, if you ask me. Life can be a bitch, and you gotta be prepared to accept it when it hit's you.
Nirvana - DumbMost people would probably thing this is a song about being dumb, but I think it's really about something else: Innoscence. It's a beautiful thing, really, being innoscent or perhaps unaware. A great song.
The Pixies - Where is my mind?Originally made for a skatemovie, this song presents itself at the end credits of a famous movie, Fight Club. The song, as I think of it, is about being confused, and not knowing where to go next. There's nothing wrong with that. "With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this trick and spin it"
Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the name ofReminds me that I can only really trust myself, and should that fail, all falls. One of the best songs ever made, I think.
Rage Against The Machine - Wake upThis song is about how the government elliminated every rebel on it's path, but even so we cannot give up. We gotta fight the system, or we're nothing but mere puppets. Actually one guy put it best, Nicolas Cage in National treasure, "Thos who have the ability to react, have the RESPONSABILITY to react".
The White Stripes - The denial twistRather simply, it tells me to use my head before going into action. Think for a minute, and you can revolutionize for a thousand years. It's kinda strange, 'cause the song has nothing to do with that, really.
Okay, Done. Woah, that's sure got longer that I meant for it to. Anyway, here's my list and why
Thank you.