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Hard and Easy
« on: November 04, 2006, 05:24:10 pm »
The saw is the hardest weapon to use becuase it is short range, obvious, and has ammo. Discuss the hardest and easiest weapons and why.

Offline cooz

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 05:35:02 pm »
it depends... i know some people who like playing with saw and are pretty good with it
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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 05:47:03 pm »
Yes, but it took them awhile to get good with the saw, and no one can just go out and kick butt with it, for the most part.

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 06:06:03 pm »
I love the saw, but yes it is very hard to get a decent killcount with it. But on a crowded/small-medium sized map with the help of nades saw rocks.

I'd say the Minigun, I can't friggin get it work. :/


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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 06:07:16 pm »
saw is like a joke weapon, really...

deagles are the hardest to learn because theyre slow and have a low fire rate

Offline Commander Kitsune

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 06:13:39 pm »
Coming from me, saw isn't the hardest weapon to use. Heck, of all my kills I have the most saw on U13 INF. I think the hardest to use is Deagles. Just because they have such a peculiar angle of fire.


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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2006, 06:48:22 pm »
Hardest: Minigun. I've played ALOT with it and still can barely manage to get a 2:1 kd on U13.

Easiest: M79. Click and they die.

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2006, 06:54:17 pm »
Most of you will be like WTF to me but I'd say the AK I can't kill a single thing with it.

I do think the Deagles are easy/hard. First of all, once you get the arc down its easy, but being able to be good with deagles and another weapon is HARD. For this reason I am only a pure deagler. :(

Offline F3nyx

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2006, 07:06:40 pm »
IMO, the MP5 is the easiest weapon.  It sprays all over the place no matter where you're aiming, so there's little benefit to learning the weapon's arc and aiming precisely.  The fast reload means you can keep up an almost constant stream of fire.  It does plenty of damage and is probably the best anti-sniper (binking) weapon in the game.  I think the MP5 is very well-balanced in 1.3.1, but unlike most other weapons, there's almost zero gain from practicing with it.

The Minigun is something of a paradox, as it's very easy to use noobishly but extremely difficult to use effectively.

I don't think the saw is the most difficult weapon.  It's easy to get a few kills with it by just running around in a crowded CTF server.  Also, while it does take some skill for a chainsaw user to kill a gun/knife user, a chainsaw vs. chainsaw duel involves almost no skill at all -- the outcome is seemingly random.  Both players charge each other, one dies.  Try chainsawing Boogie Man and you'll see what I mean.

For me, the hardest weapon is the Ruger... as a Deagle user, I have a hard time coping with its high MovementAcc, tiny clip, flat trajectory, and exceedingly slow rate of fire.

The SPAS is a very difficult weapon to use in a dueling situation.  It's probably the only weapon with a weirder arc than the Deagles.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2006, 07:13:05 pm by F3nyx »

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2006, 07:34:11 pm »
saw is like a joke weapon, really...

Hardly. Ever play against anybody good with it?

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2006, 07:40:48 pm »
Easiest: M79. Click and they die.
If you just click randomly and someone dies you are using an aimbot. :D

Hardest: Minigun

Easiest: Nades... friggin love those things.

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2006, 08:57:06 pm »
I don't think the saw is the most difficult weapon.  It's easy to get a few kills with it by just running around in a crowded CTF server.  Also, while it does take some skill for a chainsaw user to kill a gun/knife user, a chainsaw vs. chainsaw duel involves almost no skill at all -- the outcome is seemingly random.  Both players charge each other, one dies.  Try chainsawing Boogie Man and you'll see what I mean.

Actually there's a few things you can do to win in a saw vs saw match. The main two factors are where you point your saw, and where you are in relation to your opponent. If you run at each other, the best thing to do is point your saw a little lower than straight, around his upper legs/crotch area. I get a lot of kills that way vs other saw users (and often get accused of hacking). It's quite a bit more than just luck.

