
Is this idea good?

After shot speed and other changes, this idea could improve soldat.
This idea is not what soldat needs because it m79 should be short range.
I think this idea isn't good for a different reason.
I think the m79 should be left alone, period.
I'm not really sure..
I'm just marking something so I can see the poll results.

Author Topic: m79 idea  (Read 15397 times)

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Offline Noz

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2006, 01:35:34 pm »
Well, clanners don't come here because 90% of the beta testers are well known player in the clan community and the betas are usually tested somewhat through the clan community, so we can take our criticism and ideas straight to the beta testers, instead of over a forum. This is also why I know this idea won't get through. I didn't mean to sound like a dick when I wrote that, I was merely stating  the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Also Noz, as I stated in the rant, One or two quick socom shots would still finish off anyone who was hit at close range. Or a knife throw, or a nade, or a chainsaw, or a law shot, or anything really...

Since explosions push people across the screen completely, you'd never be able to finish a person with any secondary who you just shot with a M79 close up and didn't kill. The only chance you would have is if you have an AK or Minimi on secondary, but rare instances such as that can't justify something like that.

Offline Ziem

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2006, 01:53:48 pm »
Damn..just increase self(splash?)damage and it will be ok...
m79 is overused by noobs but it's funny sometimes :P
Advice for M79 haters : Play on 4v4 <or 3v3?> servers <gather :D > ; here M is almost useless vs good player

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2006, 06:03:43 pm »
you can do:
m79 doesn't detonate before its gotten enough airtime for one hit kill.  The unexploded grenade just smacks them in the gut, causing 80 or 90% damage.  That doesn't blow any one across the map. 
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Offline F3nyx

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2006, 06:10:57 pm »
you can do:
m79 doesn't detonate before its gotten enough airtime for one hit kill.  The unexploded grenade just smacks them in the gut, causing 80 or 90% damage.  That doesn't blow any one across the map. 
Yeah, this was what I was talking about, but I didn't explain it very well.

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2006, 09:20:35 am »
Yeah, I thought you were saying that, but I wasn't sure. 
So far (as of this post)  75% voted in favor of my idea, 25% voted against it, 5% of the opposers thought m79 should be left alone completely. 
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Offline ZWZ

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2006, 08:54:28 pm »
People who don't know how to play this game shouldent be posting in this section. If you are losing to a m79er, you are a poor player at this game. It's not the gun's fault, it's your fault. That's all there is to it.

Offline 1010011010

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2006, 09:13:01 pm »
People who don't know how to play this game shouldent be posting in this section. If you are losing to a m79er, you are a poor player at this game. It's not the gun's fault, it's your fault. That's all there is to it.
+100 million points

PS: It's cool how people keep doing what 'CLANNERS' want to do instead of what the general population want.

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2006, 12:26:42 pm »
People who don't know how to play this game shouldent be posting in this section. If you are losing to a m79er, you are a poor player at this game. It's not the gun's fault, it's your fault. That's all there is to it.

Your logic seems to be:
step 1: I think the m79 should be changed
step 2: Thats means i get killed by m79's all the time, don't know how to fight them, and want to blame the game for my terrible failure.
step 3:You should tell me how dumb i am.

If you read my posts, you might notice i never say the m79's overpowered.  It not overpowered, its somewhere between balanced and underpowered, its a weak midrange gun and a powerful close range gun, that kills faster than the spas 12. the spas 12 should be the strongest super-close range weapon.  I actually don't get killed by m79's that much, i actually do know how to fight them, and i actually kill them more than they kill me.  The m79 should be a strong midrange gun, and a weaker close range gun then the spas 12.  if i misled anyone into thinking i wanted to power it down when i said it should get "a little shot speed in return", what i meant by that was enough to let it do great at midrange, but not so much that its an explosive ruger.  Just because there are other noobs on this forum who want this gun changed for the wrong reasons doesn't mean you should assume everyone who wants it changed has the same reasons. 
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2006, 04:19:48 pm »
I like this idea a lot. Maybe it should be applied to the barret too? This definitely beats my own idea (see game suggestions for my idea).

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #49 on: December 09, 2006, 05:53:54 pm »
sh... ive thought about about barret application too, but i figured it would find less popularity.  this, despite the illusion created by angry posters, is an idea supported more than hated by the poll.  i'll look at ur idea in a second jonwood.

Date Posted: December 09, 2006, 05:47:12 PM
oh, yeah, that idea... that's not a good one..
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Offline ZWZ

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2006, 08:56:00 pm »

1. M79 has a very low relative rate of fire
2. M79 has a very slow bullet speed
3. You consider close range shots "unskilled"
4. You only want to be killed by "super skilled" shots from across the map, that way you can sleep well at night that Major (1) didnt get that lucky kill on you.
5. The M79 is already a weaker close range gun than the spas when you consider it's Rate of fire, reload time, and self damage.

There is no reason to make one of the slowest guns in the game almost useless by not making it one hit kill within a certain range. It would destroy the gun. Are you supposed to count on the opponent on being afk after you hit in the first time and he's not dead? Don't pretend this isnt a personal vendetta on your part.

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2006, 09:42:34 pm »
m79 is not a weaker short range gun.  its reload and rate of fire only come into play if the gun is killing more than one person, because at very short range you don't miss.  The spas 12 shouldnt win close range only whenever its dealing with an empty m79, it should be all the time. 

