Author Topic: JOIN HERE ---> [h20] .: Here to own :. <--- JOIN HERE  (Read 1886 times)

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JOIN HERE ---> [h20] .: Here to own :. <--- JOIN HERE
« on: June 16, 2006, 10:58:07 am »
Hello, i'm the leader of the [h20]-clan, here to own.

Tag: [h20]
Name: Here to own
Leader: Cube
Members: about 7, but clan started 2 weeks ago and already 10 others want to join


Contact possibility: MSN, ICQ, AIM, TS, IRC, Yahoo!, Rendevous, Jabber, Google Talk (<--- isn't it WOW??? :D) (for polish ppl: atm not gg, but i think ill have it in some weeks.)

Your first contact with the clan should be via our forum on our site.

Languages: English (i also speak german and polish)

If you want to know anything else, come to our forum or post here.

if u wonna join we need to tryout u before.

we got about 7 ranks, like Private, Veteran aso.

we haven't got very strict rules, only the basic ones a clan needs to be good, so dont think about this.

ah, last but now least, we recruit EVERYBODY, that means noobs AND pros. we simply give them different ranks and usually train in different places, but sometimes we all play together.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2006, 11:50:57 am by Cube »
Hmm, any idea what to write here?