OT: I'd have to say the minigun is the hardest to use. The strange thing is, when other people use it against me, I seem to die really fast, but when I use it, I often don't get a kill until using almost the whole clip, even though a lot of the bullets seem to hit.

Easiest would be... probably nades, but for primaries, I'd have to go with aug for mid-long range, and spas for close range (for me, at least).

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2006, 10:28:06 pm »
The saw is a hell of a lot more complex then most people think.  But then again, most people don't go into servers using only the saw (no nades).  And most people don't practice with the saw either.  Head into a game of Mr. Domino's elite-slicer ctf, and you'll most likely get slaughtered by experianced sawers every time.  (I'm still mad you added the knife!)  I've gotten 30 odd straight kills in one match (not spawning by the way).  So to all of you who say that sawing is all based on luck, well, your wrong. ^_^

(by the way, I'm writing a saw guide that I've been putting off for a while.  I'm about half way done right now.)

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2006, 10:44:37 pm »
Easiest: M79 / AK74.  M79 can be shot close range and BOOM they're dead.  The AK?  It has 110+ dmg/bullet FFS, with an AUTO.

Hardest: Deagles or Saw.  The deagles have been explained already, although if you can master the deagles, you can kill with style.  The saw needs a bit of experience, but is the most deadly weapon if used correctly.  I have used it as my exclusive sec weap for the past 2 years, I know.
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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2006, 10:49:53 pm »
Hardest are deagles and, IMO, Barret but that's because I never use it, so I suck at it (I know, I'm a n00b) Easiest would be any of the autos 'cept minigun.

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2006, 11:16:42 pm »
Hardest are deagles and, IMO, Barret but that's because I never use it, so I suck at it (I know, I'm a n00b) Easiest would be any of the autos 'cept minigun.
Minimi has the most movement acc, self-bink, and reload of all the autos... :( (Besides minigun, it isn't really an auto, imo.)

I'd have to say Deagles. Their bullet arc is really hard to get used to...

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Offline clOWN86

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2006, 12:07:28 am »
The deagle came to me fast but the aug is still a thing to get good at. I used to think the aug was kinda mediocker untill my friend killed me on like .9 secounds with it. the mini is a luck gun. you eather kill someone brutally or get owned. I'd like to add that the deagles will kill in a one shot HS in relistic mode. I am against getting good at the shotgun or ak because my 2 lanning friends have an addiction to those guns. so I like to own them with a difforent wep.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2006, 12:16:34 am by clOWN86 »
why do people say that readying is good for you? and computers will turn your eyes into cubes.

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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2006, 09:29:32 am »
Hardest: The saw.... I cannot master this device.

Easiest: M79.... I'm just good with it.

The minigun isn't hard to use, all you have to do is fire in the air alot and the bullets will come down on an enemies head, and killed him.


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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2006, 10:08:08 am »
Now dont be putting other peoples opinions down. No opinion is wrong.

I think most of you guys know what I think are the easiest weapons to use.

Believe it or not, I think the mp5 and the minigun are the hardest to use. Mp5 is a total killer up close, but only about 1/4 of the time am I actually close enough to someone to kill. the mp5 sprays bullets all over the place with its high ROF and high innacuracy and high bink. It's still a good weapon, but i can only get it to work in specific situations in which there are no people over long distances.

Obviously the minigun is one of the hardest to use because overall it kills people too slow. You have to wait for the gun to warm up, then you actually have to hit your victim over 10-15 times to kill him, while dealing with the miniguns bink and innaccuracy. It's only semi-devastating when you have the minigun planted to someones back. But that doesnt stop me from using it every once in a while. But I never use it to actually "win" with.
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Re: Hard and Easy
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2006, 10:40:33 am »
The easiest gun for me is the law, I got it down in like 2 minutes and was killing with it ever since. I really don't use it anymore because you have to stop, kneel, and hold and fire, I usually try to go as fast as possible so I never have time. The minigun hardly counts, it does nothing for almost everyone.