As for this whole personal vendetta accusation...  it doesn't really matter if i've played this game for three years or if i downloaded it today, the idea is the same no matter who pitched it.  Its a logical fallacy, a word that means "meaningless argument", to attack a person bearing an idea to prove the idea wrong.

And by the way, i just came out of a teammatch server with 9 m79ers in it, and i had a 28/20 kill ratio.
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Offline ZWZ

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2006, 09:57:51 pm »
So, the m79 is not a very good weapon, you can beat them easily, yet you want to make it weaker? Usually you nerf weapons that are too powerfull, not too average.

m79 is not a weaker short range gun. its reload and rate of fire only come into play if the gun is killing more than one person, because at very short range you don't miss. The spas 12 shouldnt win close range only whenever its dealing with an empty m79, it should be all the time.
You mean the M79er never misses YOU. The better player wins, not the one with the m79. You are too close if it's a never miss shot for the M79er, which means the problem is tactics, not guns.

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2006, 11:01:52 am »
you seem to be trying to dance around the isssue.  when i compare the spas 12 to the m79 at close range, you start saying that you should never get close to m79's at close range.  quit trying to change the subject.  At very close range, the m79 kills better than the spas 12.  you should stay away from m79's at close range as is, and you should also stay away from spas 12, and its a pretty good idea to stay away from saws too.  But, believe it or not, no one can stay away from close range weapons 100% of the time, in every kind of game.  if it were possible to do so, the saw, knife, and spas have already been nerfed. 

And im not trying to nerf the m79, i just want to move it to mid-range.  it would still remain as powerful as it is, it would just have more of its strength at midrange. 
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2006, 11:21:10 am »
The thing is, if you are playing against 1 M79er, it's usually not a big deal. I can beat 1 M79er without too much difficulty (depending on the player's skills). The problem is when EVRYONE chooses the M79. You're trying to weaken a guy and then other guys come behind you and steal your kill and kill you too without much effort at all. It's extremely frustrating.

Also, I'm not saying it should be applied where only a shot all the way across a map is a 1 hit KO. I think it should be something like: under half a screen- 2/3 of your health, over half of a screen- 1 hit KO. You know, make it where you cant 1 hit KO unless you are hit over, say 10-15 meters (5 might even be good) away, meaning it would require some skill, but you dont need to make impossible shots.

As for the barret, it might nerf it a little bit, but extremely short range kills are a pain with that too. Maybe have 3/4 of your health taken away less than 10-15 meters away, and 1 hit KO over that amount. I dont want to nerf it too much, just enough where someone with full health can survive both the M79 and barret at close range.

Btw, dont bother with my idea, it stinks, it's basically limiting how many times a weapon can be used in so many lives. Compared to this idea, it's really stupid.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 11:23:02 am by JonWood007 »

Offline ZWZ

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2006, 12:24:34 pm »
And im not trying to nerf the m79, i just want to move it to mid-range. it would still remain as powerful as it is, it would just have more of its strength at midrange.

There is no "shifting" of range in your balance method. The M79 currently does 100% damage at low, mid, and high range. you want to remove the 100% damage from low to medium range. This is a nerf, you are nerfing it, because you think it's too powerfull as it is.

By your logic, a Barret shouldent do 100% damage at point blank either, because it's a "long range gun". Sorry , doesnt work that way. All guns have different uses. The spas can play mid range very well, it has lots of ways againsed a m79 user. M79 does 100% damage for a direct hit, and quite a bit less with splash. Your idea would kill the gun.

As for JonWood's problem, consider this. If you were trying to get away from 4 m79 users, there is a pretty high chance that you can get away to a point where they are outside of their range, and have them miss you. If it was 4 aug or ak users, all of them have to hit you with at least 15% of one clip for you to be dead. What do you have a better chance againsed?

Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2006, 12:51:31 pm »
I would say I would have a better chance against the guys with augs, at least in free for all. A few bullets and I can at least take 1 of them out because stray bullets will hit them too ans weaken them. With the M79ers, since its a 1 hit KO, they'll more than likely be at full health, making me spend several precious seconds chipping away at their health while all they need is one hit. Same thing happens if they miss, they'll hit the other person and boom, theyre dead. No way for me to steal kills. Id personally like to face the guys with AKs or AUGs. In team mode, well, I'm screwed no matter what.

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2006, 02:02:53 pm »
It is a shifting.  It doesn't nerf the m79, it is given shot speed and some amount of better movement acc and reload time in compensation for losing short range one shot kills.

And im not saying the problem is that a person using the spas cant beat an m79, they can.  I just thing the shotgun should have the short range role.

Logically the barret shouldnt have short range one hit kills either.  However, in soldat games, for some reason or another the barret remains a mid to long range weapon, that is what makes them different from the m79, which is used for point blank a lot.

JonWood sort of sounds like he wants to nerf the m79, but that isnt what i want to do.
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2006, 05:17:54 pm »
I wanna nerf it short range to prevent 1 hit kills. Medium to long range, leave it as it is. Not nerf it so it's useless, but make it only take away say, 3/4 health instead of just flat out killing someone who has full health.

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Re: m79 idea
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2006, 05:25:38 pm »
Not nerf it so it's useless, but make it only take away say, 3/4 health instead of just flat out killing someone who has full health.

Making it so that the M79, the slowest, shortest range primary in the game, cannot kill on one hit is nerfing it.