This content was originally posted by Meandor
First of all, this forum is for NEW
FINISHED mods only. Help requests go to
Modding Help, works in progress go to
Partial Modifications, and the rest (ideas, input, etc.) to
General Discussions.
It is recommended to list what the mod changes. As stated above, please keep only
finished full mods here, not WIPs or Alpha/Betas.---
Golden rule (you should know, valid for all the forums): don't spam, flame or revive old threads for no reason.
If someone breaks a rule, it's not needed that more than 1 person reminds him how to behave correctly. It counts as spam.
Of course, stolen/ripped/edited mods aren't allowed.
You can rip and edit, as long as you don't claim as your work some images you found on google and/or resized, and give credit to their original author/source.
If you want to edit a mod of another member of the community ask for his permission first; credits to the original authors must be present
upon release.
Screenshots are required, especially shots of actual gameplay.Do not revive dead/old topics unless they are your own. Even so, you will still need a proper reason to do this, such as updating a mod. If you have comments/questions about old topics, PM or e-mail the creator.