Author Topic: Making a bot the original way  (Read 29568 times)

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Offline Chakra

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Making a bot the original way
« on: April 16, 2006, 04:08:52 pm »
This is the simple manual how to create a bot.

First of all create a new text document, then write this.

Chat_Kill=Ha ha
Chat_Dead=Kiss my ass
Chat_Winning=Thats the way you do it

Here's a description of what each line actually means.

Name (Add the name of the bot.)
Color1 Color2 (The colors of the bots.)
Skin color (The skin color.)
Hair color (The hair color.)
Favourite weapon (The bot favourite weapon. Here is a list of weapons.)
Main guns.
|Add this names
Deagles - Desert Eagles
Ak-74 - Ak-74
Steyr - Steyr AUG
Spas - Spas-12
Ruger - Ruger 77
M79 - M79
Barret - Barret M82A1
Minimi - FN Minimi
Minigun - XM214 Minigun

Hands - Hands
USSoccom - Socom
Combat Knife - Combat Knife
Chainsaw - Chainsaw
M72Law - M72Law (Not sure)

Secondary Weapon (Add if you want the bot to use secondary weapons.)
Secondary_Weapon=1 (Uses secondary weapons.)
Secondary_Weapon=0 (Doesn't use secondary weapons.

Friend (Add a name here that the bot will not shoot him.)
OnStartUse (Not sure what is this)
Accuracy (Add 10 to 200 on this one. 10 will make the bot stupid 200 will make him masta.)
Shoot_Dead (Add 1 or 0. 1 the bot will shoot dead body's. 0 will not shoot.)
Grenade_Frequency (Tells the bot to use the grenade how frequently. Add here 10 to 200. 10 will trhow little ammount of grenades. 200 will throw nades like crazy.)
Camping (Add 1 or 0 here. 1 will make the bot camp on the camp places. 0 will make the bot not camp on any places.)
Hair (Use from 1 to 3 number on this one.)
Headgear (Use 1 or 2 on this one)
Chain (Use 1 or 2 on this one. 0 takes of the chain)
Chat_Frequency (Add from 1 to 200. 1 will chat really occasionaly. 200 will spam like crazy.)
Chat_Kill (Add taunt when the bot will kill someone. ex: Hahaha got you, Go to a newbie server.)
Chat_Dead (Add taunt when the bot will be killed. Ex: LAAAAAAAAAAAG! , What the f###, Killed by n00b :()
Chat_Lowhealth (Add taunt when the bot is on low health. Ex: Where is the freakin medic?, MEDIC, I am bleeding like hell.)
Chat_SeeEnemy (Add taunt when the bot will see someone. ex Run because the masta is coming., Enemy spooted, Die b###h.)
Chat_Winning (Add taunt when the bot is winning. Ex: You all suck, Beaten by the masta, I am winning.)
NOTE: Only one message allowed.

The colors of the bot.

The bot use only coded colors. like the up one.
I will soon update some colors.
NOTE: Don't put color names like red, green, white, blue because the bots will not work.

Saving the bot.

Save the bots like this.

"Botname" is the name of the bot, and '.bot' is the file type.

Topic was originally posted by lava in early 2003. Could do with some updating!
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Offline chrono

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 07:23:33 am »
Why do that if u can make a bot with all those programs :D
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Offline Black Sniper Jack

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 07:44:41 am »
Oh my godness! Some things in this manual are really wrong!
And the most programs also make a lot of faults!

Really! It's true! Because of this and because of all the greenhorns in the German "SELFKILL.COM"-Forum I soon will finish my own Modding-Manual with all ways to modificate "Soldat" (and when I say "all" then I mean[/u] "all"!  ;D)

Black Sniper Jack

P.S.: Execute me, I couldn't find my Picture (I will find it soon!)  8)
2 Barrets are not enough !!!

Offline edak

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2006, 05:41:22 pm »
Would you care to point out what's wrong with it?

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Offline Unlucky XIII

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2006, 05:34:19 am »
Well, from what I remeber with making a bot, most of that is right, but I am fairly sure that the accuracy and chat frequency numbers are backwards. For example, for good accuracy, a lower number is better, and for less chatting, a higher number is more effective.

Also, colours can be typed in using "clColourName", where ColourName is the colour you would like. Be warned that it is all spelt in American English (Gray rather than Grey), there are a limited amount of colours (I am not sure, but pink may not exist, but fucshia (that is spelt wrong there) does), and the first letter of the colour after the "cl" must, that is must be capatalised (I am fairly sure... heh), for example, clBlack rather than clblack.

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Offline Doc

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2006, 03:37:49 pm »
hey i am like still have a long road ahead in my website. when i was reading through this like bot thred i though it be easy for me to make a guide ona bot first befor on all the weapons and tactics.

please chek it out on my site and see the bot guide

i am olso looking for some people that can may be write some guides. i sertanly dont think i can creat all the guides my self
« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 03:46:10 pm by Doc »

Offline Jesus-you-Athiest

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2006, 12:32:36 pm »
yes the accuracy #'s are reversed in the OP. 
signature deniiiied!
20kB limit????  This is the 21st century! 
A 500 kb image is downloaded once and then cached.  When viewed 25 times, the average size = 20kB.  Sigh.

