I was kicking back and relaxing after my first successful graphics and text mod (just a simple thing--chainsaw is now katana (ninja sword), combat knife is now kunai (ninja throwy/stabby tool) so i loaded up a CTF game against some bots with only kunais and katanas. I chose kunai, threw it at someone, stole their kunai and took mine back, and then two guys from red ran at me, one with a katana and a flag, one with a kunai. I threw one kunai at katanaman, stole his katana, ran through the kunaiguy and returned the flag. Then, later on three of my bots (with the flag) were glitching on a cliff (in maya, I think) so I hid behind a bush ahead of them and when a katanaman ran buy, I hit him with the kunai and stole the katana.