Offline ohm taweesap

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2006, 05:48:41 pm »
Great guide dude

Offline Azzarr

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2006, 03:49:02 am »
I can point out another mistake: for the secondary weapon part, secondary weapon=1 or =0 doesn't mean whether the bot uses secondary weapons or not- it means which secondary weapon he uses. Each secondary has a number assigned to it. (I know fairly well, I made tons of bots the traditional way on notepad until I discovered there was actually an easier way with a botmaker) I forget exactly what numbers go with which weapon, but I'm fairly sure 2 is chainsaw and 1 is knife...


Offline Clawbug

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2006, 05:54:34 pm »
So 3 is socom and 4 is LAW.

Also, I noted that isnt the accuracy like 1 is most accurate, and the bigger the number is, the more inaccurate the bot will be?
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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2007, 10:22:17 am »
OnStartUse (Not sure what is this)

Its a command to tell the bot what to do when he respawns. 

Type 1 and he'll take a smoke, 2 for take some tobacco, and 3 he'll do nothing.

The post needs to be updated then.

Offline Kavukamari

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2007, 10:08:48 pm »
OnStartUse (Not sure what is this)

Its a command to tell the bot what to do when he respawns. 

Type 1 and he'll take a smoke, 2 for take some tobacco, and 3 he'll do nothing.

The post needs to be updated then.

prolly alt commands
maybe the ones saved in Taunts.txt
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Offline Skrofler

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2008, 07:32:43 am »
Considering the huge amount of errors in the opening post, and the fact that they haven't been corrected in two years, this topic should definately not be stickied.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2008, 08:37:52 am »
Well, ya this thing is pretty outdated with many mistakes (back in 2003, posted by lava). I'll just point out some that can be corrected for now, in red:

Here's a description of what each line actually means.

Name (Add the name of the bot.)
Color1 (Shirt colour)
Color2 (Pants colour)
Skin color (The skin color.)
Hair color (The hair color.)

Favourite weapon (The bot favourite weapon. If the weapon is a primary weapon, he would tend to use this gun more often. If the weapon is a secondary weapon, he will ALWAYS use that secondary weapon, unless it is a Socom, in which the Bot would randomly choose a primary weapon. If it is a special weapon like Flamer, he may use it once in a while, or he would use a default primary weapon. Here is a list of weapons.)

Main guns.
|Add this names
Deagles - Desert Eagles
Ak-74 - Ak-74
Steyr - Steyr AUG
Spas - Spas-12
Ruger - Ruger 77
M79 - M79
Barret - Barret M82A1
Minimi - FN Minimi
Minigun - XM214 Minigun

Hands - Hands
USSoccom - Socom
Combat Knife - Combat Knife
Chainsaw - Chainsaw
M72Law - LAW

You can also make him use Rambo Bow or Flamer or Flamed Arrows, go and find out what names they are called.

Secondary Weapon
Secondary_Weapon=0 (Has a Socom)
Secondary_Weapon=1 (Has a Knife)
Secondary_Weapon=2 (Has a Saw)
Secondary_Weapon=3 (Has a LAW)

Friend (Add a name here that the bot will not shoot him.)

OnStartUse (When the bot first spawns, he will do this action. I'm not sure of the numbers, go modify a bot with a bot maker, then come back and take a look yourself)

Accuracy (0 is the best accuracy, I think 100 is the worst)
Shoot_Dead (Add 1 or 0. 1 the bot will shoot dead body's. 0 will not shoot.)
Grenade_Frequency (1000 = doesn't throw. 0 = always throws)
Camping (255 = camper. 125 = Half Camping. 0 = not camping)
Hair (Use from 1 to 3 number on this one.)
Headgear (Use 1 or 2 on this one)
Chain (Use 1 or 2 on this one. 0 takes of the chain)
Chat_Frequency (100 = doesn't talk. 0 = talks like crazy)
Chat_Kill (Add taunt when the bot will kill someone. ex: Hahaha got you, Go to a newbie server.)
Chat_Dead (Add taunt when the bot will be killed. Ex: LAAAAAAAAAAAG! , What the f###, Killed by n00b :()
Chat_Lowhealth (Add taunt when the bot is on low health. Ex: Where is the freakin medic?, MEDIC, I am bleeding like hell.)
Chat_SeeEnemy (Add taunt when the bot will see someone. ex Run because the masta is coming., Enemy spooted, Die b###h.)
Chat_Winning (Add taunt when the bot is winning. Ex: You all suck, Beaten by the masta, I am winning.)
NOTE: Only one message allowed.

The colors of the bot.

The bot use only coded colors. like the up one.
I will soon update some colors.
NOTE: Don't put color names like red, green, white, blue because the bots will not work.

Saving the bot.

Save the bots like this.

"Botname" is the name of the bot, and '.bot' is the file type.

Topic was originally posted by lava in early 2003. Could do with some updating!

« Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 08:44:52 am by STM1993 »

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Re: Making a bot the original way
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2008, 09:25:33 am »
Nice improvement!